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NOTE - This Page will be UPDATED very soon, thank you very much for your patience. I apologize for the delay in getting the information up here.

National Individual Stat Leaders

THIS NEEDS TO BE UPDATED STILL, many updates and corrections have been found


Note: Since 1990, only stats in official NITs or National Tournaments counted.

Home Runs  - (Official Leaders listed from 1968, earlier leaders by word of mouth or Media Articles)

Year Name, Team Home Runs
1953 Myron Reinhardt, Shields Contractors 46
1954 Myron Reinhardt, Shields Contractors 51
1955 John Drees, Waldeck Tavern .
1956 Ron Annotico, Sheffield Bronze .
1957 Myron Reinhardt, Gatliff Auto Sales .
1958 Ron Annotico, Sheffield Bronze .
1959 Walt Wherry, Yorkshire Restaurant .
1960 Ron Annotico, Sheffield Bronze .
1961 Harry Phillips, Wilsman's Trucking .
1962 John Stone, Enterprise Bar .
Don Arndt, Howard's Furniture .
Oscar Steadman, Musicaro Foods .
1963 Lou Russo, Musicaro Foods .
Don Arndt, Howard's Furniture .
Jim Galloway, Musicaro Foods .
1964 Paul Tomasovich, Skip Hogan AC .
Don Arndt, Howard's Furniture .
Jim Galloway, Musicaro Foods .
1965 John Stone, Cactus Club .
Don Arndt, Howard's Furniture .
Jim Galloway, Musicaro Foods .
Paul Tomasovich, Skip Hogan AC 44
1966 Jim Galloway, County Sports .
Don Arndt, Howard's Furniture .
Tex Collins, Michael's Lounge .
Paul Tomasovich, Skip's .
1967 Tex Collins, Little Caesars .
Don Arndt, Howard's Furniture 48
Jim Galloway, County Sports .
Tom Taylor, Gatliff Auto Sales .
Mike Axelson, Little Caesars .
Bobby Bates, Howard's Furniture 44
Gene Fisher, Howard's Furniture 42
1968 H.T. Waller, News-Herald and Jo's Pizza (216)
Ron Patterson, Golden Gallons 185
Don Arndt, Howard's Furniture .
Tom Taylor, Gatliff Auto Sales .
Tex Collins, Little Caesars .
Bert Smith, County Sports 50 (league)
Jim Galloway, County Sports 42 (league)
1969 H.T. Waller, Jo's Pizza 219
Jim Galloway, County Sports 200
Don Arndt, Howard's Furniture .
Tom Taylor, Gatliff Auto Sales .
Ron Patterson, Golden Gallons 84
Stan Harvey, Kobax 70
Tex Collins, Little Caesars .
1970 H.T. Waller, Jo's Pizza 195
Jim Galloway, County Sports .
Bert Smith, County Sports 130
Ron Patterson, Golden Gallons 125
Don Arndt, Howard's Furniture 122
Mac Richardson, Pharr Yarn Reds 87
Tom Taylor, Century Tire  
Tex Collins, Little Caesars .
Gene Fisher, Howard's Furniture 68
1971 H.T. Waller, Jo's Pizza 225 (set record)
Stan Harvey, Kobax 183
Ron Patterson, Kobax 145
Don Arndt, Howard's Furniture 142
Ben Hogan, Kobax 138
Bert Smith, VA Beach Pile Drivers 113
Bill Gatti, Jiffy Club 104
Charlie White, Kobax 103
Bob Wells, Kobax 101
Gene Fisher, Howard's Furniture 98
1972 Bert Smith, VA Beach Pile Drivers 217
H.T. Waller, VA Beach Pile Drivers 201
John Silmon, Taylor Brothers 171
Bill Gatti, Jiffy Club 169
Al White, Warren Motors 162
Ron Patterson, Card's Carpets 158
Stan Harvey, Card's Carpets 150
Don Arndt, Howard's Furniture 150
Gene Fisher, Howard's Furniture 110
Jerry Underhill, Jerry's Caterers 103
1973 Rick Scherr, Copper Hearth 225 (tied record)
Bert Smith, Howard's Furniture 218
Don Arndt, Howard's Furniture 193
Bill Gatti, Jiffy Club 167
Stan Harvey, Howard's Furniture 166
John Silmon, Taylor Brothers 165
H.T. Waller, Howard's Furniture 163
Ron Patterson, Thurman Bryant 156
Jim Galloway, Empire County Astros 106
Gene Fisher, Howard's Furniture 86
1974 Stan Harvey, Howard's Furniture 219
Don Arndt, Howard's Furniture 203
John Silmon, Taylor Brothers 194
Bert Smith, Howard's Furniture 148
Gene Fisher, Howard's Furniture 132
Ron Patterson, Thurman Bryant 132
Roger Brown, Howard's Furniture 128
Ronnie Ford, Manatee County All-Stars 124
H.T. Waller, Howard's Furniture 109
Denny Hogan, Howard's Furniture 89
Al White, Jerry's Caterers 88
1975 Bert Smith, Howard's Furniture 231 (set record)
Stan Harvey, Howard's Furniture 203
John Silmon, Taylor Brothers 190
Don Arndt, Howard's Furniture 165
Larry Kelly, Taylor Brothers 160
Rick Scherr, Taylor Brothers 150
Ron Ford, Copher Brothers 147
Ron Patterson, Duggan & Duggan 141
Ray Fleetwood, Copher Brothers 141
Bruce Meade, Copher Brothers 140
Denny Hogan, Howard's Furniture 132
Ken Mitchem, Taylor Brothers 129
Gene Fisher, Howard's Furniture 126
1976 Rick Scherr, Taylor Brothers 201
Phil Higgins, Copper Hearth 200
Stan Harvey, Howard's Furniture 197
Buck Buchannan, Pharr Yarn 189
John Silmon, Taylor Brothers 181
Bert Smith, Howard's Furniture 177
Ray Fleetwood, Warren Motors 177
John Spadaccino, Trenton Bicentennials 172
Ken Mitchem, Taylor Brothers 171
Micky McCarty, Taylor Brothers 160
Ron Ford, Warren Motors 160
Don Arndt, Howard's Furniture 158
Bruce Meade, Warren Motors 131
Craig Elliott, Tom's Foods 131
Ron Patterson, Duggan & Duggan 129
1977 Stan Harvey, Howard's Furniture 290 (set record)
James Boyett, Howard & Carroll *** 282
Don Arndt, Howard's Furniture 279
Denny Jones, Howard & Carroll 261
Rick Scherr, Howard's Furniture 245
Herman Rathman, Nelson's Painting 244
Bruce Meade, Nelson's Painting 225
Charles Wright, Ken Sander's Ford 223
H.T. Waller, Howard's Furniture 212
Craig Elliott, Ken Sander's 210
Micky Morrison, Howard & Carroll 202
Joey Raby, Howard & Carroll 201
Gene Jones, Howard & Carroll 200
Steve Howard, Howard's Furniture 199
Tony Cloniger, Howard's Furniture 195
1978 James Boyett, Howard & Carroll 303 (set record)
Tom Beall, Howard & Carroll 250
Gene Jones, Howard & Carroll 241
Mike Mobley, Howard & Carroll 209
Stan Harvey, Howard's Furniture 208
Micky Morrison, Howard & Carroll 200
Craig Elliott, Ken Sander's 197
Joey Raby, Howard & Carroll 192
Don Arndt, Howard's Furniture 189
Mike Parrott, Port City Ford 188
Roger Mayo, Ken Sander's 185
Lloyd Allanson, Paul Johnson 182
Lacy Brumley, Sullivan Stars 175
Bruce Meade, Nelson's Painting 175
Mike Bolen, Burnett & Associates 174
Don Clatterbaugh, Howard & Carroll 174
