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This is the ugliest color combo I could come up with for this page. Do you like it? I thought so. I really don't have a whole lot to tell. I live in Sioux Falls, SD where I am a massage therapist and also work at GNC in the mall (sit on my ass).

I was born June 12, 1973 in Lost Wages, NV and moved to North Dakota at an early age. I lived a fairly normal life I suppose. My mother remarried and I was raised in Dickinson, ND. She was killed March 15, 1983 and I got the boot when I was 17. I got in a bunch of trouble, got expelled and moved to Bismarck, ND to graduate from high school. I then moved to Portland, OR and tried to get in more trouble, but couldn't get it done, so I moved back to good 'ol North Da-freakin'-kota. I came to Sioux Falls, SD shortly after and ended up stayin' to work with some friends who bought a salon and needed a massage therapist. Blah Blah Blah...

So here I am bored senseless gaining weight and gettin' drunk with the neighbor girls. I piss them off on a regular basis too. Anyway I am still in the same apartment with not one noise complaint! I don't get it either, but what the hell.

Anyway, enjoy the page I'll try to update it from time to time.

ps. If anyone out there has a line on some cement slippers drop me a line.

This page was last updated on 03/21/00
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