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Episode 1: Witch Trial

In the second-season opener, a powerful demon named Abraxes steals the Book of Shadows and resurrects some of the trio's old foes. He also begins to erase spells in the book in an attempt to rob the sisters of their abilities and leave them vulnerable to attack. The sisters also meet their new neighbors Dan and his niece Jenny. Prue deals with the pain of Andy's death as she blames herself. Piper tries (and succeeds) on getting a loan for the night club she wants to open.

Guest Stars: Jennifer Rhodes (Grams/Penny), Greg Cromer (Rob - the banker), Janet Wood (Mrs. Hilton), Rick Cramer (Nicholas), Jesse Goins (The Doctor), Walter Phelan (Abraxas), Max Entriken (Assistant), Mark Nearing (Paramedic)

Original Air Date: Thursday, September 30, 1999


Episode 2: Morality Bites

Phoebe has a vivid premonition foretelling her own death - burned at the stake for killing a man with her powers - in the year 2009. To prevent her execution, the sisters travel to the future, where they discover their powers have evolved. Not only that, they find that Prue is a successful business woman dedicated to her career, Piper a mom to a little girl - married and separated from Leo - and Phoebe, well, in prison! They also learn that the future cannot be changed.

Guest Stars: Clara Thomas (Melinda), Lisa Connaughton (Anne), Jennifer Hale (Neighbor), Sibila Vargas (Sierra Stone), Dan Horton (Cal Greene), Michael Brownlee (Sports Reporter), Richard Saxton (2009 Anchor), Claudia Gold (Screaming Woman), Darron Johnson (Hallway Guard), Tina Thomas (Assistant #1), Taili Song (Assistant #2)

Original Air Date: Thursday, October 7, 1999


Episode 3: The Painted World

Prue discovers that the world of art can be dangerous. A warlock tricks her into auctioning off a cursed painting in order to kill the Charmed Ones and steel their powers. Prue reads a Latin incantation hidden in the painting and gets trapped inside it, along with a warlock who's been imprisoned for 70 years. Meanwhile, Phoebe casts a smart spell, that makes her super intelligent, in order to land a job as a research coordinator.

Guest Stars: Paul Kersey (Malcolm), Holly Fields (Jane), Damian Perkins (Joe Lyons), Cindy Lu (Receptionist), Anthony Deane (Applicant #1), Rebecca Jackson (Applicant #2), Tate Taylor (Applicant #3)

Original Air Date: Thursday, October 14, 1999


Episode 4: The Devil's Music

Business at the nightclub is taking off - and so are some patrons. After Piper books the band Dishwalla, female fans start disappearing during their performance, and the sisters suspect the band's manager (Larry Holden) may have struck a deal with a demon to gain fame and fortune in exchange for female sacrifices.

Guest Stars: Alexandra Picatto (Tina Hitckens), Chris Nelson (Masselin), Ralph Garman (DJ ), Robert Madrid (Roadie #1), Smalls (Bouncer), David Haydn Jones, Larry Holden (band manager), Musical Guest: Dishwalla

Original Air Date: Thursday, October 21, 1999


Episode 5: She's a Man, Baby, a Man!

An evil demon called a Succubus is luring men to their deaths then taking all their testosterone so that she can fertilize her eggs to reproduce. After finding out that all the men were members of a dating service, Prue goes deep undercover by casting a spell that transforms her into a man. Meanwhile, Piper is deep in thought trying to think of ways to make the sisters' nightclub a success. The Cranberries perform

Guest Stars: Georgia Emelin (Jan), Jamison Yang (Coroner), Ralph Garman (DJ), Dean Kelly (Gorgeous Man), Nick Stabile (Owen), Musical Guest: The Cranberries

Original Air Date: Thursday, November 4, 1999


Episode 6: That Old Black Magic

An evil witch (Brigid Brannagh) escapes a 200-year imprisonment and seeks to destroy the Charmed Ones. The only hope is to find a "Chosen One" who can use the witch's wand for good, rather than evil. The "Chosen One" happens to be a young boy who doesn't believe he is destined to fulfill this task. Also, Leo's back and is not too happy to find that Dan and Piper are "together". He then comes to understand Piper's feelings of being neglected.

