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The extensive Service History of MK732

My thanks go out to Willem for his co-operation along with the RNIAF/ HF. This page is long over due so I hope you enjoy.

Please note:- The pictures on this page and all factual content is NOT Copyrighted. So please feel free to download the pictures etc. For any further information please feel free to contact us on the mail address's below.



1942-1950 1950-1960 1960-1980 1980-2000 2000-

Type:-Supermarine type 361 Spitfire L.F.MkIXc

Construction Number:-CBAF IX.1732 Bulkhead CBAF 10217

RAF Serial Number:-MK732

RAF Squadron Codes:-OU-Q AND OU-U ( RAF 485 ( NZ ) Sqn. )

RAF Instructional Airframe No:-8633M

RNLAF ( KLu ) Serial Number: H-25 ( JVS and 322 Sqn.)

RNLAF ( KLu ) Squadron Code:-3W-17 ( 322 Sqn. )

Civil:- G-HVDM, PH-OUQ




28-05-1942:- Contract between RAF and Vickers (Aviation) Limited for delivery of 2190 Supermarine Spitfires. Contract number B981687/39/C.23 ( c ). Ninth order, ordered as Mk. V c, build as Mk.IX

..-..-1944:-Build to contracter Vickers Armstrong at Castle Bromwich Aircraft Factory near Birmingham as a standard L.F Mk.IXc, with Rolls Royce Merlin Type 66 Engine of around 1700 Horsepower, driving a four-bladed Rotol propeller TypeR12/4F5/4. MK732 was part of a batch MK713 up to and including MK756. Installed engine serial no:- ?Installed propeller assembly number:-?

08-03-1944:-To RAF No.39 Maintenance Unit ( MU ) at RAF Colerne for the installation of radio's armament, and military modifications ACCT:-...........

25-04-1944:-MK732 delivered to No.485 ( NZ ) Squadron at RAF Selsey advanced landing ground by the ATA Pilot. It replaced a lost aircraft flown by F/O H.W.B.Patterson, who had dubbed it Baby Bea III, after his girlfriend Beatrice. MK732 thus became Baby Bea IV, code OU-Q.

25-04-1944:-MK732 flown by a selection of 485 pilots.Aircraft involved in Ramrod ( escorting bomber formations ), Ranger and Beach patrol missions.

05-05-1944:-MK732 painted for operation Overlord with Black and White stripes ( invasion ). Re-coded OU-U and renamed Baby Bea V, as new paintwork confused P/O Patterson.

06-06-1944:-On D-Day MK732 took part in Beach patrols, flown by F/L Keith J.McDonald ( Operation Neptune ). On the third beach patrol of that day, by mid-afternoon over Omaha Beach, a JU-88 was spotted and attacked, by F/O Houlton ( ML407 ). One engine soon caught fire, but the Spitfire pilots continued their attack until the Junkers was seen to go down. MK732 was credited with the shared victory! Operational flight between 14.45-16.30.

07-6-1944:-Most hectic day for 485 ( NZ ) Squadron with MK732 flown on 3 combat sorties.

08-06-1944:-On June 8th, F/O Patterson was engaged in several dogfights. During the first Beach patrol of the Squadron, a FW-190 was shot down, but the second one was more succesful. F/O Patterson was flying MK732 in the Blue section when they flew through a cloud and ended up behind 20 ME-190!. The germans after the first bursts from the Spitfire's jumped into thin cloud and out again,and each time fired at by Patterson, Houlton and Transom. They each made a kill. Later also a formation of FW-190s was found and attacked by Blue Squadron. The rest of the Squadron joined in, shooting down one or more 190's and damaging two others

11-07-1944:-Accident FB/Cat.AC.

..-..-1944:- Aircraft repaired with No.421 Repair and Salvage Unit

20-07-1944:- Battle damage ( FB/Cay. AC )during an engagment with the GermanLuftwaffe over France.

16-09-1944:- Aircraft combat ready again after repair on site and assigned to No.485 ( NZ ) Squadron

..-09-1944:-MK732 saw combat service in Operation Market Garden ( The Battle Of Arnhem ).