Larry Ellis, Trenton Capitols 170
Rick Scherr, Howard's Furniture 165
1979 Mike Parrott, Port City Ford & Nelson's 220
Craig Elliott, Ken Sander's Ford 219
James Boyett, Dave Carroll Sports 218
Joe Young, Nelson's/Nelco 209
Don Arndt, Howard's Furniture 191
Harold Kelley, Ken Sander's Ford 188
Tom Beall, Howard's and Dave Carroll 184
John Hale, Frierson's 178
Rick Hasty, Steele's Sports 174
Dale Mayo, Ken Sander's Ford 174
Bill Pollack, Trenton Capitols 168
Dave Beaird, Ken Sander's Ford 161
Dick Bartel, Campbell's Carpets 155
John Geckle, Steele's Sports 155
Bob Brindamour, Shimers 153
Stan Harvey, Howard's Furniture 150
Rick Scherr, Howard's Furniture 150
Bruce Meade, Nelson's/Nelco 136
1980 Joe Young, Steele's Sports 337 (set record)
Stan Harvey, Howard's/Western Steer 282
Al White, Steele's Sports 270
John Geckle, Steele's Sports 249
Rick Scherr, Howard's/Western Steer 248
Don Arndt, Howard's/Western Steer 244
Bruce Meade, Dave Carroll Sports 207
Mike Parrott, Dave Carroll Sports 206
Don Clatterbaugh, Steele's Sports 205
Tim Haley, Steele's Sports 204
Dick Bartel, Campbell's Carpets 200
Denny Jones, Campbell's Carpets 199
Jerry King, Campbell's Carpets 191
Craig Elliott, Jerry's Caterers 181
Ronnie Ford, Jerry's Caterers 160
James Boyett, Jerry's Caterers 154
Tom Beall, Howard's/Western Steer 143
1981 Mike Bolen, Dave Carroll Skoal Bandits 333
Rick Scherr, Howard's/Western Steer 295
Tom Beall, Howard's/Western Steer 279
Stan Harvey, Howard's/Western Steer 250
Bruce Meade, Dave Carroll's & Jerry's 247
Don Arndt, Howard's/Western Steer 244
Dick Bartel, Howard's/Western Steer 229
Craig Elliott, York/Ken Sander's 226
Clyde Guy, Dave Carroll Skoal Bandits 201
Ron Ford, York/Ken Sander's 200
Mark Cauley, Elite Coatings 183
Ricky Huggins, Elite Coatings 181
Bill Pollack, York/Ken Sander's 142
James Washington, Jerry's Caterers 121
1982 Rick Scherr, Howard's/Western Steer 356 (set record)
Tom Beall, Howard's/Western Steer 303
Don Arndt, Howard's/Western Steer 253
Stan Harvey, Howard's/Western Steer 245
Craig Elliott, York/Ken Sander's 193
Bill Pollock, York/Ken Sander's 161
Charles Wright, York/Ken Sander's 136
James Boyett, York/Ken Sander's 127
Clyde Guy, York/Ken Sander's 118
Dick Bartel, Howard's/Western Steer 117
Bruce Meade, Jerry's Caterers 102
Cecil Whitehead, Elite Coatings 100
Mike Cellura, Howard's/Western Steer 90
Rick Wheeler, Capitol Insulation 90
1983 Craig Elliott, Elite Coatings 390 (set record)
Fred Trice, Elite Coatings 334
Bill Pollack, Elite Coatings 319
Rick Scherr, Howard's/Western Steer 314
Mark Hierlmeier, Dan's Sports 225
Mike Macenko, Steele's Sports 157
Bill Gatti, Elite Coatings 152
Don Arndt, Howard's/Western Steer 146
Rick Wheeler, Capitol Insulation 140
Bruce Meade, Jerry's Caterers 138
Dana Andry, Steele's Sports 137
1984 Rick Scherr, Howard's/Western Steer 257
Bruce Meade, Jerry's Caterers 229
Mike Macenko, Steele's Sports 202
Bill Gatti, Elite Coatings 195
Craig Elliott, Elite Coatings .
Rick Wheeler, Capitol Insulation .
Don Arndt, Howard's/Western Steer .
Stan Harvey, Howard's/Western Steer .
1985 Rick Scherr, Howard's/Western Steer 451 (set record)
Tim Rhinehart, Howard's/Western Steer 409
Stan Harvey, Howard's/Western Steer 320
Mike Macenko, Steele's Sports 315
Craig Elliot, Steele's Sports 310
Don Arndt, Howard's/Western Steer 309
Darrell Misenheimer, Howard's/W-S 285
Mike Bolen, Steele's Sports 269
Tim White, Howard's/Western Steer 250
Clyde Guy, Howard's/Western Steer 224
Ken Loeri, Steele's Sports 214
Dan Griffin, Steele's Sports 210
Bruce Meade, Elite Coatings 200
Bill Blake, Howard's/Western Steer 197
Bill Gatti, Elite Coatings 186
1986 Charles Wright, Steele's Sports 503 (set record)
Mike Bolen, Steele's Sports 435
Doug Roberson, Steele's Sports 419
Mike Macenko, Steele's Sports 410
Craig Elliott, Steele's Sports 337
Rick Scherr, Howard's/Western Steer 295
Joe Young, Steele's Sports 294
Dan Griffen, Steele's Sports 286
Dan Schuck, Steele's Sports 251
Ken Loeri, Steele's Sports 241
Bill Gatti, Smythe Sox 192
Darrell Misenheimer, Howard's/W-S 159
Tim White, Howard's/Western Steer 147
Joey Raby, Howard's/Western Steer 139
Freddie Trice, Howard's/Western Steer 132
Tim Rhinehart, Howard's/Western Steer 129
1987 Mike Macenko, Steele's Sports 844 (set record)
Scott Virkus, Steele's Sports 680
Doug Roberson, Steele's Sports 672
Craig Elliott, Steele's Sports 661
Ricky Huggins, Steele's Sports 565
Mike Bolen, Steele's Sports 554
Ron Parnell, Steele's Sports 528
Ken Dain, Steele's Sports 506
Monty Tucker, Steele's Sports 413
Jeff Stamps, Steele's Sports 390
Rich Scherr, Howard's/Western Steer 293
Fred Trice, Steele's Sports 266
Bill Gatti, Smythe Sox 168
Jim Fuller, Marlton Trucking 125
1988 Mike Macenko, Steele's 830
Craig Elliott, Steele's 751
Scott Virkus, Steele's 605
Bill Blake, Steele's 584
Ken Loeri, Steele's 526
Doug Roberson, Steele's 512
Kan Dain, Steele's 405
Ernie Montgomery, Steele's 373
Ron Parnell, Steele's 315
Rick Scherr, Howard's/Western Steer 282
Dave Johnson, Starpath 128
Jim Fuller, Marlton Trucking 125
Bill Gatti, Marlton Trucking 114
1989 Dirk Androff, Steele's 413
Mike Macenko, Steele's 385
Craig Elliott, Steele's 382
Larry Friedieu, Steele's 320
Monty Tucker, Steele's 302
Scott Virkus, Steele's 282
Greg Schulte, Steele's 275
Bill Blake, Steele's 269
Ken Loeri, Steele's 241
Rick Scherr, Superior-Apollo 194
Bill Gatti, Ritch's Salvage 170
1990 Carl Rose, Lighthouse/Sunbelt 187
Mike Macenko, Steele's (408 total) 162
Dirk Androff, Steele's (390 total) 155
Steve Craven, Lighthouse/Sunbelt 145
Ricky Huggins, Lighthouse/Sunbelt 144
Jim Fuller, Superior/Apollo 123
Todd Joerling, Steele's (351 total) 119
Bill Blake, Steele's (347 total) 117
Kerry Everett, Lighthouse/Sunbelt 117
Dave Johnson, Starpath 117
Kenny Carver, Lighthouse/Sunbelt 114
Monty Tucker, Steele's (337 total) 113
Ron Parnell, Superior/Apollo 103
Greg Schulte, Steele's (313 total) 102
