Eight 25c stamps, eight hand grenades. Six 25c stamps, one winter combat helmet. Thirty 10c stamps, a pair of jungle fighting boots. An anti-tank mine for fifteen 50c stamps. A commando trench knife for forty 10c stamps. Every empty space you fill in with your stamp album adds to the rain of steel going in and against the enemy. Every time you fill your album and turn it in for a bond, well, you turn it into a bomb. You turn the rain of steel into a hurricane. Your way to do more to help beat the Axis, is by buying enough stamps to fill the empty spaces in your stamp book, then turn it in for a War Bond.
With your help, we can make 1943 the turning point in the war, and a step closer to Victory in Europe.
Buy Victory Bonds or Stamps!
Animated graphics (c) 2001 by The Animation Factory.
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