30-09-1944:-Last operational mission of MK732 during WWII. During landing at B.53 ( Merville, France ), MK732 flown by W/O/E.G.Atkins, crashed and suffered major damage.

02-10-1944:- Damage declared Cat. B/FA.

05-10-1944:- MK732 was transported to No.1 Central Repair Unit at Cowley for repair ( RTW )

02-12-1944:- Repair completed. Ex.RTW Aw/cn

09-01-1945:- To no.39 Maintenance Unit af RAF Colerne for storage.

25-04-1944:-During its operational career, MK732 suffered battle damage several times, but on all occasions it returned to base safely and so it proved to be a true survivor.After 86 operational flights its war time days came to a end.

21-03-1946:- Home Census.

..-..-194 :-SOC RAF.

22-04-1947 MK732 allocated to the Netherlands ( RNLAF ) as part of the "Target One " contract ( also quoted as 1948 )

24-06-1947:- Issued RNLAF

24-06-1947 :-Arive RNLAF

..-..-1948:-Major inspection and made Airworthy for test flight.

03-06-1948:-Test-flight performed by F/L/Frits J Vijzelaar. Duration of the test flight was 25 minutes. Result: US, awaiting decision of 41 Group. Complaints:Top fabric covering elevator poor and elevator trim tab to much clearance

09-06-1948:-Another test flight performed by F/L/Vijzelaar. Result S.Complaints: Check oxygen emergency cock for leakage. Check R/T Receiver B2 only.TOC RNLAF as H-25. Installed engine S/N 178429 Propeller assy S/N H.7693479052.Aircraft ferried from Colerne to No. 1 Dutch Ferry Flight at RAF Pershore.

27-06-1948:-H-25 ferried form RAF Pershore via.RAF Manston to RNLAF Valkenburg by No.1 Dutdch Ferry Flight. After customs at RAF Valkenburg aircraft flown to RNLAF Twenthe.

13-07-1948:-H-25 not required for operations and ferried to the Depot Materieel at RNLAF Leeuwarden, together with +/- other Spitfire's for storage and preservation. V1/629.

31-03-1949:- H-25 ferried to RNLAF Twenthe and joined the Fighter Pilot School ( Jachtvliegschool or JVS ). v1.629.

19-10-1949:- Removed with JVS at RNLAF Twenthe propellor assembly S/N VA.7693.

24-10-1949:- Installed with JVS at RNLAF Twenthe propellor assembly S/N VA.8409.

10-11-1949:- During low flying, pilot seargent P.P.A van Eijsden flew into high tension cables at Lichtenvoorde near Zwolle, cutting of the power supply of several villages. This concern was not rectified until 1957. Pilot carried out forced landing succesfully.

14-11 1949:- After recovery H-25 was sent to Fokker factoryat Schipol Amsterdam for repair and overhaul.

13-12-1949 Removed prop assembly S/N V.A 8409.



18-01-1950:-Removed engine S/N 178449.

..-..-1950:-Engine fitted by Fokker engine S/N 178715

..-..-1950:- Propeller assembly installed by Fokker S/N 6686.

..-..-1950- Propeller changed. Installed with JVS at RNLAF Twenthe proppeler assembly S/N VA.8409.

15-03-1951:- Test flight with Fokker.

16-03-1951:-Test flight with Fokker.

05-04-1951:-Test flight with Fokker.(x2 )

07-04-1951:-Test flight with Fokker.

09-04-1951:-Test flight with Fokker.

19-04-1951:- Test flight with RNLAF kapt. Jonker Aircraft accepted by the RNLAF.kapt. Jonker. Aircraft excepted by the RNLAF.

27-04-1951:- To JVS RNLAF T wenthe as H-25 in all silver color scheme.

..-06-1951 H-25 recoded 3W-17, being 322's squadron code( 3W-) during most of its period as an operational RAF Fighter Squadron in WWII.

31-08-1951:- Moved with 322 Squadron fromRNLAF Twenthe to RNLAF Soesterberg.

23-10-1951 Temporary Detachment from RLAF Soesterberg at RNLAF Leeuwarden for gunnery courses.