Darrell Beeler, Superior/Apollo 100
Dave Steffen, Superior-Apollo 100
1991 Carl Rose, Sunbelt/Worth 230
Steve Craven, Sunbelt/Worth 193
Ken Carver, Sunbelt/Worth 175
Monty Tucker, Sunbelt/Worth 157
Greg Schulte, Sunbelt/Worth 157
Dan Schuck, Bell Corp. 142
Mike Macenko, Sunbelt/Worth 137
Todd Joerling, Sunbelt/Worth 134
Bruce Meade, Starpath 131
Larry Fredieu, Starpath 131
Charles Wright, Ritch's-Superior 130
Dirk Androff, Ritch's-Superior 124
Jim Fuller, Ritch's-Superior 112
Ricky Huggins, Sunbelt/Worth 106
Dave Steffen, Ritch's-Superior 106
Britt Hightower, Ritch's-Superior 105
Doug Roberson, Ritch's-Superior 103
1992 Jimmy Powers, Steele's/Sunbelt 225
Charles Wright, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 182
Carl Rose, Williams/Worth 169
Wendell Rickard, Williams/Worth 169
Mike Macenko, Steele's/Sunbelt 168
Jim Fuller, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 157
Doug Berfeld, Spectrum/Easton 157
Dewayne Nevitt, Starpath 154
Ricky Huggins, Vernon's 154
Kerry Everett, Steele's/Sunbelt 153
Steve Craven, Steele's/Sunbelt 152
Phil White, Nanney's 151
Dirk Androff, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 150
Scott Elliott, Steele's/Sunbelt 145
Ron Parnell, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 143
Dan Schuck, Bell Corp. 142
Tot Powers, Steele's/Sunbelt 142
Darrell Beeler, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 136
Larry Fredieu, Bell Corp. 130
Britt Hightower, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 130
1993 Dan Schuck, Bell Corp. 199
Carl Rose, Williams/Worth 195
Dirk Androff, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 175
Larry Carter, Bell Corp. 165
Darrell Beeler, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 163
Monty McCrory, Astros 161
Charles Wright, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 157
Steve Craven, Steele's/Sunbelt 152
Mike Macenko, Steele's/Sunbelt 147
Tot Powers, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 146
Britt Hightower, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 146
Kim Seaman, Bell Corp. 146
Kerry Everett, Bell Corp. 143
Dave Allen, Worth/Astros 143
JC Phelps, New Construction 142
Jeff Arnold, Bell Corp. 142
Wendall Rickard, Williams/Worth 140
Dave Steffen, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 140
1994 Jimmy Powers, Converters/Vernons 175
Dan Schuck, Bell Corp/Easton 174
Britt Hightower, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 172
Larry Fredieu, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 167
Dirk Androff, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 166
Tot Powers, Converters/Vernons 165
Scott Elliott, Converters/ Vernons 161
Dewayne Nevitt, Converters/ Vernons 160
Hank Garris, Bell Corp. 157
Todd Joerling, Bell Corp. 146
Derek Oliver, Converters/ Vernons 142
Charles Wright, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 141
Darrell Beeler, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 138
Ron Parnell, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 135
Dave Steffen, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 133
Carl Rose, Williams/Worth 132
Sylvin Little, Southland (215 total) ---
1995 Larry Friedieu, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 179
Carl Rose, Williams/Worth 171
Britt Hightower, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 167
Rusty Bumgardner, Shen V./Converters 160
Dan Schuck, Bell/Sunbelt/Easton 154
Dirk Androff, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 154
Dewayne Frizzell, Superior/Southland 153
Wendall Rickard, Lighthouse/Worth 148
JC Phelps, Shen Valley/Converters 147
Ron Parnell, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 146
Tim Williamson, Superior/Southland 146
Darrell Beeler, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 141
Doug Roberson, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 140
Jimmy Powers, Shen Valley/Converters 140
Deve Steffen, Bell/Sunbelt/Easton 134
Tot Powers, Shen Valley/Converters 133
1996 Wendall Rickard, Lighthouse/Worth 209
Ricky Huggins, Lighthouse/Worth 183
Carl Rose, Lighthouse/Worth 183
Larry Fredieu, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 174
Rusty Bumgardner, Shen Valley/TPS 167
Scott Elliott, Shen Valley/TPS 164
Dave Steffen, Sunbelt/Easton 164
Tot Powers, Shen Valley/TPS 158
Al Davis, Shen Valley/TPS 155
Britt Hightower, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 153
Jimmy Powers, Shen Velley/TPS 149
Hank Garris, Sunbelt/Easton 145
Dewayne Frizzell, Shen Velley/TPS 144
Ron Parnell, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 144
Darrell Beeler, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 144
Steve Craven, Lighthouse/Worth 141
Randall Boone, Lighthouse/Worth 137
JC Phelps, Shen Velley/TPS 137
Dan Schuck, Sunbelt/Easton 137
Dewyane Nevitt, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 135
Dirk Androff, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 134
1997 Carl Rose, Lighthouse/Worth 221
Rusty Bumgartner, Shen Valley/TPS 209
Wendall Rickard, Lighthouse/Worth 203
Dewayne Nevitt, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 186
Todd Martin, Shen Valley/TPS 183
JC Phelps, Shen Valley/TPS 172
Randall Boone, Shen Valley/TPS 170
Jeff Wallace, So Jern/Specialty Tank 165
Dirk Androff, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 164
Hank Garris, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 162
Todd Joerling, Sunbelt/Easton 152
Robbie Ergle, Lighthouse/Worth 147
Ricky Huggins, Lighthouse/Worth 147
Jeff Wallace, So Jern/Specialty Tank 144
Scott Elliott, Sunbelt/Easton 144
Ken Carver, Sunbelt/Easton 138
Sterlin Ibrom, Lighthouse/Worth 138
Britt Hightower, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 138
1998 Hank Garris, Sierra/TPS 196
Larry Fredieu, Sierra/TPS 186
Darrell Beeler, Sierra/TPS 180
Carl Rose, Lighthouse/Worth 180
Tom White, Wessell/Hague/So Jern 163
Rusty Bumgardner, Team TPS 161
