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T'Yanna's Rock

"Welcome to the Rock!"

I'm T'Yanna and I'm semi-mouching from my sister.
Which means that this site if Part of Yelsha's Universe.
I actually had a webpage first but hers is way better so I'm attaching myself... hehehe.
Anyway, check out my stuff and let me know what you think...
I've got plenty of e-mail addies so you'll see them all over on my sites... Later.

Spots On My Rock to Drop By
The Back Woods is no more. I've dispanded it. Eventually it will all get back up here.

The BioDome
The Temple of the Great God Procrastos
The Fanfiction Fortress
The Armory [IN PROGRESS]
Please do check out my new fencing log. It's a new passion that I'd love to share.
The Instartute [COMING SOON]
