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Dutch “professionals” against France (March 12,1953) played in Parc des Princes, Paris.



This game was played to earn money for the 1953 desaster in The Netherlands, March 1, 1953 in the far South-West of the country.


Dutch “legionaires”played somewhere in Europe, mostly in France, in the early 1950’s, played the French famous Kopa-team and beat them 1-2. The Dutch national association still played on amateur-base and now turned to professional soccer in Holland starting from the end of 1954.



Trainer Edmond Delfour(Fra) (Stade Francais)


Goalie : Frans de Munck (1. Fc Köln)


Defense : Gerrit Vreken (Nantes)

                        Arie de Vroet (Rouen)

                                   Cor van der Hart (Lille)


Midfield:          Rinus Schaap (Racing Club de Paris)

                                   Joop de Kubber (Bordeaux)


Forwards:        Bram Appel (Stade Reims), cpt.

                                   Theo Timmermans (Nimes)

                                               Jan van Geen (Nantes)

                                                           Kees Rijvers (St. Etienne)

                                                                       Bertus De Harder (Bordeaux)    

Score :

1-0  Kopa (-), 1-1 De Harder (assist Rijvers), 1-2 Appel (assist Rijvers).


40.000 spectators.


This game is known in Holland as “Watersnoodwedstrijd”.


Look at all the Dutch that played in France, ever.


Dutchplayers in Paris, 1953: the first 3 are Bram Appel, Frans de Munck and Cor van der Hart

Dutchplayers in Paris, 1953: captain Bram Appel (warprisonner in Germany),shakes hands with french captain René Marche