Brett Helmer, Wessell/Hague/So Jern 155
Wendall Rickard, Lighthouse/Worth 151
Doug Kissane, Team TPS 150
Jeff Wallace, Team TPS 149
Tot Powers, Sunbelt/Dan Smith 147
Hoaie Krause, Wessell/Hague/So Jern 147
Kerry Everett, Sunbelt/Dan Smith 145
Dewayne Frizzell, Lighthouse/Worth 143
Todd Martin, Team TPS 135
Randy Kortokrax, Steele's/R&D 134
Randall Boone, Team TPS 134
Mark Creson, Sierra/TPS 126
Jimmy Powers, Sunbelt/Dan Smith 125
1999 Hank Garris, Team TPS 188
Wendall Rickard, Dan Smith//Worth 182
Carl Rose, Dan Smith//Worth 159
Jeff Wallace, Team TPS 156
Dewayne Nevitt, Team TPS 148
Lonnie Fox, R&D/Easton 148
Jim Devine, R&D/Easton 144
Rusty Bumgardner, Team TPS 144
Rod Hughes, R&D/Easton 141
Randy Kortokrax, R&D/Easton 139
Randall Boone, Team TPS 136
Larry Carter, JWM/Herb's 132
Tom WHite, Dan Smith//Worth 131
David Hood, R&D/Easton 129
Todd Martin, Team TPS 129
John Mello, Team TPS 128
Brett Helmner, Team Easton 128
Mike Shenk, Team Easton 122
2000 Hank Garris, Team TPS 228
Rusty Bumgardner, Team TPS 203
Larry Carter, Sunnyvale Valve/Easton 198
Jeff Wallace, Team TPS 195
Dewayne Nevitt, Ball Corp/Easton 184
Carl Rose, Dan Smith/Worth 173
Todd Martin, Team TPS 168
Jeff Ott, Long Haul/TPS 162
Wendall Rickard, Dan Smith/Worth 161
Jeff Hall, Dan Smith/Worth 148
Rod Hughes, Long Haul/TPS 147
Johnnie McCraw, Sunbelt Softball Club 145
Mike Shenk, Team TPS 144
Randy Kortokrax, BellCorp/Easton 140
Randall Boone, Team TPS 140
Derrick Williams, Sunnyvale V&F/Easton 140
Alex Lavorico, Long Haul/TPS 136
Paul Brannon, Hague/Resmondo/TPS 135
Dan Schuck, BellCorp/Easton 132
Steve Craven, Sunbelt Softball Club 131
2001 Hank Garris, Long Haul/TPS 150
Jeff Wallace, Long Haul/TPS 129
Larry Carter, Hague/Resmondo/TPS 125
Rusty Bumgardner, Long Haul/TPS 117
Paul Brannon, Hague/Resmondo/TPS 112
Mike Shenk, Long Haul/TPS 99
Brett Helmer, Smith/Backman/Menosse 98
Todd Martin, Long Haul/TPS 96
Jerold Smith , Budweiser/Summerlin 96
Randy Kortokrax, Hague/Resmondo/TPS 95
Alex Lavarico, Pov's/Walser/Reebok 95
Scott King, Budweiser/Summerlin 94
Carl Rose, Hague/Resmondo 90
Scott Brown, Pov's/Walser/Reebok 89
Dewayne Nevitt, Smith/Backman/Menosse 89
Jeff Hall, Smith/Backman/Menosse 89
Howie Krause, Hague/Resmondo 84
Wendell Rickard, Smith/Backman/Menosse 83
Derrick Williams, Aftershock 82
Dennis Mendoza, Hague/Resmondo 81
Jason Kendrick, Long Haul/TPS 81
2002 Jeff Wallace, Long Haul/TPS 152
Rusty Bumgardner, Long Haul/TPS 146
Hank Garris, Long Haul/TPS 141
Dewayne Nevitt, Backman/Smith/Easton 126
Jeff Hall, Backman/Smith/Easton 119
Derrick Williams, Budweiser/Worth 116
Randy Kortokrax, Hague/Resmondo/Worth 111
Dal Beggs, Hague/Resmondo/Worth 102
Todd Martin,  Long Haul/TPS 100
Brett Helmer, Backman/Smith/Easton 93
Scott King, Long Haul/TPS 90
Scott Striebel, Hague/Resmondo/Worth 89
Mike Shenk, Long Haul/TPS 88
Jeff Smith, Budweiser 88
Bryson Baker, Hague/Resmondo/Worth 88
Ray Cowart, Mid-South 86
Randell Boone, Long Haul/TPS 86
Tim Cocco, Chase/Reece/Roosters 85
Jeff Ott, Long Haul/TPS 83
Howie Krause, Hague/Resmondo/Worth 80
2003 Jeff Wallace, Resmondo/Hague 128
RJ Howerton, US Vinyl/Miken 127
Howie Krause, Resmondo/Hague 116
Brett Helmer, Backman/Dan Smith 112
Bryson Baker, Resmondo/Hague 109
Hank Garris, Resmondo/Hague 107
Rusty Bumgardner, Resmondo/Hague 106
Jeff Hall, Backman/Dan Smith 100
Scott Brown, Backman/Dan Smith 89
Ronnie James, US Vinyl/Miken 87
Brandon Murray, US Vinyl/Miken 86
Dal Beggs, Resmondo/Hague 75
Tim Cocco, Budweiser/Sunnyvale 74
Bob Woldyk, US Vinyl/Miken 72
Ray Cowart, US Vinyl/Miken 70
Dennis Shrum, US Vinyl/Miken 69
Kelly Hartman, US Vinyl/Miken 66
Jeff Ott, US Vinyl/Miken 63
Larry Carter, Budweiser/Sunnyvale 63
JC Phelps, Resmondo/Hague 61
2004 Jeff Hall, Dan Smith/Backman 122
Bob Woldyk, US Vinyl 113
Brett Helmer, Dan Smith/Backman 99
Jeff Wallace, Resmondo/Taylor 98
Hank Garris, Dan Smith/Backmann 95
Rusty Bumgardner, Resmondo/Taylor 80
RJ Howerton, US Vinyl 80
Kenny Briggs, Benfield/Alesium 79
Alex Lavorico, Benfield/Alesium 77
Scott Brown, Dan Smith/Backman 76
Tim Cocco Bell, Corp/Docs/Easton 71
John Glidewell, Dan Smith/Backman 70
JC Phelps, Kluever/B&J Logging 69
Jim Devine, Resmondo/Taylor 67
Chris Butler, US Vinyl 66
Randell Boone, Resmondo/Taylor 65
Ray Cowart, US Vinyl 65
BJ Fulk, Benfield/Alesium 65
JD Genter, US Vinyl 64
Bryson Baker, Resmondo/Taylor 63
2005 Jeff Wallace, Resmondo/Smith 104
Brett Helmer, Bell Corp/Backman 91
Tim Cocco, Bell Corp/Backman 86
Bryson Baker, Resmondo/Smith 80
Rusty Bumgardner, Resmondo/Smith 77
RJ Howerton, Team Combat/Kluever 76
Dal Beggs, Bell Corp/Backman 74
John McCraw, Team Combat/Kluever 71
Tim Mattox, Team Stucco/TPS 69
Jeff Hall, Resmondo/Smith 68
Howie Krause, Resmondo/Smith 67
Shaun Ballard, Berardi's/LTP 65
Scott Brown, Bell Corp/Backman 63
Brian Rainwater, Resmondo/Smith 59
Scott Striebel, Resmondo/Smith 59
2006 Jeff Wallace, Resmondo-KME 97
Jeff Hall, Specialty Tank 82
Tim Cocco, Bell Corp 81
JC Phelps, Specialty Tank 81
Brett Helmer, Bell Corp 80
Denny Crine, Benfield 79
Scott Kirby, Bell Corp 74
Rusty Bumgardner, Resmondo-KME 70
Vince Bisbee, Bell Corp 69
Greg Connell, Specialty Tank 69
Shane Hatfield, Benfield 66
Greg Hartwick, Benfield 65
BJ Fulk, Benfield 64
Brian Justice, Benfield 64
Bryson Baker, Resmondo-KME 63
Dal Beggs, Resmondo-KME 63
2007 BJ Fulk, Bell Corp 92
Hank Garris, Team Combat/Benfield 84
Jeff Wallace, Remondo Softball 81
Brett Helmer, Bell Corp 80
Bryson Baker, Remondo Softball 78
Johnny McCraw, Team Combat/Benfield 77
Rusty Bumgardner, Remondo Softball 73
Scott Brown, Team Combat/Benfield 69
Jamie Gordon, Jean Shoppe 66
Tim Cocco, Bell Corp 65
Howie Krause, Remondo Softball 61
Brian Rainwater, Remondo Softball 59
Brian Wegman, Bell Corp 56
Jason Kendrick, Remondo Softball 55
Scott Kirby, Bell Corp 54


Batting Average/On-Base Percentage  - (Official Leaders listed from 1968, earlier leaders by word of mouth or Media Articles)

