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Our Office
(Face to Face Interreligious Service)

Here we are at the gate to our
office at Splitska 39.  Face to Face
Interreligious Service is on the 2nd
floor. A Catholic publishing company
is on the first floor.



This is fra Ivo Markovic, the director of Face to Face Interreligious Service, with Bobita, the Bosnian sheepdog that "guards" our office at night and greets us in the garden everyday.
This is our conference room.  We hold meetings and meet guests here -and drink a lot of coffee!  Fra Ivo (on the left) is discussing the situation of the religious communities in Bosnia with an Anglican priest from England, Donald Reeves.  A lot of our work consists of this kind of interaction -either with local people or visitors from abroad.  
This is our "work room" where we spend most of our time.  It's been an interesting adjustment learning to work together closely -in fact, only four feet apart!  John and I as program managers of Face to Face do all kinds of work -everything from coordinating all the activities of our interreligious choir, Pontanima, to hosting visitors to the service, to fundraising for our various projects, to making coffee for guests, to cleaning the toilets!  Every day is different!


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