Guest Stars: Brian Krause (Leo), Jay Michael Ferguson (Kyle Gwydion), Brigid Brannagh (Tuatha), Lochlyn Munro (Jack Sheridan), Pamela Kosh (Betty), Maulik Pancholy (Treasure Hunter #1), Jeremy Rowler (Treasure Hunter #2), Teddy Lane Jr. (Director), John Johnston (Joshua), Liv Boughn (Heather), Matthew Senko (Michael)

Original Air Date: Thursday, November 11, 1999


Episode 7: They're Everywhere

The sisters run afoul of a group of warlocks known as "The Collectors", who gain knowledge by draining human brains. The group's nest target is a man who knows the whereabouts of a set of ancient tablets that offer information about the future. The only other person who knows how to read these tablets that have the map on it is the man's son, Eric. The sisters tell Eric that they are witches and explain how dangerous these warlocks are and what could happen if they got a hold of these tablets that tell the future. Together they try to save Eric's father and destroy the warlocks, along with the tablets that give the map for the records that can tell the future.

Guest Stars: Greg Mehlman (Eric), Lochlyn Munro (Jack Sheridan), Misha Collins, Dean Norris, Eddy Saad, Jim Antonio, Marcelo Tubert,

Original Air Date: Thursday, November 18, 1999


Episode 8: P3 H20

The sisters go to the summer camp where their mother drowned and discover that she was slain by a watery demon while her White Lighter guide and lover, Sam, stood by helplessly. With the long-closed camp scheduled to reopen, the witches must stop the demon before it kills again. Prue is upset when people continuously tell her she is like her mother, after she is chosen to face the water-demon she is determined not to have the same fate as her mother. Meanwhile, Piper and Leo face hard choices after learning the fate of her mother and her mystical guide.

Guest Stars: Finola Hughes (Patty), Brian Krause (Leo Wyatt), Scott Jaeck (Sam), Pat Crowley (Mrs. Johnson), Lochlyn Munro (Jack Sheridan), Ferrel Barron (Medic), Emmalee Thompson (Young Prue), Lucky Luciano (Kid #1),

Original Air Date: Thursday, December 9, 1999


Episode 9: Ms. Hellfire

Another Friday the 13th and the sisters are convinced that they will be demon-free until they are attacked by a dangerous hit woman who suprisingly is mortal - not a demon. The woman ends up dead when they use their powers to protect themselves, leading Prue to assume the hit woman's identity in hopes of finding out who ordered their executions. Prue's investigation soon brings her into contact with a dangerous criminal (Antonio Sabato Jr.). They call Morris and finally reveal their true identities to him. Prue also learns that this dangerous criminal is working for the Fear Demon, Barbas. If Barbas can have 13 witches dead by midnight then he will be free from purgatory. In the process of all of this, Prue receives a new power - Astral Projection.

Cast: Antonio Sabato Jr. (Bane Jessup), Billy Drago (Barbas)

Original Air Date: Thursday, January 13, 2000


Episode 10: Heartbreak City

Phoebe is depressed about the state of her love life as she sees her sisters having romantic success. Her luck may change, however, when Cupid comes to her for help with an evil demon named Drazi, who has stolen a ring that bestows power over love. Drazi is out to get revenge on Cupid for not allowing the woman he loved to love him back. Drazi makes everyone fall out of love including Piper and Dan, and Prue and Jack. Cupid learns of Phoebe's kind heart and decides to use her as his "ring" which weakens Drazi and soon destroys him.

Guest Stars: Clayton Rohner, Michael Reilly Burke, Lochlyn Mucro (Jack Sheridan), Tiffany Salerno (Cindy), Brody Hutzler (Max), Jonathan Aubi (Kevin)

Original Air Date: Thursday, January 20, 1999


Episode 11: Reckless Abandon

A powerful vision moves Phoebe to bring home an abandoned infant in order to protect him from a spirit bent on revenge. Piper and Prue hurry to find the child's family before the ghost hunts down the baby and Phoebe. The spirit is the family's chauffeur who was killed for his obsession with one of the daughters. The spirit is has killed every male in the family and is now determined to kill little baby Matthew. The only way to destroy the ghost is to dig up his bones and pour a potion over them - but the ghost also protects his bones which makes it even more difficult. There is one other way which the sister's strongly refuse to resort to - to get rid of the object of the ghost's haunting. Martha hears this and takes matters into her own hands and throws herself to her death.

