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Shrieks!! This is one of my favourite anime!! Action, hunks, beauties, cute boy, wild animals, robots, spaceship, this anime has it all! Although there are comments that Gene Starwind (the main character) is very much like Spike from Cowboy Bebop, I quite fail to see the similarities. True, Gene has a troubled past (which hero doesn't) but he is not as melancholy as Spike is and Gene fights for the future while it seems to me that Spike is contented to be chained by the past.

One more thing, the soundtrack of Outlaw Star is a good buy, although its really the first track (i.e. the main theme) that is really worth it. ~smiles~

Outlaw Stars: Collection 3 Order @ Amazon
Outlaw Stars: Collection 2 Order @ Amazon
Outlaw Stars: Collection 1 Order @ Amazon
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