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silverstone Rattery Silver Stone

Come visit: "SILVER STONE" Rattery
Located in Nieuwegein, The Netherlands

We would like to introduce ourselves:

Silver Stone Rattery is a small hobby Rodentry. We breed only with healthy, beautiful, and wonderfully tempered rats.

We have a small group of rats ranging in age, color, and markings. Rats are curious, intelligent and affectionate animals that like to be around humans and family activities. These pleasant little creatures have their commodious cages in our living room.

Chanel met Rocky de parkiet

How we care for our litters:

To raise happy, healthy pets we give our rats a lot of individual attention and loving care. We are a small Rattery and usually plan one litter a time in order to give each of our animals the attention they deserve. By keeping the nursing doe and the other rats (their aunts) in the same cage as the litter, the young rats are raised in a group which allows them to learn how to properly socialize with other rats. Because our critters are raised in a domestic environment they are used to being handled frequently.

Nestje van 10 dagen oud

Nutritional Care:

We give to pregnant and nursing females extra protein and calcium. Mother milk is the most important nutrition for the baby rat. When they are able to nibble solid food they are supplimented with kitty or puppy food and porridge to provide them with extra energy. When they wean from mothers milk to solid food we give them also a variety of nutritious vegetables and fruits, introducing them to different tastes and a well rounded diet. This nutrition insures extra energy for the young mother and her litter, giving the young a very healthy start.

Alisha 11 dagen oud

From birth, our baby rats are carefully handled and become hand imprinted and used to people. From the time the baby rats are 2 weeks of age they enjoy playing. Each baby rat gets special playing time which allows them the opportunity to get used to human interaction. The baby rats of Silver Stone may leave the Rattery at about 5 weeks of age. At this time the little rats are properly used to people, are in a very good condition and socially well developed. All our young rats are with pedigree and are supported with extensive documentation regarding their nutrition and care.

General information:

Rats are intelligent and social animals. They are also herd animals and like to live in small groups which contributes to a happy and interesting life for them. They will offer you much enjoyment by watching them groom each other, playing together, and sleeping close to each other. We always advice that you keep your rats in a small group or at least with one companion of the same sex. As long as the rat has been handled as a youngster it will bond to you and give you more enjoyment!

lekker tegen elkaar slapen terwijl de kooi wordt verschoond


We enjoy visiting shows and exhibitions with our rats, and attend to inspections where our rats are judged on external, type and condition.

Moby: Met haar mooie prijzen!

Click here for more information about our litters.


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Vera van Engelen
"Silver Stone" Rattery, Nieuwegein

I.R.F. Internationale Ratten Fokkers/Fanclub
N.M.C. Nederlandse Muizenfokkers Club
R.A.T. Belgium - Rat Als Troeteldier.
Plaatselijke Kleindierenvereniging "Groot-Utrecht"

E-mail address:


Photo's and text are copyrighted and could not be used without permission of Silver Stone Rattery.