Year Name, Team Average
1953 Myron Reinhardt, Shields Contractors 0.592
1954 Myron Reinhardt, Shields Contractors .
1955 Gene Dittoe, Lang's Pet Shop .
1956 Hal Wiggins, Lang's Pet Shop .
1957 Myron Reinhardt, Gatliff Auto Sales .
1958 Don Rardin, Boone's Bar 0.625
1959 Don Rardin, Yorkshire Restaurant 0.648
1960 Don Rardin, Yorkshire Restaurant 0.618
1961 Steve Massong, Hamilton Tailors .
1962 Steve Massong, Johnnie's Car Wash .
1963 Jim Galloway, Musicaro Foods .
1964 Steve Massong, Tom Sweeney's .
1965 Don Rardin, IBM 0.680
1966 Don Rardin, IBM 0.617
1967 Linwood Strickland, Indian Lakes 0.740
Don Rardin, IBM 0.603
1968 Steve Loya, Gene's Sunoco 0.643
1969 Luther Ates, Jo's Pizza 0.718
Jim Mortl, Milwaukee Electric Tool 0.655
1970 Steve Loya, Gene's Sohio & Tuff Cote .758 (set record)
HT Waller, Jo's Pizza 0.697
Don Arndt, Howard's Furniture 0.695
Mike Gouin, Little Caesars 0.685
1971 Steve Loya, Gene-Angelos 0.746
Jim Mortl, Accurate Welding 0.651
Bill Gatti, Jiffy Club 0.650
Don Arndt, Howard's Furniture 0.639
Johnny Dollar, Va. Beach Piledrivers 0.638
Tom Louria, Snyder's Softball 0.629
Bert Smith, VA. Beach Piledrivers 0.623
HT Waller, Jo's Pizza 0.610
1972 Larry Sheppard, Gonzales Mexican Foods 0.710
Jim Galloway, Empire County Astros 0.690
Tom Louria, Snyder's Softball 0.677
Jim Puckett Little Caesars 0.673
Don Arndt, Howard's Furniture 0.663
Jim Underhill, Jerry's Caterers 0.656
Bill Gatti, Jiffy Club 0.655
Bert Smith, Indian Lakes Piledrivers 0.650
Al White, Warren Motors 0.648
Bill Cole, Little Caesars 0.645
Gene Fisher, Howard's Furniture 0.622
1973 Bert Smith, Howard's Furniture 0.694
HT Waller, Howard's Furniture 0.664
Mike Gouin, Little Caesars 0.654
Rick Scherr, Copper Hearth 0.652
Gary LaDue, Little Caesars 0.650
Bill Gatti, Jiffy Club 0.645
Stan Harvey, Howard's Furniture 0.634
Glenn Eichelberger, Pace Electronics 0.626
Don Arndt, Howard's Furniture 0.624
1974 Al White, Jerry's Caterers 0.683
Phil Higgins, Copper Hearth 0.679
Rick Scherr, Copper Hearth 0.678
Stan Harvey, Howard's Furniture 0.650
James Washington, Jerry's Caterers 0.644
Al White, Jerry's Caterers 0.636
Mike Gouin, Little Caesars 0.630
Gene Fisher, Howard's Furniture 0.622
Don Arndt, Howard's Furniture 0.619
1975 Mike Nye, Nelson's Painting 0.673
Bert Smith, Howard's Furniture 0.667
Ray Fleetwood, Copher Brothers 0.663
Ron Ford Copher Brothers 0.650
Stan Harvey, Howard's Furniture 0.650
Rick Scherr, Taylor Brothers 0.643
Bruce Meade, Copher Brothers 0.641
Mike Gouin, Little Caesars 0.633
Phil Higgins, Copper Hearth 0.628
Denny Hogan, Howard's Furniture 0.622
Don Arndt, Howard's Furniture 0.620
1976 Mike Nye, Warren Motors .769 (set record)
Bruce Meade, Warren Motors 0.711
Ron Ford, Warren Motors 0.707
Doug Gerdes, Snyder's 0.701
Phil Higgins, Copper Hearth 0.700
Ray Fleetwood, Warren Motors 0.683
Buck Buchanan, Pharr Yarn 0.683
Rick Scherr, Taylor Brothers 0.680
Al White, Jerry's Caterers 0.676
Tex Collins, Little Caesars 0.667
Bert Smith, Howard's Furniture 0.662
Mickey McCarty, Taylor Brothers 0.660
Frank Sorrells, Jerry's Caterers 0.657
Bill Gatti, Jiffy Club 0.650
1977 Bruce Meade, Nelson's Painting 0.764
Mike Parrott, Port City Ford 0.760
Greg Fuhrman, Jerry's Caterers 0.758
Rick Scherr, Howard's Furniture 0.731
Mike Bolen, Burnette & Associates 0.707
Harold Kelley, Buddy's Sporting Goods 0.707
Chic Downing, Fliteline 0.700
Dan Clatterbaugh, Howard & Carroll 0.685
Stan Harvey, Howard's Furniture 0.680
Charles Wright, Ken Sander's Ford 0.679
Craig Elliott, Ken Sander's Ford 0.675
James Boyett, Howard & Carroll 0.675
Don Arndt, Howard's Furniture 0.655
HT Waller, Howard's Furniture 0.652
Denny Hogan, Howard's Furniture 0.642
1978 Bruce Meade, Nelson's Painting 0.720
Elby Bushong, Capitol Insulation 0.708
Craig Elliott, Ken Sander's Ford 0.700
Greg Fuhrman, York Barbells 0.700
Mike Bolen, Burnette & Associates 0.695
Bill Ferguson, Nelson's Painting 0.680
James Boyett, Howard & Carroll 0.671
Stan Harvey, Howard's Furniture 0.667
Rick Scherr, Howard's Furniture 0.663
Charles Wright, Ken Sander's Ford 0.657
Harold Kelley, Nelson's Painting 0.630
1979 Craig Elliott, Ken Sander's Ford 0.718
Joe Young, Nelson's Ptg./Nelco Mfg. 0.714
Mike Bolen, Dave Carroll Sports 0.708
Bruce Meade, Nelson's Ptg./Nelco Mfg. 0.693
John Hale, Frierson's 0.692
Chic Downing, Nelson's Ptg./Nelco 0.681
James Boyette, Dave Carroll Sports 0.655
Dave Beaird, Ken Sander's Ford 0.651
Harold Kelley, Dave Carroll Sports 0.648
Tom Beall, Howard's Furniture 0.645
Stan Harvey, Howard's Furniture 0.642
1980 Bruce Meade, Dave Carroll Sports 0.757
Stan Harvey, Howard's/Western Steer 0.721
Jerry King, Campbell's Carpets 0.721
Joe Young, Steele's Sports 0.716
Craig Elliott, Jerry's Caterers 0.701
Rick Scherr, Howard's/Western Steer 0.700
Greg Fuhrman, Campbell's Carpets 0.700
James Boyett, Ken Sander's Ford 0.655
Harold Kelley, Ken Sander's Ford 0.648
1981 Bruce Meade, Dave Carroll & Jerry's 0.767
Greg Fuhrman, Jerry's Caterers 0.727
Cecil Whitehead, Elite Coatings 0.726
Rick Scherr, Howard's/Western Steer 0.723
