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Nevermind its unappealing cover looks, although not a very popular anime, is a very good anime. (.......)

Trigun's plot is simply, an outlaw framed for the death of a polititian, had the uncanny abilty to destroy every town that he passed, only miracle being no death casualities. In come the insurance inspector and her helper who tried to find out the reason for these town destructions and find more than they bargained for.

Vol. 8

Trigun: Gung-High Noon (Vol 08) Order @ Amazon

Vol. 7

Trigun: Gung-Puppet Master (Vol 07) Order @ Amazon
Vol. 6 Trigun: Gung-Project Seeds (Vol 06) Order @ Amazon
Vol. 5 Trigun: Gung-Angel Arms (Vol 05) Order @ Amazon
Vol. 4 Trigun: Gung-Ho Guns (Vol 04) Order @ Amazon
Vol. 3 Trigun: Wolfwood (Vol 03) Order @ Amazon
Vol. 2 Trigun: Lost Past (Vol 02) Order @ Amazon
Vol. 1 Trigun: The 60 Billion Dollar Man (Vol 01) Order @ Amazon
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