Guest Stars: Lochlyn Munro (Jack Sheridan), J. Kenneth Campbell, Aillary Danner, Big Coy (Gilbert), Rolando Molina (Hernandez), Albert Stroth (Uniform cop), Stephanie Beacham (Matriarch),

Original Air Date: Thursday, January 27, 1999


Episode 12: Awakened

Piper contracts a rare tropical disease and slips into a coma, forcing Prue and Phoebe to cast a spell to awaken her. In the process, they cause the disease to spread throughout the hospital via a playful courier. There's one other frightening side effect---the sisters now can't sleep. Piper figures that the reason everyone is sick is because of the spell so she convinces Prue and Phoebe to reverse the spell. When they do Piper is thrown back into the coma and is now slowly dying. She is not responding to the CPR and is pronounced dead. Leo heals her when her spirit leaves her body but his wings are clipped (as a suspension) for doing so. Prue quits her job at Bucklands and Leo announces that he will fight for Piper's love as a mortal.

Cast: Brian Krause (Leo), Greg Vaughan (Dan), Lochlyn Munro (Jack)

Original Air Date: Thursday, February 3, 2000


Episode 13: Animal Pragmatism

Phoebe discovers that, with her help, three college girls have used a love spell to turn three animals into men on Valentine's Day. They enjoy being human and wish to stay like that, however, have retained their animal instincts and begin attacking innocent students. The three girls tell them that they only have till midnight. Since the girls are unable to permanently keep them human the men seek out Phoebe. In the meantime Prue can't stand not having anything to do so she agrees to help Phoebe with the three animal-men. While Phoebe works on a spell to turn the men to their original form Prue searches for the three girls and the animal men. They finally find the men at P3 and Phoebe performs the spell only to turn all the people in the club into animals. She reverses the spell but it turns the animals into humans - permanently. The animal men get arrested and all is well, well except for Piper. She's still confused about Leo and Dan but as she's about to leave to dinner with Dan she receives a Valentine from Leo and imagines her and Leo walking towards each other in the club and then kissing passionately. Even after this thought she leaves the club to join Dan.

Guest Stars: Christopher Wiehl, Tim Griffin, Rafer Weigel, Steve Monroe, Lela Lee, Kelly McNair, Katie Johnston, Richard Wharton (Professor), Benton Jennings (concerned citizen), Amber Skelski (Girl), feat. Janice Robinson

Original Air Date: Thursday, February 10, 2000


Episode 14: Pardon My Past

When Phoebe experiences unusual occurrences, like an invisible being strangling her, the sisters start to worry. Leo suggests that it is a former life trying to warn her of danger. Phoebe decides to travel to the past, 1924 to be exact, were she sees herself, Prue and Piper. Instead of sisters they are cousins. In the past Phoebe was evil and was in love with a warlock named Anton (Tyler Christopher). Anton and evil Phoebe planned to kill past-Prue and past-Piper and steel their powers but the two cousins killed her first and placed a curse on her soul. In the present the sisters must come up with a way to save her before the curse destroys her soul. Phoebe exchanges souls with her past person and tries to hide a certain necklace, that makes her invincible, that could prevent her from dying in the future. However the evil Phoebe is awaken by Anton who helps her get to the manor. Piper, Prue and Leo find them there and vanquish Anton. Just as past-Prue and past-Piper are about to kill future-Phoebe in 1924 she recites the incantation and returns to the future, having the necklace put on her just in time to save her.

Cast: Tyler Christopher (Anton), Jeanelle Miller (Christina Larson), Daveigh Chase (Young Christina), Susan Savage (Classy Woman), Lauri Kendler (Socialite), Gregg Kovan (Bouncer)

Original Air Date: Thursday, February 17, 2000


Episode 15: Give Me a Sign

Prue's old flame, the criminally minded Bane (Antonio Sabato Jr.), is targeted by a demon known as Litvack. Litvack fears that Bane knows too much so wants him killed. Bane escapes from prison and kidnaps Prue and forces her to use her powers to protect him. At first Prue doesn't believe Bane and refuses to protect him. She Astral Projects to her sisters to warn them not to look for her. When she comes to Bane unties her soon after Litvacks henchman comes and attacks them and almost hits Prue with a laser type power but Bane pushes her out of the way. When he is hurt Prue bandages his wound and tells him she will help him. Their mutual attraction, however, concerns Prue's sisters, who fear she may be losing sight of Bane's evil identity. Meanwhile, Phoebe casts a spell to help Piper decide between Leo and Dan but it backfires and it instead helps them find Prue. When Piper and Phoebe do find Prue they all return to the manor and figure out a way to defeat Litvack. Litvack had only one weakness but to use it against him Bane had to keep it to himself to protect the charmed ones from this all-powerful demon. Litvack is finally destroyed by the charmed ones with the help of Bane, however Bane turns himself in and returns to prison. Piper finally choses between Leo and Dan.