Mike Nye, York Barbell/Ken Sander's 0.711
Dick Bartell, Howard's/Western Steer 0.687
Stan Harvey, Howard's/Western Steer 0.679
Gary Richter, County Sports 0.673
Tom Beall,Howard's/Western Steer 0.672
1982 Rick Scherr, Howard's/Western Steer 0.708
Bruce Meade, Jerry's Caterers 0.705
Tom Beall, Howard's/Western Steer 0.702
Bill Pollock, York/Ken Sander's 0.698
Craig Elliott, York/Ken Sander's 0.697
Mike Nye, York Barbell/Ken Sander's 0.692
1983 Craig Elliott, Elite Coatings 0.765
Rick Scherr, Howard's/Western Steer 0.747
Bruce Meade, Jerry's Caterers 0.738
Mike Nye, Jerry's Caterers 0.712
Bill Gatti, Elite Coatings 0.696
Mike Bolen, Jerry's Caterers 0.691
1984 Bruce Meade, Jerry's Caterers 0.696
Bill Gatti, Elite Coatings 0.668
Rick Scherr, Howard's/Western Steer 0.665
Mike Macenko, Steele's Sports 0.652
Mike Nye, Jerry's Caterers 0.650
1985 Rick Scherr, Howard's/Western Steer 0.760
Bruce Meade, Elite Coatings 0.746
Mike Bolen, Steele's Sports 0.695
Stan Harvey, Howard's/Western Steer 0.690
Mike Nye, Steele's Sports 0.676
Bill Gatti, Elite Coatings 0.670
Craig Elliott, Steele's Sports 0.667
1986 Bill Gatti, Smythe Sox 0.761
Mike Bolen, Steele's Sports 0.749
Charles Wright, Steele's Sports 0.721
Mike Macenko, Steele's Sports 0.712
Bruce Meade, Smythe Sox 0.711
Joe Young, Steele's Sports 0.711
Greg Fuhrman, Steele's Sports 0.706
Doug Roberson, Steele's Sports 0.705
1987 Rick Weiterman, Steele's Sports 0.750
Mike Macenko, Steele's Sports 0.744
Bill Gatti, Smythe Sox 0.744
Mike Bolen, Steele's Sports 0.723
Bruce Meade, Smythe Sox 0.720
Craig Elliott, Steele's Sports 0.706
Jim Fuller, Marlton Trucking 0.700
Rick Scherr, Howard's/Western Steer 0.698
1988 Jim Fuller, Marlton Trucking 0.761
Rick Scherr, Howard's/Western Steer 0.753
Mike Macenko, Steele's 0.745
Rick Weiterman, Steele's 0.735
Craig Elliott, Steele's 0.715
Dirk Androff, Steele's 0.705
Bill Gatti, Marlton Trucking 0.688
1989 Rick Weiterman, Steele's 0.760
Bill Blake, Steele's 0.719
Bruce Meade, Ken Michael's 0.710
Clyde Guy, Superior-Apollo 0.709
Mike Macenko, Steele's 0.706
Dirk Androff, Steele's 0.705
Jim Fuller, Superior-Apollo 0.700
1990 Jim Fuller, Superior-Apollo 0.767
Mike Parrott, Hinson Capitols 0.752
Dirk Androff, Steele's 0.729
Mike Macenko, Steele's 0.717
Monty Tucker, Steele's 0.714
Carl Rose, Lighthouse/Sunbelt 0.711
Cecil Whitehead, Ritch's-Kirks 0.708
Britt Hightower, Ritch's-Kirks 0.705
Kenny Carver, Lighthouse/Sunbelt 0.701
1991 Carl Rose, Sunbelt/Worth 0.751
Dirk Androff, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 0.747
Jim Fuller, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 0.728
Charles Wright, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 0.713
Steve Craven, Steele's/Sunbelt 0.703
Ken Carver, Steele's/Sunbelt 0.691
Britt Hightower, Ritch's-Superior 0.677
Bruce Meade, Starpath 0.675
Todd Joerling, Sunbelt/Worth 0.672
Dave Steffen, Ritch's-Superior 0.669
Darrell Beeler, Ritch's-Superior 0.666
Dan Schuck, Bell Corp. 0.664
Cecil Whitehead, Ritch's-Superior 0.660
1992 Jim Fuller, Ritch's-Superior/TPS .774 (set record)
Dirk Androff, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 0.756
Jimmy Powers, Steels's/Sunbelt 0.752
Phil White, Nanney's 0.746
Carl Rose, Williams/Worth 0.745
Derek Oliver, Converters 0.743
Charles Wright, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 0.734
Sylvin Little, Nanney's 0.733
Rick Weiterman, Ritch's-Superior 0.732
Danny Williams, Steele's/Sunbelt 0.727
Mike Nye, Vernon's 0.727
Kenny Pruit, Nanney's 0.720
Mike Jacobs, Vernons 0.716
Doug Berfeldt, Spectrum/Easton 0.715
Curtis WIlliams, Vernon's 0.712
Todd Joerling, Bell Corp 0.707
Dave Steffen, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 0.703
Doug Roberson, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 0.703
1993 Dirk Androff, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 0.749
Darrell Beeler, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 0.748
Charles Wright,  Ritch's-Superior/TPS 0.736
Chris Gambrill, Moulton Furniture 0.733
Scott Elliott, Steele's/Sunbelt 0.728
Derek Jones, Alford's/Worth 0.728
JC Phelps, New Construction 0.727
Phil White, Bell Corp. 0.721
Jim Fuller, Williams/Worth 0.720
Russ Earnest, Back Porch 0.720
Derek Oliver, Steele's/Sunbelt 0.720
Scott Flood, DJ's 0.719
Freddie Johnson, Moulton Furniture 0.717
Steve Craven, Steele's/Sunbelt 0.715
Bud Weathers, Century Glass 0.714
Larry Fredieu, Vernon's 0.714
Carl Rose, Williams/Worth 0.708
Jeff Hall, Converters 0.706
Hank Garris, Williams/Worth 0.705
1994 Jimmy Powers, Converters/Vernons .790 (set record)
Tom White, Charlie's Tuna 0.760
Todd Joerling, Bell Corp./Easton 0.759
Jacques Miller, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 0.756
Derek Oliver, Converters/Vernon's 0.736
J.C. Phelps, Shen Valley/DJ's 0.735
Jim Fuller, Williams/Worth 0.734
Dirk Androff, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 0.733
Britt Hightower, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 0.732
Sterlin Ibrom, Williams/Worth 0.730
Dale Sensenig, DJ's Sports 0.728
