a | prefix indicating motion into, as in a-toghd (Zb. a-toghd ), he went in, he entered, 34, 38 (cf. Yd. A, in a-vrah , to bring)
-a | (Zb.), verbal suffix of the 3rd person singular. Not noted in Ish. (W. -ei ; Sh. -i , -e , not in S.) In Zb. it often has the force of the verb substantive, as in yu vin-a kata , his beard is large. It is also used to indicate the object, as in dedak-am-a , I have beaten him.
ai | interj. O, used contemptuously, 17 18. (S. Sh. eh )
-ai, | 1 (Zb.), a suffix with the force of the verb substantive, as in mal-ai , it is (my) husband. Cf. -a .
-ai, | 2 (Zb.), see -at.
ao | (Zb.), see wa.
-e, | 1 (Zb.), see -an
-e, | 2 (Zb.), the Prs. izafat, occasionally used in Zb.
-e, | 3 (Zb.), suffix of indefinite article = Prs. -e.
e, | interj, O, used respectfully, 23, 30, 31, 33, 35, 37 (Zb. eh; S. Sh. eh).
-e | (Zb.) see -at
i, | 1, or wi, possessive pronoun; i, his, 4, 18, 19, 20, 28, 38; her, 17, 27; its, 17, 27; wi, his, 13. The plural is wev, their, 8 (Zb. yu, pl. awenda; tsi, i.e. tsa-i, from this; S. Sh. wi, pl. wife). Cf. pi
i, | 2, suffix indicating the accusative case (Zb. i).
i | (Zb.), conj., and
-i | (Zb.), see -at
u | (Zb.), see wa
adam, | a man, 1, 37; adam-an, man-they, 2 (Zb. adam). Ar.
udoghd | W. dhagd, a daughter, 16, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29 (W. dhaghd; Yd. lughdoh)
idawi | (Zb.), it falleth; in tsizepke men ba idawi, whatever (share) falls to me.
idsgai, | cheese (of sheep-milk); (W. lindic and panir, cheese).
ifc, | W. tsütr, a spindle.
afsus | (Zb.), interj., alas! Prs.
agar, | if, 17, 25. Prs.
aghad, | he came, 14, 27, 32, 36; aghad, he came; 12; aghad-an, they came, 29, 36 (Zb. is, come thou (imp.); isum, I come; aghad, he came; isak, he has come; Yd. agoghah, to come).
ujirj, | W. ckör, a partridge (W. ckör; S. zaredz; Yd. jârjoh.)
eh | (Zb.), see e.
ákab, | W. bispür, an eagle (W. bispür; S. khtsüvd).
akik, | W. tukh-mury, an egg (W. falenz; S. kakkâ; Yd. orguh).
ikha, | W. khüi, a sister (Zb. ikha; W. khüi; S. yákh; Sg. ikhva; Mj. yakhva; Yd. yikhoh).
uluk, | W. yumj, flour (W. yumj; S. yogz; S. yavaj; Yd. yarah).
alaíkum as-salam, | on you be the peace (answer to a greeting), 32, Ar.
alakh | (Zb.), a hill
ulekh or parak, | W. pürs, a rib (W. pürs; S. palâ; Mj. alikha).
ilmek | (Zb.), the moon, see ma.
álasha | W. zanákh, the lower jaw (W. zanákh; S. zangan; Sh. zingu; Sg. alashah; Mj. alakhshah; Yd. zanakh).
aluzd, | W. warok, Yz. afau, to-morrow (W. varok; S. pigah; Sh. vega; Yd. yuje). Cf. paruzd.
am | (Zb.), this (sg. obl. ama). Cf. man, miv, and nakwa.
-am | (Zb.), see im.
-im | (35), -im (15), or -um (15), verbal suffix of the 1st person singular (Zb. am, em, im; W. S. Sh. -am; Yd. em, um). In Zb. also used for sg. dat., as in apnit-a wod-am, he was lost for me.
ambi, | a cave, 13, 18, 19, 33 (bis); ambi-ba, , to the cave, 34 (W. bai; S. bui, garma).
ambol, | W. shui, a place covered with stones, like a moraine (W. ghor; S. qurum).
an, | W. yan, other (W.S. yan; Yd. dir).
-an, | verbal suffix of the 3rd person plural, 2 (bis), 3, 7, 8, 29, 36 (bis), 38 (yan after i). In 2 the suffix is pleonastically repeated (adam-an, safar-an). (Zb. -en, -e; W. -av; Sh. -en; Yd. -et, -it. )
andervun, | W. tsarz, an awl (W. tsarz; S. tsarz).
inga, | then, 10.
ingituk, | W. digö'r, a finger-nail (W. dgör; S. nashaur; Sg. narkhak).
aped or apnit | (Zb.), lost (S. beid-ao, bis-am, beid-am, bedhj, to be lost).
apukht-an, | they listened, 36.
iqa | (Zb.) so many.
arca, | W. yarz, the juniper (Shaw "cypress"); (W. yarz; S. imbars).
urk, | W. shapt, a wolf, 14, 17, 36, 37, 38 (W. shapt; S. khithp; Yd. wury).
arman | (Zb.) longing, desire, Prs.
ormozd | (Zb.), the sun, see remuz.