25-08-1952:- Propeller removed at RNLAF Soesterberg, propeller assembly S/N 6686.Propeller installed assembly S/N 6281.

..-09-1953:- Last flight with RNLAF and stored outside at RNLAF Soesterberg.

..-..-1954:- Aicraft stripped for military equip.

28-05-1954:- Aircraft awaiting for dispersal at RNLAF Soesterberg SCHR No186.

04-06-1954:- SOC RNLAF at RNLAF Soesterberg. LSK 34 A No.168. Installed engine S/N 178715. Installed propeller assembly S/N 6281. ACCT:-240.00

25-05-1954:- Aircraft assigned to RNLAF Eindhoven V-1308.

01-07-1954:-Transported by road from RNLAF Soesterberg to RNLAF Eindhoven for use as a "decoy" together with MK959 (H-15 ) and MH212 ( H-22 ).

..-..-195.:-Aircraft forgotten about and dumped behind some barracks of the maintenance unit department at RNLAF Eindhoven. H-22 was scrapped in 1956 by the fire brigade and H-15 was transported to 315 Squadron and put on display.

..-..-1956:- During a visit ( squadron rotation ) of RAF No.14 Squadron from RAF Oldenburg at RNLAF Eindhoven, No.14 Squadron members "found " the remains of H-25 and took her in the middle of the nighton a lorry to RAF Oldenburg in Germany as a Squadron Trophy ( withou permission )Next morning it was discovered that H-25 had been stolen, but because ther was already a gate guard at RNLAF Eindhoven no effort was made to get her back.

..-..-1956:-Aircraft restored to static display condition No.14 Squadron as MK732 in a standard RAF xolor scheme, including black and white invasion stripes. Presented to No.124 Wing at RAF Oldenburg by No.14 Squadron as a wing trophy. MK732 was put on display at RAF Oldenburg.

..-..-195.:- MK732 present at the farewell parade/ceromony of GroupCaptain C.C.Stapelton.

..-..-1957:-MK732 moved with No.124 Wing from RAF Oldenburg to RAF Ahlhorn in Germany. Aircraft display on RAF Ahlhorn.



..-..-1960:- MK732 moved with No.124 Wing from RAF Ahlhorn to RAF Gutersolh in Germany. Aircraft display at RAF Guthersloh in front of the Officers mess.

..-..-1969:- MK732 dismanteled at RAF Guthersloh.

27-06-1969:- MK732 was air lifted to RAF Brize Norton by a Short Belfast ( XR366 ) of No.53 Squadron and stowed at a cargo hanger.

09-07-1969:-MK732 transported by road from RAF Brize Norton via a night stop at RAF Bicester to RAF St Athan in Wales. Comm. order MC/12651/F/69 from 04-07-1969.

10-07-1969:- MK732 arrived at RAF St Athan with No.71 Maintenance Unit. Stored as a "bastard " aircraft awaiting restaurational to static display condition.

01-12-1970:- MK732 transported from RAF St Athan to RAF Bicester and recoded as RAF instructional airframe No.8633M.

23-10-1974 MK732 Transported from RAF Bichester to RAF Coltishall ( No.3 hanger ) for storage with the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight ( BBMF ) and used as spare parts supply with the BBMF.

..-08-1979:-MK732 transported from RAF Coltishall to ARF Abinghton for storage with the BBMF.

..-09-1980:- Aircraft selected by the BBMF to supply the necessary parts for the rebuild of Spitfire MK.V AB910 after a ground collision during take off in August 1978, with NAA ( Noorduyn ) AT-16ND "Harvard " MkIIB PH-KMA ( from Skylight, Hilversum in the Netherlands and piloted by KLM pilot Bert.J Kuyper ) in box Switerland. Tail section removedand swapped with Peter Croser from Australia against propeller blades and spares in rebuild of AB910.

12-11-1980:- Remains of MK732 transported again fromRAF Abinghton to RAF St Athan and used as a spare part source for the BBMF Spitfire.

..-..-198.:- All useful parts had been removed and the Aircraft was dumped, escaping from the scrapyard only because the contracter's lorry was full/overloaded.