Robbie Ergle, DJ's Sports 0.726
Rick Weiterman, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 0.725
Larry Fredieu, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 0.723
Hank Garris, Bell Corp./Easton 0.722
Joe Spadifino, DJ's Sports 0.721
Tot Powers, Converters/Vernons 0.719
Carl Rose, Williams/Worth 0.719
1995 Dirk Androff, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 0.779
Shane DuBose, Tri-Gems/Easton 0.776
Jimmy Powers, Shen Valley/Converters 0.726
Brad Stiles, Lighthouse/Worth 0.726
Doug Roberson, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 0.721
Phil Jobe, Superior/Southland 0.720
Todd Joerling, Bell/Sunbelt 0.719
Mark Martin, RSH/Deep South 0.719
Ed Starcher, Bell/Sunbelt 0.716
Bob Fischer, Tri-Gem's/Easton 0.716
Charles Wright, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 0.714
Mike Jackson, Riverside/RAM 0.712
Sterlin Ibrom, Lighthouse/Worth 0.710
Dan Schuck, Bell/Sunbelt 0.702
JC Phelps, Shen Valley/Converters 0.699
Dewayne Frizzell, Superior/Southland 0.695
Derek Jones, Lighthouse/Worth 0.693
Dale Walters, D&D Thoroughbreds 0.693

FROM 1996 ON, The Batting Leader was Determined by On-Base %


Year Name, Team On-Base % Average
1996 J.C. Phelps, Shen Valley/TPS 0.796 (set record) 0.767
Roy Eppley, Herrin/Dudley 0.792 0.761
Jeff Hall, Sunbelt/Easton 0.790 0.766
Wendall Rickard, Lighthouse/Worth 0.786 0.759
Al Davis, Shen Valley/TPS 0.771 0.743
Derek Jones, Lighthouse/Worth 0.770 0.732
Britt Hightower, Ritch's-Superior 0.768 0.751
Jeff Vargo, Whips/Instant Landscaping 0.766 0.768
Dirk Androff, Ritch's-Superior 0.761 0.751
Jimmy Powers, Shen Valley/TPS 0.760 0.724
Todd Martin, Shen Valley/TPS 0.753 0.744
Darrell Beeler, Ritch's-Superior 0.750 0.724
Doug Roberson, Ritch's-Superior 0.750 0.732
Charles Wright, Sunbelt/Easton 0.744 0.728
1997 Jeff Hall, Sunbelt/Easton 0.817 (set record) 0.807 (set record)
J.C. Phelps, Shen Valley/TPS 0.798 0.764
Rusty Bumgardner, Shen Valley/TPS 0.782 0.763
Brad Stiles, Lighthouse/Worth 0.781 0.755
Shane Dubose, Sunbelt/Dan Smith 0.772 0.736
Doug Roberson, Ritch's-Superior 0.767 0.721
Jeff Wallace, So Jern/Specialty Tank 0.764 0.745
Dirk Androff, Ritch's-Superior 0.763 0.741
Bobby Gilbert, Sunbelt/Easton 0.758 0.738
Carl Rose, Lighthouse/Worth 0.758 0.743
Todd Joerling, Sunbelt/Easton 0.756 0.731
Dewayne Nevitt, Ritch's-Superior 0.756 0.728
1998 Wendall Rickard, Lighthouse/Worth 0.776 0.749
Jeff Wallace, Team TPS 0.776 0.753
Tom White, Wessell/Hague/So Jern 0.773 0.753
Brett Helmer, Wessell/Hague/So Jern 0.763 0.728
Rusty Bumgardner, Team TPS 0.758 0.725
JC Phelps, Team TPS 0.758 0.726
Hank Garris, Sierra/TPS 0.751 0.744
Jeff Hall, Sunbelt/Easton 0.751 0.739
Jason Kendrick, Sierra/TPS 0.749 0.738
Jimmy Powers, Sunbelt/Easton 0.741 0.713
Shane Dubose, Sunbelt/Easton 0.739 0.729
Doug Roberson, Team TPS 0.735 0.716
1999 Brett Helmer, Team Easton 0.789 0.758
Jeff Wallace, Team TPS 0.786 0.765
JC Phelps, Team Easton 0.770 0.741
Derek Oliver, Paramount Builders/TPS 0.769 0.758
Jeff Smith, JWM/Herb's/TPS 0.766 0.740
Jimmy Devine, R&D/Easton 0.756 0.759
Keith Brockman, R&D/Easton 0.755 0.709
Hank Garris, Team TPS 0.755 0.732
Randall Boone, Team TPS 0.753 0.706
Jimmy Powers, Paramount Builders 0.752 0.708
Jeff Hall, Team Easton 0.751 0.720
Todd Joerling, Team Easton 0.750 0.715
2000 Brett Helmer, Bell Corp/Easton 0.815 0.775
Hank Garris, Team TPS 0.796 0.775
Jeff Wallace, Team TPS 0.782 0.757
Derek Oliver, Sunbelt Softball Club 0.782 0.754
Jeff Hall, Dan Smith/Worth 0.782 0.749
Rusty Bumgardner, Team TPS 0.766 0.742
Jimmy Powers, Sunbelt Softball Club 0.766 0.743
Dewayne Nevitt, BellCorp/Easton 0.759 0.736
Dennis Rulli, Long Haul/TPS 0.759 0.740
Johnnie McCraw, Sunbelt Softball Club 0.756 0.741
2001 Ray Cowart, Aftershock/Easton 0.775 0.735
Todd Volkers, Pov's/Walser/Reebok 0.770 0.726
Jimmy Powers, Long Haul/TPS 0.768 0.730
Jeff Wallace, Long Haul/TPS 0.766 0.738
Jeff Hall, Smith/Backman/Menosse 0.762 0.728
Shane Dubose,  Budweiser/Summerlin 0.756 0.725
Brett Helmer, Smith/Backman/Menosse 0.749 0.713
Dewayne Nevitt, Smith/Backman/Menosse 0.746 0.723
Jerold Smith, Budweiser/Summerlin 0.744 0.722
Hank Garris, Long Haul/TPS 0.735 0.718
Rusty Bumgardner, Long Haul/TPS 0.728 0.705
2002 Brett Helmer, Backman/Smith/Easton 0.799 0.762
Jeff Hall, Backman/Smith/Easton 0.784 0.744
John Glidewell, Mountain Top/TPS 0.779 0.722
Jeff Wallace, Long Haul/TPS 0.771 0.740
Jeff Smith, Budweiser/Worth 0.765 0.732
Rusty Bumgardner, Long Haul/TPS 0.763 0.731
Jerold Smith, Budweiser/Worth 0.763 0.724
Hank Garris, Long Haul/TPS 0.762 0.714
Wes Campbell, Backman/Smith/Easton 0.749 0.741
Todd Thomas, Twin States 0.740 0.652
Ray Cowart, Mid-South 0.737 0.718
2003 Don DeDonatis, Mountain Top/TPS 0.787 ?
Jeff Hall, Backman/Dan Smith 0.765 ?
Jeff Wallace, Resmondo/Hague 0.742 ?
Brett Helmer, Backman/Dan Smith 0.741 ?
John McCraw, US Vinyl/Miken 0.740 ?
Rusty Bumgardner, Resmondo/Hague 0.734 ?
Bryson Baker, Resmondo/Hague 0.729 ?
B.J. Fulk, Alesium/Reece 0.728 ?
Kris O'Hara, Alesium/Reece 0.727 ?
JC Phelps, Resmondo/Hague 0.721 ?
