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undefined Middle Weyr

Middle Weyr

Honor those the dragon heed_____.
In thought and favor, word and deed
Worlds are lost or worlds are saved.
From those dangers dragon-braved.

You dismount the green dragon, Poreth, and thank her rider, Avila, for transporting you here. You look about the Weyr literally set in stone, and smile. So familiar! All Weyrs seem to be looking the same these days. You step forward and attract the attention of a young boy, maybe nine Turns old. He limps over to you, and you notice he has a scar across one eye, and a long scar running across his opposite cheek. He looks happy, however, so you shrug it off as something that happened long ago.

"Hello!" he says, standing awkwardly on one leg. "Welcome to Middle Weyr." He smiles at you, but you notice his eyes are unfocused. "My name's Miki--" oh, that explains it; this is that boy that saved a whiterider named Kylia. "--ex-Weyrleader." You nod and introduce yourself, saying you heard about him. He blushes. "I see. Well, there're no eggs on the Sands right now. Besides that, there's a cattery to your right, the Sands are straight ahead, fire-lizards beaches are past the cattery, and if you explore some more, you can find a lot of other places to visit." He tilts his head slightly, and a lost expression comes over his face. You quickly thank him and say you'll be looking around.

Now where do you go?

Clutch!; updates

I'd like to thank all the riders who gave me their changed e-mail addresses and URLs - it's great to finally have a clutch where ALMOST everyone kept their dragons! Let's go for a perfect score with # 5, eh? ::laughs::

Whoo! I changed the dragon images again. But this is the last time until summer vacation at the least, I swear! I think I'm actually satisfied with the weyrlings, even though the adults still aren't looking as graceful as Mrs. McCaffrey keeps describing them... oh well, I'll get it someday! Again, if you want your dragon image changed to the new ones, you only need to ask.

I'm changing all the e-mail links to Miki's e-mail for two reasons: 1) My e-mail's getting more and more full, and I have another adoption agency that's also directed to the same address, so I want to keep the e-mail flow lower. The less e-mail I get, the more I can save! and 2) Miki's really the one who should be handling all of this, since he WAS the Weyrleader, and Lemon doesn't have her own e-mail--
Lemon: YET... ::sly grin::
Uh-oh! ::runs before Lemon can bug her::

Added the link to clutch 4 and their dragons have grown. I'll be redoing the felines and the firelizards (so they'll be back soon! hurray!), and I've already given the dead dragons page a makeover. About time to organize that! If anyone can tell me where I got the lyrics listed in Miki's weyr, they get a golden flit with any additions you want (an anklet or some sort of trinket, maybe even a patch of paler gold/white on the muzzle or something.) Once that one gets solved, I'll add harder lyrics to guess! ::grins:: I removed the mating page because I still need to set it up more appropriately... so... you'll just hafta wait! ::smile::

Well, I think that's about it. Clear skies!


My oh my, where to go? Don't get lost, now!

Clutch 1 | Clutch 2 | Clutch 3 | Clutch 4
Impressed List
Dead dragons
Fire-Lizard Impressions
Riders of Middle
Other People of Middle
The Return of M'iki - a very stupid story by me ^_^;
Ask Miki!
Terms of Interest
Non-Pernese Adoptions

Current Clutch Availability

Clutch Size: 20 eggs
Male Candidates: 0/20
Female Candidates: 0/5

Gold Lorlith was flown by bronze Shelomith! F'lin is the new Weyrleader!

Look but don't steal!
I was very touched when I visited Silver's program to stop copyright infringments concering works of art... I've never personally had my art stolen, but I really know how it must feel (take the feeling you had when you lost your favorite drawing and multiply it by ten, that's my formula.) I decided to post it on my site, too, because all the dragon/flit images were VERY TEDIOUSLY created by me, and I'd be sorely angered if anyone stole them and started an adoption service of their own.

Please note that my opinion on Weyral adoption agencies is unswavering. I don't care if big bad lawyers come from Legal Land to beat the wherry droppings out of me, as long as people like Pern, then by Faranth, I am going to keep Middle up.

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