urnaduk, | W. vur, rain (W. wur; S. wareij; Sh baran; Sg. nok; Mj. neoda; Yd. novoh).
arvádak, | both, 11 (W. har kifc; S. virt; Sh. warth; Yd. abeli).
urwes, | (14 (bis), 15, 16), or úrwesak (36), W. nakhcir, a fox (W. nakhcir; S. rapts; S. rupts; Yd. rusoh).
urwus, | W. yirk, barley, oats, corn (W. yurk; S. cushj; Sh. custj, joshac; Sg. vurvuth; Mj. kasak; Yd. yershiyoh).
is | (Zb.), see aghad.
usid, | W. sât, a baking-pan (W. sât; S. sâd; Prs. saghac).
isak | (Zb.), see aghad.
asman, | W. ásman; Yz. asmin; the sky (W. âsman, asman; S. âsmân; Sh. asman; Sg. asma; Yd. asminoh).
uspir, | W. spundar, a plough (W. spundr; S. spur; Yd. sporoh).
usur, | W. parg, ashes, cinders (W. parg; S. thier).
as-salam alaíkum, | the peace be on you (a greeting), 32.
ussum, | I shall take away, 35; wud, he took away, 13 (bis); (W. yond-ak, yond-am, yutt-am, yutk; S. yod-ao, yus-am, yud-am, yudhj, to take away; Sh. yassum, I shall take away; yâd-e, he took away).
âst, | he is, 16, 17, 18 (bis), 26, 33 (ter); (Zb. ast; S. yost; Sh. yast; Yd. ast-et).
asti-a | (Zb.), he may send (pres. subj.); asto or astud, he sent (W. stüy-an, stüy-am, statt-am, statk).
ush, | W. wüsh, grass (W. wush; S. wukh; Sh. woskht, vakhsh; Sg. osh; Yd. ush).
ashik, | 1, W. yashk, a spring (of water); (W. zkük; S. kaug; Yd. psidroh).
ashik, | 2., W. yashk a tear (from the eye); W. yashk; S. yukhk).
ushkuz, | W. úshik, a lock (W. Shik; S. acghu; Sh. skhidz, a key).
ushtur | (Zb.), a camel, see shtur.
ushtevun, | W. bun, a pitchfork (W. bun; S. skaun).
at, | open; at kul, he opened, 37 (W. höt; S. hat; Sh. het; Yd. kushadah).
-at, | verbal suffix of the 2nd person singular, 18 (be-fam-at). After a vowel, -t (tu-t) , 14, 18, 30; with force of 2nd person singular of the present of the verb substantive (tu-t, thou-art), 30 (W. S. Sh. -at; Yd. -et). In 18 it is pleonastically repeated. Zb. has -e, -i, or -ai, as in ned-e, thou tookest; dud-i, thou gravest; ast-ai, thou art.
ât, | W. hat; Yz. hosht, card., eight (Zb. ot; W. hât; S. wokht; Sh. washt; Sg. hat; Mj. ashka).
-et | (Zb.), a suffix indicating the verb substantive, as in am tsiz saz raqqasi-et, what is this signing and dancing? fri-t (she) is beautiful.
ot | (Zb.), see ât.
a-toghd, | Zb. ataghd, he entered, 34, 38; see toghd Cf. a.
atishuk, | W. atishuk, lightning (for W. and S. Shaw give the Ar. barkh for barq; Yd. arunwoh).
uvd, | W. hüb; Yz. hovd, card., seven (Zb. uvd; W. hüb; S. üvd; Sh. wuvd; Sg. hoft; Mj. odh).
ivduk, | wollen thread (W. zütr; S. vürgh; Sh. vudrash).
avul, | he found, obtained, 34 (bis); áviri (if) he finds, 17; áviraw, find ye (impve.), 16 (Zb. awerum-bi, I shall find; awal-am, I found; S. vig-ao, vare-am, vüg-am, vügj, to find; Sh. vare-am, I find).
awend, awenda | (Zb.), see wa
awaz | (Zb), a sound, noise. Prs.
avzuk, | W. pazuw, the heart (Zb. auzak or auzen; W. püzüv; S. zârd; Sh. zradh; Sg. uzdai; Mj. zil; Yd. zil).
az, | I, 6, 10, 25, 30, 35; az-im; I-I, 35; az-im, I-I, 15; mum, me; mun, my (Zb. az, I; mak, me, for me; men; my, me; mox, we; moc, of us, us; W. wuz, I; sg. obl. ma, maz; pl. sak, sakisht; obl. sak; S. waz; sg. obl. mu; pl. mash; obl. mash; Yn. man; sg. obl. man; pl. makh; obl. makh; Yd. zoh; sg. obl. man; pl. makh; obl. makh). Cf. mum, mun.
auzak, auzen | (Zb.), see avzuk.
uznul, | W. stakh, a daughter-in-law (W. stakh; S. zanal).
azar | (Zb.), card., a thousand. Prs. hazar.
izum, | bring thou (impve.), 26; ízum, bring thou (impve.), 33; izmuw, bring ye (impve.), 16, 28 (Zb. izemav, bring ye (impve.); W. wüzüm-an, wüzüm-am, wazâmd-am, wüzümetk, to bring).