2004 Jeff Hall, Dan Smith/Backman 0.806 0.779
Rusty Bumgardner, Resmondo/Taylor 0.782 0.737
Brett Helmer, Dan Smith/Backman 0.781 0.750
John McCraw, US Vinyl 0.763 0.751
Tom Ellis, Watanabe/New/ 0.760 0.746
John Glidewell, Dan Smith/Backman 0.757 0.712
Jeff Wallace, Resmondo/Taylor 0.756 0.725
Tim Cocco, Bell Corp/Docs 0.755 0.752
Hank Garris, Dan Smith/Backman 0.750 0.715
Tim Linson, Creative Stucco/TPS 0.747 0.708
2005 Brett Helmer, Bell Corp/Backman 0.792 0.750
Shaun Ballard, Berardi's/LTP 0.781 0.781
Shawn Harkins, Berardi's/LTP 0.770 0.780
John McCraw, Team Combat/Kluever 0.767 0.739
Rusty Bumgardner, Resmondo/Smith 0.748 0.717
Ryan Robbins, Team Stucco/TPS 0.744 0.691
Brian May, Watanabe/Kattus 0.743 0.719
Brian Higgenbotham, Team Combat 0.738 0.708
Jeff Wallace, Resmondo/Smith 0.737 0.707
JC Phelps, McNair/New & Team Stucco 0.816 ** 0.803 **
2006 Scott Brown, Team Combat 0.804 0.773
JC Phelps, Specialty Tank 0.797 0.785
Brett Helmer, Bell Corp & KME 0.782 0.744
Johnny McCraw, Team Combat 0.782 0.739
Harold Crozier, Pace/TPS 0.760 0.726
Rusty Bumgardner, Resmondo-KME 0.760 0.712
Brian Wegman, Benfield 0.760 0.702
Jeff Wallace, Resmondo-KME 0.755 0.739
Dennis Rulli, Bell Corp & KME 0.751 0.716
Jeff Hall, Specialty Tank 0.751 0.712
2007 Jeff Wallace, Remondo Softball 0.813 0.789
JC Phelps, BW3/Columbus Pipe 0.803 0.771
Jason Kendrick, Remondo Softball 0.781 0.725
Johnny McCraw, Team Combat/Benfield 0.780 0.753
Jeff Hall, Bell Corp 0.755 0.723
Brian Wegman, Bell Corp 0.766 0.731
Hank Garris, Team Combat/Benfield 0.760 0.731
Kris O'Hara, Chaney/Easton 0.757 0.699
Rhodney Donaldson, Scene/Jolt 0.757 0.757
Brett Helmer, Bell Corp 0.750 0.697


Home Run Frequency  - (Official Leaders listed from 1969)

Year Name, Team HR Frequency
1969 Steve Loya, Gene's Sunoco 2.410
1970 HT Waller, Jo's Pizza ?
1971 HT Waller, Jo's Pizza 2.350 (set record)
Don Arndt, Howard's Furniture 2.810
1972 Don Arndt, Howard's Furniture 2.870
HT Waller, VA Beach Piledrivers 2.880
1973 Bert Smith, Howard's Furniture 2.230 (set record)
HT Waller, Howard's Furniture 2.360
1974 Stan Harvey, Howard's Furniture 2.570
Don Arndt, Howard's Furniture 2.930
1975 Bert Smith, Howard's Furniture 2.400
Stan Harvey, Howard's Furniture 2.860
1976 Ray Fleetwood, Warren Motors 2.390
Stan Harvey, Howard's Furniture 2.590
Bert Smith, Howard's Furniture 2.810
1977 Stan Harvey, Howard's Furniture 2.11 (set record)
Don Arndt, Howard's Furniture 2.300
HT Waller, Howard's Furniture 2.320
1978 James Boyett, Howard & Carroll 2.560
Tom Beall, Howard & Carroll ?
Gene Jones, Howard & Carroll ?
1979 Tom Beall, Howard's Furniture 2.640
Don Arndt, Howard's Furniture 2.890
Joe Young, Nelson's/Nelco ?
1980 Stan Harvey, Howard's/Western Steer 2.120
Joe Young, Steele's Sports ?
Rick Scherr, Howard's/Western Steer 2.810
1981 Rick Scherr, Howard's/Western Steer 2.390
Dick Bartel, Howard's/Western Steer 2.560
Stan Harvey, Howard's/Western Steer 2.730
1982 Rick Scherr, Howard's/Western Steer 2.270
Tom Beall, Howard's/Western Steer 2.490
Bruce Meade, jerry's Caterers ?
1983 Craig Elliott, Elite Coatings 1.93 (set record)
Rick Scherr, Howard's/Western Steer 2.140
Bill Pollack, Elite Coatings ?
1984 Rick Scherr, Howard's/Western Steer 2.450
Mike Macenko, Steele's Sports 2.790
Bruce Meade, Jerry's Caterers ?
1985 Rick Scherr, Howard's/Western Steer 2.180
Mike Bolen, Steele's Sports 2.570
Craig Elliott, Steele's Sports 2.680
1986 Charles Wright, Steele's Sports 2.210
Mike Bolen, Steele's Sports 2.310
Craig Elliott, Steele's Sports 2.400
1987 Rick Scherr, Howard's/Western Steer 2.060
Mike Macenko, Steele's Sports 2.300
Craig Elliott, Steele's Sports 2.360
1988 Rick Scherr, Howard's/Western Steer 2.060
Craig Elliott, Steele's Silver Bullets 2.390
Mike Macenko, Steele's Silver Bullets 2.420
1989 Rick Scherr, Superior-Apollo 2.350
Monty Tucker, Steele's Silver Bullets 2.710
Craig Elliott, Steele's Silver Bullets 2.840
1990 Carl Rose, Lighthouse/Sunbelt 2.180
Steve Craven, Lighthouse/Sunbelt 2.190
Dirk Androff, Steele's Silver Bullets 2.390
1991 Carl Rose, Sunbelt/Worth 2.200
Steve Craven, Sunbelt/Worth 2.250
Kenny Carver, Sunbelt/Worth 2.350
1992 Charles Wright, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 2.040
Jim Fuller, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 2.210
Dan Schuck, Bell Corp. 2.270
1993 Charles Wright, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 2.080
Carl Rose, Williams/Worth 2.230
Dan Schuck, Bell Corp. 2.330
1994 Dave Steffen, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 2.038
Carl Rose, Williams/Worth 2.106
Larry Fredieu, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 2.186
1995 Larry Fredieu, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 2.151
Dale Walters, D&D/Demarini 2.358
Carl Rose, Lighthouse/Worth 2.386
1996 Wendell Rickard, Lighthouse/Worth 1.885 (set record)
Dale Aughey, Herrin/Dudley 2.088
Larry Fredieu, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 2.218
1997 Wendell Rickard, Lighthouse/Worth 2.064
Carl Rose, Lighthouse/Worth 2.131
Dewayne Nevitt, Ritch's-Superior/TPS 2.194
1998 Carl Rose, Lighthouse/Worth 2.122
Wendell Rickard, Lighthouse/Worth 2.192
Hank Garris, Sierra/TPS 2.372
1999 Jeff Ott, Sunnyvale Valve/TPS 2.158
Hank Garris, Team TPS 2.160
Wendell Rickard, Dan Smith/Worth 2.286
2000 Hank Garris, Team TPS 1.947
Larry Carter, Sunnyvale Valve/Easton 2.020
Dewayne Nevitt, Bell Corp/Easton 2.185
2001 Hank Garris, Long Haul/TPS 2.387
Wendell Rickard, Smith/Backman/Menosse 2.422
Jeff Wallace, Long Haul/TPS 2.543
2002 Jeff Wallace, Long Haul/TPS 2.375
Dewayne Nevitt, Backman/Smith/Easton 2.397
Hank Garris, Long Haul/TPS 2.504
2003 Jeff Wallace, Hague/Resmondo ?
? -
? -
2004 Jeff Hall Dan Smith/Backman 2.262
Rusty Bumgardner Resmondo/Taylor 2.713
Jeff Wallace Resmondo/Taylor 2.745
2005 Tom Thompson, Watanabe/Kattus 2.563
Tim Cocco, Bell Corp/Backman 2.628
Brett Helmer, Bell Corp/Backman 2.681
2006 RJ Howerton, Team Combat 2.579
JC Phelps, Specialty Tank/Worth 2.580
Jeff Hall, Specialty Tank/Worth 2.670
2007 Hank Garris, Team Combat/Benfield 2.786
JC Phelps, BW3/Columbus Pipe 2.868
Jeff Wallace, Remondo Softball 2.926


National Slow Pitch Softball History Home Page

©1998 Steve Dimitry, all rights reserved.