Cast: Steve Railsback (Litvack), Keith Burnsmann, Geoff Meed (Guard #1), Janis Chow (Female Newscaster), Gwen McGee (TV Anchor), Sal Rendino (Guard #2), Anthony Holiday (Other Guard), Sean Christopher Davis (Delivery Guy), Antonio Sabato Jr. (Bane Jessup)

Original Air Date: Thursday, February 24, 2000


Episode 16: Murphy's Luck
Prue goes for an interview for a job as a staff photographer on a city paper. Well before she gets the job permanently, she must get a better photograph of Molly Murphy. The editor wants to do a feature on Molly for his St. Patrick's Day issue. And the reason being is because Molly is the unluckiest person in San Francisco. The irony; she's Irish. Molly was a saint six weeks ago, for saving some kids from a fire at a pre-school. Since then though she's had bad luck. But what Molly doesn't know is that there is a Darklighter behind her troubles. Prue saves Molly from almost dying which upsets the Darklighter who wants revenge.

Guest Stars: Arnold Vosloo (Darklighter a.k.a. Spirit Killer), Amy Adams (Maggie Murphy), Kent Faulcon (Gil)

Original Air Date: Thursday, March 30, 2000


Episode 17: How To Make A Quilt Out Of Americans

Three elderly witches make a deal with a demon named Cryto to regain their youth. In return for this gift Cryto wants to escape from purgatory as well as powers. Gail, one of these witches, knows the Charmed Ones, their secrets and family history. Her and Grams were in the same sorority house together. Gail tells the sisters that she needs their help. Something demonic is happening in her town, someone's robbing graves and skinning the corpses, not realizing that this is all for not since they won't be around too long themselves. In the mean time the other older witches are seen knitting with massive quilting needles. That when its revealed they are making a strange and horrible quilt made of human skin in the shape of a man. Our Charmed Ones, travel to Santa Costa, after finding out in the Book of Shadows who Cryto is, hoping to rid this community of him. What they don't realize is that there is more than that, which awaits them in Santa Costa. They must struggle to stay to stay alive against the townsfolk, as well as the demon, all this without their powers, because Gail used a spell torn out of the Charmed One's Book of Shadows.

Guest Stars: Anne Haney (Gail Altman), Pamela Gordon, Lucy Lee Flippin, Cameron Bancroft (Cryto), Julia Lee (Young Gail), John Gowans (Mr. Turk), Bill Wiley (Caddie Guy #1), Charles Stebenson (Caddie Guy #2)

Original Air Date: Thursday, March 6, 2000


Episode 18: Chick Flick

A terrible demon called the Demon of Illusion is on the loose. Phoebe casts a quick spell intended to kill the demon but instead gives characters in movies real-life consciousness of the real world. The demon is trying to kill the Charmed Ones along with killing innocent people. He is able to go in and out of movies playing in theatres and rather than fighting on his own he releases evil villains from the movies to attack the people. One innocent character, Billy, is released from an old black and white movie and helps the Charmed Ones but at the same time falls in love with Phoebe. After killing The Demon’s "henchmen" they start to plan to kill him but find out that it can only be done in his realm – the movie. Also Pue meets her hero – the guy who inspired her to start photography but only finds out that he’s a jerk. To make a long story short, Billy goes back to his movie, the demon is vanquished and they live happily ever after… for now…

Guest Stars: Chris Payne Gilbert, Robert Atkin Downes, Mark Lindsay Chapman, Kent Faulcon (Gil), Olivia Summers (Bloody Mary), Alec Ledd (Film Geek), Leslie Lauten (Sally Mae), Michael Rivkin (Cell Phone Guy), Dale Fabrigar (Irritated Guy), August Amarino (Projectionist), JP Romaro (the Slasher)

Original Air Date: Thursday, March 20, 2000


Episode 19: Ex Libris

HIT ALTERNATIVE ROCK BAND ''THE GOO GOO DOLLS'' GUEST-STAR - Phoebe tries to help the ghost of Charlene (guest star Rebecca Cross), a fellow student who was killed by a demon known as Libris (guest star Scott Lincoln) to prevent the publication of her thesis proving the existence of evil. With Prue's help, Phoebe and Charlene try to vanquish Libris before he can kill Phoebe, but are surprised to learn that Charlene's ghost cannot move on to the next plane of existence until she helps Prue solve the murder of another young woman. Meanwhile, Piper's efforts to get the nightclub ready for a performance by ''The Goo Goo Dolls'' (latest hit ''Broadway'') are interrupted when Dan reveals unsettling news about Leo's past.

