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Homework #5 Name ______________________________

Chapters 9 & 10


  1. What is the difference between a within-subjects design and a between-subjects design? (1pt)




  3. What are confounding variables? (1 pt)




    2b. How can confounding variables be controlled? (½ pt)




  5. What is random assignment and why is it important? (1 pt)





  7. What is the rationale that allows us to combine the variance estimates from two samples in order to obtain a "pooled variance estimate"? (1 pt)




  9. What information does eta2 provide? (1 pt)




  11. When do we conduct an independent groups t-test? (½ pt)



  13. Air Force psychologists are conducting research into the relative effectiveness of two

methods of training navigators. The first method makes use of computer-simulated flights, the second uses traditional classroom instruction. A random sample of 32 navigators-in-training is observed and 16 navigators are randomly assigned to each method. After completing the respective training methods, both groups perform the same assessment test. Group 1 (computer training) received a mean of 8.2 with an estimated standard deviation of 1.893. Group 2 (traditional training) received a mean of 6.2 with an estimated standard deviation of 1.159. Determine if there is a statistically significant difference between training methods. (assume alpha = .05, non-directional test).

a) Identify your independent and dependent variables. (1 pt)

b) What are your formal hypotheses? (½ pt)

c) What are your degrees of freedom (df) and critical t value? (½ pt)

d) Compute the estimated standard error of the difference between means. (2 pts)




e) Compute the test statistic (independent groups t test). (1 pt)


f) What is your decision? (½ pt)

g) How strong is the relationship between the IV and DV? (1 pt)



h) Describe the nature of the relationship. (½ pt)