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A little introduction on this animation, it's yet another space war segment that we see all too often these days. (eg. Cowboy Bebop, Nadesico, Gundam, Outlaw Star) What is different about Lost Universe is the simplicity in plot whereby is a clear cut as to who's the villan and who's the hero. But never let it be said that Lost Universe is without plot, it is afterall one big winner at the 1999 Animedia, undeniable from all the great 3D-effects throughout the show. One of my personal favourite. : )

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Lost Universe (Vol 07)
- English subtitles


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Vol. 6 Lost Universe: Its His Duty To Kick Some Booty(Vol 06)
- English subtitles
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Vol. 5 Lost Universe: Union Of Evil(Vol 05)
- English subtitles
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Vol. 4 Lost Universe: Psyche Up! Freak Out!(Vol 04)
- English subtitles

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Vol. 3 Lost Universe: Ultimate Weapons(Vol 03)
- English subtitles

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Vol. 2 Lost Universe: Flushed Into Space(Vol 02)
- English subtitles

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Vol. 1 Lost Universe (Vol 01)
- English subtitles
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