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Photo Gallery - Cape Saunders

Photos from Pavel, Caleb and Greg's dive at Cape Saunders

Cape Saunders, looking north.

Looking down the gut - seal colony is on the left

Hmm, not sure why Pavel took this one

Part of the climb down the cliffs to the water

The old lighthouse keepers house and the Cape Saunders lighthouse

Looking north at the Cape

Caleb in 'Tracey' doing his best to avoid the cliff edge

Greg on point for big holes / ruts / bits where the track goes off into thin air


And we got there in one piece

Rope and grappling hook - gotta get out of the water somehow...

The drysuit lads find out how their wetties have 'shrunk' over the summer...

Hoickkk! Oi! Up here!...

Caleb and Pavel - with the sea doing its washing machine impression in the background

No, this wasn't posed - but I don't expect anyone will believe me...

Caleb, extreme closeup

The lads - after the dive and still smiling. Gotta be a good sign.

Heading back up the cliff

Don't look down. And DON'T go falling off. It's quite a way down.

It's a bird, no, a plane,...nah, forget it.

This is a bit easier without 70lbs of dive gear on...

Retrieving that safety rope

Note the whitewater down there - we just got out of that. Not recommended for the faint-hearted. Or those blessed with common sense...

Heading home

Oh, would you look at that. How did we not read that on the way in?

Submarine rock. Rumoured to be a great dive spot

Submarine rock again. If you want access, you're going to have to contact the McKays. See below.


Second thoughts, perhaps not.

Is that a banjo I hear...

Greg showing the lads his tractor driving technique

Note the classic tractor-driving posture, one hand on the wheel, the other free to scratch, raise a finger to passing cars, pick your nose, whatever...

What a machine - just a few minor repairs and she'll be right as rain.

Papanui Inlet at dusk