..-..-198.:-F/L/Woodgate eventually spotted the remains of the fighter- " That's a Fighter"- and took it inside again, thus saving the precious Warbird yey AGIAN.



..-..-1983:-During the celebration of 40 Years 322 Squadron in 1983, the Squadroncommander Major Ton Krechting approached Harry van der Meer ( nicknamed :-"Dutch Mister Sopitfire" ) and requested him to look for a former 322 Squadron Spitfire for the Squadron.

13-04-1984:-MK732 in England was selected, and after an official request to the RAF, the remains of the aircraft returned to the Netherlands. Plans were drawn up to restore the aircraft to taxying or preferably to flying condition, for the future celebration of 50 Years of 322 Squadron in 1993.

..-..-198.:-Less progress in the restoration of H-25 due to reduced availability of funds and difficulties in obtaining the necessary parts.

..-..-1985:- RNLAF Staff at the Hauge stopped the project.

29-11-1985:-H-25 transported by road to RNLAF Gilze-Rijen for storage. Aircraft assigned to the collection of the RNLAF museum ( Militaire Luchtvaart Museum or MLM ).

..-05-1989:- Remains of H-25 ( MK732 ) to Steve Atkins in England after an exchange with a plastic Spitfire Replica for the MLM. From the past, Atkins was already in possesion of the parts reqd. for MK732.

..-..-1990 :- Steve Atkins offered the remains of the plane for SALE again.

..-09-1990:-Harry van der Meer met Steve Atkins and was informed the plane was for SALE.

..-12-1990:- First remains of MK732 transported to the Netherlands and stored at Nijverdal with Jack van Egmond.

..-02-1991:-Erection of the Dutch Spitfire Flight ( DSF ) Goal was to restore the plane to a airworthy condition. The first DSF Chairman was RNLAF Air Commodore Ab Schouten on reccomendation of Ton Krechting. This is also the first " link " of the DSF with the RNLAF.

..-..-1991:- Fuselage to RNLAF Deelen for restoration under CAA rules as G-HVDM ( Harry van der Meer )with assistance ot Steve Atkins. Target date for the project and the first flight: June 12,1993 being the celebration of 50 years of 322 Squadron.

1991-1993:- Work on MK732 on three places:-The fuselage at RNLAF Deelen, the wings in England and the Engine in Nijverdal with Jack van Egmond.

..-..-199.:- MK732 showm to HRH Prince Bernhard by the DSF members Soestdijk Palace.

..-..-1993:-Engine S/N ???????? overhauled by Jack Egmond, rejected by the CAA.

..-..-1993:-Installed engine Rolls Royce " Merlin " Type 224 build by Packard, Detroit USA. Engine S/N/A8928. Installed propeller assembly S/N H5550.

..-..-1993:-Final assembly at Lydd Airport in the Southern part of England in the hanger of Howard Wade. Very hectic times to grt the aircraft ready in time.

10-06-1993:- Fist test flight of 15 minutes as G-HVDM ( H-25 ) from Lydd Airport by the test pilot Peter Kinsley. After arrival at Lydd, thumb up, aircraft o.k. Some more tests to follow shortly. ACCT.240.00 ( From aircraft historical record. )

..-..-1993:-CAA Airworthness approval note No.22846 Issue 2 . To approve Spitfire Mk. IX G-HVDM for issue of a permit to fly.

11-06-1993:-CAA permit to Fly Certificate No. PR040564/001. CAA Exemption Certificate No. ea 040564/001.

12-06-1993:- Permission from the CAA to ferry G-HVDM to the Netherlands. Pilot Dan Griffith ferried G-HVDM from Lydd to RNLAF Leeuwarden under very poor weather conditions, including very strong winds, Arrival at RNLAF Leeuwarden at 16.30LT, just after HRH Prince Bernhard left the celeberation.

..-..-1993:- G-HVDM based at Lelystad Airfield with the DSF.

08-12-1993:- Aircraft partly sold to the Dutch Goverment ( 50% ) and the Dutch Spitfire Flight ( 50% ) by Mr R.RKrens ( Twinair USA ) Contract DMKLu/MDA/ME/KO/94/07.

