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Welcome Friends


May those that love us, love us.
And those that don't love us,
May God turn their hearts.
And if He doesn't turn their hearts,
May He turn their ankles
So we will know them by their limping!

May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face.
The rains fall soft upon your fields and,
Until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Please take the time to sign my guestbook and please take advantage of MIND IT.
Remember to come back!!!!!!!!

May Love & Strength Follow You Everyday

As My Father Use To Say:
May The Lord Take A Likin To Ya,
But Not To Soon!

It Is Important To Take Time....AND



Guestbook by GuestWorld

Links To My Friends
And Family
Our Dubeau Heritage
Our McTiernan Heritage
In Memory - Connie Scripps

A Gift From God
To My Mother
Wonderful Friends
Visit With My Family
Christmas of "98"
Happy Sweet 16!!!!
To My Dad !
Chuckles Page
Forever Yours Musical Greeting Cards
Angelblueyes: Poems, Puter Info.
Oshawa Stingers Baseball Info.

Hobo's Country Graphics

Grandma George's Web Graphics


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