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New York Best Kickboxing 247 W 35th Street NY NY 10001 (Fitness Kickboxing) Muay Thai Kickboxing Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ)

CLICK HERE TO REGISTER FOR A WEB SPECIAL: Three (3) classes just $19.99

Welcome to New York City's most awesome kickboxing class. There was a time when people thought that
martial arts and kickboxing was only for men, but in recent years women have flocked to kickboxing classes.
Like yoga, kickboxing can increase your balance and flexibility. Kickboxing classes are rated the number one #1 cardio exercise
by Muscle and Fitness magazine, burning more calories in an hour than any gym class (around 800 calories in an hour!).
It's also a fantastic way to get strong and look tight.

CLICK HERE TO REGISTER FOR A WEB SPECIAL: Three (3) classes just $19.99

NY Best Kickboxing is located in the heart of midtown Manhattan and offers fitness classes perfect for men and women.
Even if you aren't in shape now, we can get you there. Our classes are super friendly, challenging in a good way,
our staff is composed of trained professionals and we have one of the most awesome facilities in the country!
Our kickboxing classes have helped New York women be the best that they can be.
We motivate you in a supportive environment and help you achieve real results. Listen to one of our clients.

CLICK HERE TO REGISTER FOR A WEB SPECIAL: Three (3) classes just $19.99

Why is kickboxing the best for of exercise for women? Well, first of all, it's just the best form of exercise PERIOD.

Two things kill most people's exercise routines.
First of all, when your body gets used to one workout routine, it stops responding.
Think about it, have you ever joined a gym? You DID see results those first few weeks, then it stopped.
It stopped because you aren't a professional personal trainer and you don't know how to mix up your routine for optimal results.
AT NY BEST KICKBOXING we ARE EXPERTS. We will mix up your routine so that
your body never can "see it coming" and adapt.
One day it's an awesome boxing workout, upper body focus.
The next day it's cool kicking techniques and a killer lower body workout.

Second, and you probably already know this, we get bored!
We don't want to lift the same weights every day. Kickboxing is NEVER boring because
one day it's boxing combinations, the next day it's some wild kicks.
We've got glove drills and heavy bags. We've got kicking shields you can beat the heck out of!
Learn new combinations every single day.
In fact, you can take two classes back to back and it won't be the same class!

So remember, we've been teaching kickboxing to regular people for almost 25 years now.
Our program is special because we have taken time to develop it and we have PROVEN RESULTS.

CLICK HERE TO REGISTER FOR A WEB SPECIAL: Three (3) classes just $19.99

Why is NY Best Kickboxing the city's best kickboxing workout? That's a great question!

1. We have taken the best from martial arts and kickboxing;
- Muay Thai
- Western Boxing
- Sanshou / San Da
- Savate (French Kickboxing)
- Taekwondo
It gives us a wide variety of techniques and combinations. Our kickboxing classes are exciting and fun
so you'll do them more often! In addition, you will never get bored because the class always changes!
You can do two or three kickboxing classes back to back.

2. We are the only real total body workout. We will work things you never realized existed in your body!
You'll wonder why everyone isn't doing kickboxing...
but that's ok, feel free to tell your friends about kickboxing

3. Kickboxing includes strength, cardio, flexibility and balance training.

4. Kickboxing gets you REAL RESULTS FAST!
We regularly hear members share how they have lost an entire dress size
and 6, 7, 8 or 10 pounds in ONE MONTH of kickboxing!

And please remember, when it comes to kickboxing we are the EXPERTS... don't just trust anyone

CLICK HERE TO REGISTER FOR A WEB SPECIAL: Three (3) classes just $19.99

No matter what your goals are, we are going to help you achieve them.
We have had THOUSANDS of people who just wanted to lose a few pounds, look a little better
and most importantly, FEEL A LITTLE BETTER. Our victories have been both inside and outside the ring!

CLICK HERE TO REGISTER FOR A WEB SPECIAL: Three (3) classes just $19.99

Kickboxing Class | New York kickboxing Classes | NYC Kick Boxing Class | Manhattan County Kick Boxing Classes New York Kickboxing | New York Kick Boxing Class | New York Kickboxing Classes Aerobic Kickboxing | Cardio Kickboxing New York New York New York Cardio Kick Boxing | Tae Bo Kickboxing | New York Kickboxing Classes | Kickboxing Classes in New York NY Kickboxing Workout Kickboxing 10001 | Kickboxing Classes in New York | Kickboxing | Kickboxing Classes in New York | Kickboxing Classes | Muay Thai | Boxing | Thai Boxing | NY San Da | BJJ | Competition | Fighters | Athletes | Training | Conditioning | NY Best Kickboxing | New York San Da | | NY Muay Thai | New York Muay Thai | New York MMA | New York Mixed Martial Arts | New York Kickboxing |

New York Best Kickboxing
247 W 35th Street (4th floor)
NY NY 10001
(212) 239-8619

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