04-10-1994 :-Share of the Dutch Spitfire Flight ( 50% ) sold to the Dutch Goverment, now being 100% owner of G-HVDM. Contract No. DMKLu/MDA/ME/KO/94/07.

..-..-1994:-G-HVDM painted in RAF color scheme with Black and White ( invasion ) stripes as OU-U.

..-06-1994:-G-HVDM participated in several memorial flights over England and Normandy for the celebration of the 50 years operation Overlord.

16-08-1995:-CAA Airworthness Approval Note No. 25177 to revise the Limitations of SpitfireMk IX G-HVDM in response to LTO 1362.

27-08-1995:-Landing accident in England ( pilot Jack van Egmond )Major damage on the airframe and on the prop. Aircraft fitted with new spars, 1 undercarriage leg from MLM (Spitfire H-1 ), new flaps and wingtip. Damaged prop blades changed with new ones, construction by Hoffman ( Germany )ACCT 380:41.

11-09-1995:-Provisional susoension by the CAA of the Certificate of Airworthness . CAA Refrence 9/23/G-HVDM.

..-..-199.:- Test flight after repair.

..-..-199.:-G-HVDM based at RNLAF Soesterberg with the DSF.

19-05-1996:-Landing accident at RNLAF Volkel during air display ( pilot Berry Macco ). Landing gear was not locked and the landing gear collapsed upon touch down with the runway. Minor damage on the Airframe an the Engine. Major damage to the prop. Damaged prop blades changed with new ones, construction by Hoffman ( Germany) ACCT 391:11.

10-10-1996:-Engine overhauled to zero time. Ovrerhauled engine installed by RNLAF Soesterberg by Geoff Waldorf of Nostalgic Flying. Engine S/N A8928 ACCT 392:31.

20-05-1997:-CAA Airworhtness Approval Note No.25177 Addendum 1 . To revise the Limitations of Spitfire Mk,IX G-HVDM in Response to LTO1362.

..-..-1998 :-G-HVDM fromRNLAF Soesterberg to the new home base RNLAF Gilze-Rijen.

04-07-1998:-Prpo damaged by metal part, probaly coming off exploded tailwheel of DHC 2 "Beaver" Mk1 G-BUVF. Damaged prop blades changed with new ones, construction by Hoffman ( Germany )ACCT 421:25.

28-10-1998:-Erection of the RNLAF Historical Flight at RNLAF Gilze-Rijen, being the new holder and operator of G-HVDM. Nostalgic Flying ( U.K ) remained responsible for all aircraft maintenance completed to the CAA,.

31-03-1999:- Take off accident ( prop strike ) at RAF Manston during a air display ( pilot Adrian Brouwer ) Damage discovered by Maintenance personnel upon arrival at RNLAF Gilze-Rijen. Damage prop blades changed with new ones, Constructed by Hoffman ( Germany )ACCT 428:10.

18-04-1999:-Opening of the new SKHV hanger at RNALF Gilze-Rijen by the commander-in -cheif (BDL ) of the RNLAF Lt. Gen, Ben Droste.G-HVDM inspected in the new hanger by Mr. Pieter van Vollenhove, Lt.Gen. Cees v.d Veer( Inspector of the Dutch Armed Forces) Lt. Gen.Ben Droste ( BDL ) and several other military personel.



30-03-2000:-G-HVDM painted at RNLAF Woensdrecht in a overall silver color scheme as 3W-17 and fitted with ( new ) clipped wings under supervision of Nostalgic Flying ground engineer Geoff Waldorf.

03-10-2000:- Registration G-HVDM cancelled.

20-10-2000:-G-HVDM transferred to the Dutchcivil Register as PH-OUQ after the aircraft's RAF 485 ( NZ ) Squadronregistration OU-Q during WWII. ACCT 476:10

20-10-2000:-Issued by the RLD. BvI No. 5961, BvL No. 5961 Bar No.R-596

26-06-2001:- First flight as PH-OUQ after 300 hours inspection and transfer to the Dutch Civil Register. Pilot Berry Macco. ACCT 476:10