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Homework #4 Name ______________________________

Chapter 8


  1. When conducting statistical analyses, we are always formally testing the null hypothesis. Why can we never accept the null hypothesis as being true? (½ pt)



  3. a. what is a Type I error? (½ pt)



  1. what is a Type II error? (½ pt)


  3. what is an alpha level? (½ pt)


  5. how are these three things related? (1 pt)


  1. Under what circumstances do we conduct a t-test instead of a z-test? (1 pt)


  3. A researcher administered a test of verbal ability to a sample of 169 students. The mean of the sample was 74.40. The standard deviation for the population, s , was known to be 13.00. Compute the 95% confidence intervals. (1 pt)





    4b. Calculate the 95% confidence intervals for the true population mean if the above test population was known to have a standard deviation of 7.0: (1pt)





    4c. What is effect of decreasing s on the width of the confidence intervals? (½ pt)

  5. You are interested in how well people can estimate the passage of time without the aid of a time-telling device. To test this, you ask 25 people to tell you when they think a 7-minute interval has passed without using a watch or clock. The mean of these 25 estimates was 6.25 minutes, with a standard deviation estimate of 1.75 minutes. Use a non-directional one-sample t-test to determine whether your sample mean came from a population with a mean of 7 minutes?
    1. State your formal hypotheses: (¼ pt)

    3. What are your degrees of freedom? What are your critical values? (½ pt)

    5. Calculate the estimated standard error of the mean: (1 pt)


    7. Calculate tobs: (1 pt)


    9. What is your decision? (¼ pt)


    11. Calculate the 95% confidence intervals: (1 pt)




  1. For each of the following tobs values, use the df (in parentheses) to determine the critical values and indicate your decision regarding the HO: (2 ½ pts)
    1. tobs(5) = +3.014
    2. tobs(19) = -1.989
    3. tobs(16) = -2.179
    4. tobs(30) = +2.036
    5. tobs(13) = +2.262