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Pictures Baby!!!

Thanks to Steve's scanner, I now have mucho pictures now. I hope you guys all enjoy em even though you might not like the picture you got (stanky!) but remember no shame aite!

This is the Lee family at my aunt's weddin in the summer of 97'.

This picture is from a In the Light Picnic where Diane, aka Stanky started foaming at the mouth after playing an invigorating game of chubby bunny. Jon Kwok and Shirley PIG are in the background in disbelief.

Here's a pic of me and my buddy Bean (I'm giving him a piggy back) Yvette, Cori (same ol story Cori) and Michelle (the Gong Ju)

James and Tiff Fu, nuff said, maction...

Pics from my Senior Prom

Football, it's all about the number 42!

Pics from Graduation

Deborah's Pics