Guest Stars: Rebecca Cross (Charleen Hughes), Cleavant Derricks (Cleavant Wilson), Scott Lincoln (Libris), Peg Stewart (Lillian)

Original Air Date: Thursday, April 27, 2000


Episode 20: Astral Monkeys

A doctor (guest star Matthew Glave) who treated Piper when she was dangerously ill has been trying to uncover the reason for her miraculous recovery and accidentally acquires the powers of all three Halliwell sisters during a blood transfusion. In a desperate effort to save his dying sister, the doctor uses his new powers to harvest organs from innocent victims, Prue and Phoebe help Piper put an end to the doctor’s violent house calls. The more and more organs he harvests the more and more evil he becomes. Because he is a mortal he can’t handle the powers and they will drive him insane. Meanwhile, Prue gets a job photographing a handsome actor (guest star Jim Davidson) and ends up in the tabloids.

Guest Stars: Matthew Glave (Dr. Curtis Williamson), Jim Davidson (Evan Stone), Milt Tarver (Mr. Jeffries), Susan Martino (Lucy), Jack Maxwell (Harry), Dierdre Holder (Nurse #1), Gary Douglas Kohn (Benny Hitter), Karen James (Sally "Banes" Dopler), Lina Patel (Doctor #1)

Original Air Date: Thursday, May 4, 2000


Episode 21: Apocalypse, Not

The Halliwells face their most deadly, powerful challenge to date: the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. After trying to destroy each other Prue and the Red Horsemen (War) get sent to a different plane and are stuck there. Not knowing what else to do the sisters join forces with the Horsemen not knowing of their secret plans for the end of the world. Leo follows one of the Horsemen back to their "Headquarters" only to see that people are busy at work trying to cause war, hate, and disease everywhere around the world. Leo tells the sister that they are planning the end of the world at 7:00, which is the actual New Year/Millenium. Also that if these four horsemen cannot bring the Apocalypse then the Source will kill them – the Source is the only one who can kill them. To put it short, the sisters meet the horsemen two minutes to seven to help them free them but change their mind (Phoebe has a Premonition of countries blowing up) just as the horsemen finish their half of the spell. As the four horsemen are being killed by the Source the girls quickly finish reciting the spell, freeing Prue and War who also gets killed by the Source.

Guest Stars: Geoffrey Blake, Patrick Kilpatrick, Jeff Ricketts, Brian Thompson, Kevin Ramsey (Bartender), Kenneth Cortland (Assistant), Gannon Brown (Worker #1), Peter Asle Holder (Worker #2), Special Appearance by Paula Cole!

Original Air Date: Thursday, May 11, 2000


Episode 22: Be Careful What You Witch For

 The sisters have angered the Infernal Council so often that they want to teach the Halliwells a lesson. A demon with the powers of a dragon inlists the help of a scheming genie (French Stewart) who is sent to grant them each a wish. Off their guard, Prue makes a wish and is turned into a 17-year old and Phoebe is granted the power to fly, which she cannot control. Piper unknowingly blurts out that she wishes Dan would get on with his life, which he does and gets turned into an old man in the process. Prue does not have her powers so the dragon-demon targets her. He kidnaps her and uses her as bait to lure the other sisters to him. His plan works and as the Piper and Phoebe are trying to rescue Prue the dragon stabs young Prue, killing her. The bring her back to the manor and the genie, feeling guilty, goes back into his bottle undoing all the wishes. Except Prue is still dead. They quickly get the genie back out of the bottle and wish for Prue to come back to life. She does and they defeat the dragon. In the process of this Dan discovers their secret and is very upset about it and wishes he never knew. Piper wishes it for him through the genie and it comes true. The girls’ final wish is for the genie’s freedom.

Guest Stars: Marcus Graham (Dragon), Jeff Corey, J.G. Hertzler, Zitto Kazann, French Stewart (the Genie), Joshua Hutchinson (Dick)

Director: Shannen Doherty

Original Air Date: Thursday, May 18, 2000


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