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imaja,-a ga,ailaba ko kuC Saor
hO jalvae gaula ja,aOk,o tmaaSaa ga,ailaba
caSma kao caaihyao hr rMga maoM vaa haojaanaa
compelling beauty makes all men enjoy the glory of the bloom;
But the eye should take in every view, the brighter shades, the
shades of gloom.
Agarcao jaaM gauisala hO p khaM bacaoM ko idla hO
ga,mao [Sk, gar na haota ga,mao raoja,gaar haota
love's pangs may fatal be, there can be no way out;
Without love too this heart would grieve for want of things to
grieve about.
sao maohrUimae ik,smat kI iSakayat kIjao
hma nao caaha qaa ko marjaaeM saao vaao BaI na huAa
whom, alas, shall I complain, if luck with me does not abide?
"O, give me death" was all I sought, that blessing too
I was denied.
Asbaabao igarftaire K,aitr mat pUC
[sa k,dr tMga huAa idla ko maOM ijaMdaM samaJaa
me not why I am sad, what grief doth clutch my heart.
My heart hath built me a prison-cell and raised grim walls,
Of narrow truths, of cramping loves and hates.
It shuts in the horizon of my thought and clips my fancy's wings.
nao ga,ailaba inakmmaa kr idyaa
varnaa hma BaI AadmaI qao kama ko
has left me, O Ghalib, a good-for-nothing,
Otherwise a useful man I was.
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