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Greetings and salutations and thanks for coming to this new and totally unofficial site on a fantastic young actor named...Stephen Dorff (stating the obvious). "Who exactly is this guy?" is what a lot of people are asking, but he has been in an almost inumerable amount of films, including "Blade" and the highly acclaimed "Backbeat" for which he was extolled not only for his performance but for his out-of-this world realistic liverpudlian accent. Still interested? Well, stop readin' and start surfin'!

Quotes Multimedia Filmography Site Info Message Board Fans Links Biography Image Map

What's Cool This Month with Stephen Dorff:
- February 2000 - Man I really need to get it together. Sorry I haven't updated in ages, but not much has been going on with Stephen either. Nothing I know of anyway. Oh, except one thing.. I hear you can rent Entropy on video now. Cool, huh? So go get it. I don't know if you can buy it yet. I'll go look into it. Any news or stuff for me? Send it here.
- Check out the cool Stephen Dorff Scrapbook Album in the Multimedia section.
- Visit the Stephen Dorff Online Message Board and talk with other fans
- Vote for Stephen Dorff as your favorite actor at the Celebrity 1000 Favorite Actor Poll!

Article on Cecil B. Demented / Stephen's Next Film.. YAY! ...ahem
The Hollywood Reporter announced some news regarding Cecil B. Demented. Shooting supposedly begins on location in Baltimore this month, and so far the stars of the film are Melanie Griffith, Stephen Dorff and Alicia Witt. For those of you who haven't been reading Dreamland News over the last year, CBD tells the story of indie film director Cecil (Stephen Dorff) and his friends, collectively known as the Sprocket Holes. They kidnap a glamorous Hollywood actress (Melanie Griffith) and force her at gunpoint to star in their underground movie. Witt plays the director's girlfriend, Cherish, a porn actress who stars in the film the group is trying to make. In the end, Griffith's character, who goes by the name of Honey Whitlock, is transformed into a guerrilla filmmaking terrorist. Thanks to Wink Williams for the hot news.

Note: Hey you know I live in Maryland and all of the sudden I am really wanting to take a little excursion to Baltimore. HMMMMMMMMMMmmm.....

Stephen Dorff Movie Poll
What's your favorite Stephen Dorff flick?

Current Results

For a larger and more accurate vote, stop by The Ultimate Stephen Dorff Movie Poll and choose your fave from the list or add one on!

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Dammit that image is broken, I guess I should remove it.
Stupid *hiss*

Stephen Dorff Online - 1999
Created 2.7.99
Updated 2.25.oo

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Damnit, what happened to my counter?!

Deacon Frost

The Good Old Disclaimer: As one might have guessed, I am in no way officially affiliated with Mr. Stephen Dorff (Though I wouldn't mind it *grin*), therefore I am not going to contact him for your recreational purposes, NOR am I Stephen himself. (No more emails from people thinking I'm him PLEASE). This page is just here to honor my favorite actor and inform fans, old and new of who he is and some backround information on him. It is intended for entertainment purposes only. I am not trying to infringe on any copyrights or legal contracts. So everyone, just take a chill, and surf the site the way it's intended to be.

©1999 Stephen Dorff Online - Created by Lady Riven