Okinawan Trip 2002
The Originators of
Karate-Do Kata:
1. Aragaki Kamadeuchu (Seisho)Tsuji Pechin
(1840-1918) A fluent speaker of Chinese, worked as an interperter for the Ryukyu court. Was one of the first Instructors of Higashionna Kanryo.
- Arahaki Seisan
- Koryu Unshu
- Niseishi
- Sochin
- Unsu
2. Funakoshi Giko(1906 - 1945) Was the third son of Funakoshi Gichin, and was responsible for helping his father develop and organize the Shoto-kan. Was known to break the makiwara with his powerful punches. Unfortunately, he suffered from tuberculosis which he contracted at seven years of age. He would sometimes have to stop training because he was coughing up blood. He died in the spring of 1945. he was a significant teacher of Mas Oyama.
- Sochin (Shotokan)
- Wankan (Shotokan)
3. Funakoshi Gichin (1868-1957)
Founder of Shotokan, and credited as the modern day founder of karate. Funakoshi Sensei also changed the ideograms (kanji) in the word karate from the meaning of China Hand to Empty Hand.
- Taikyoku (Shotokan)
- Ten-no-Kata
4. Higaonna Kanryo Naha-Te(1853-1930) First introduced to the fighting traditions in 1867 when he began to study monk fist boxing from Aragaki.
- Saifa
- Seiyunchin
- Shisochin
- Sanseiru
- Sepai
- Sesan
- Kururunfa
- Suparinpei (Peichurin)
- Higaonna Sanshin (turn)
5. Miyagi Chojun (1888-1953) Founder of Goju Ryu. Began his Karate instruction under Ryuko Aragaki at the age of 11. Then at the age of 14 he began his training with Kanryo Higashionna. He introduced his Goju ryu to the Hawaiian islands in 1944.
- Gekisai dai ichi
- Gekisai dai ni
- Tensho
- Miyagi Sanchin
6. Itosu Yasutsune Sensei Shuri-Te(1832-1915) Responsable for handing the tradition known as Shuri-te, and possibly brought the Bubishi to Okinawa. His teacher was the legendary Bushi Matsumura.
- Pinan (Heian) 1 - 5
- Tekki (Naihanchi) 1 - 3
- Rohai
- Empi (Itosu-Wanshu)
- Bassai Dai
- Bassai Sho
- Kushanku (Kanku Dai)
- Shihokosokun
- Chinte
- Gojushiho
- Hangetsu
- Chinto
7. Bushi Matsumura Ryu Kyu Te(1796-1889) Began his first lessons in tode with Sakagawa. Studied Gungfu in China. He is responsible for the system we know as Shorin Ryu.
- Bassai
- Seisan
- Chinto
- Channan
- Kushanku
- Chinsu
- Naihanchi
- Gojushiho
- Hakutsuru
8. Mabuni Kenwa(1899-1952)
Founder of Shito Ryu. Being of the Samurai class, began his training to overcome poor health at the age of 13. He also studied Kobudo under Aragaki. He Studied with both Itosu and Higashionna. Today his Shito Ryu is one of the four major systems of Okinawan/Japanese karate.
- Kihon Kata dai ichi - yon
- Juroku
- Shimpa
- Aoyanagi
9. Sakugawa (1733-1815)
Studied the Staff and other weapons in china, was nicknamed "Tode" for his skill at chinese boxing. Was a student of Kusahku in the mid-ninteenth century. He taught the use of weapons to Chinen Pechin who passed them on to Sanda.
10. Kyan Chotoku (1870-1945) After completing his apprenticeship under the six famous Okinawan Shorin-Ryu masters, Kyan started to teach the art at his home. In the 1920's Kyan traveled to mainland Japan to promote the art. On his return he visited Taiwan on a martial arts exchange tour of Okinawan and Chinese Martial Arts. Being proficient in both arts, Kyan invented his own Kata "Ananku".
11. Matsumora Kosaku (1829-1898) His family were indirect descendents of the first Sho king. As a boy, he studied Chinese classics and Confucianism at the Tomari School for young men from families of position. Matsumora then studied with Teruya Kishin.
- Jion
- Jitte
- Ji'in
- Rohai
- Wankan
- Tomari Bassai
- Tomari Chinto
- Wabdo
- Wanshu
12. Go Ken Ki (Wu Xiangui) White Crane(1886 - 1940) Taught White Crane Gongfu in the evenings in Naha. He had a major influence on Miyagi Chojun, Mabuni Kenwa, and Matayoshi Shinho.
- Nipaipo
- Hakucho
- Paipuren
- Hakutsuru
13. Naikaima Norisato Tomari-Te(1819-1879) In the 1880's Norisato Nakaima brought it to Okinawa from China, where he had learned from Woo Lu Chin (Ru Ru Ko). Norisato taught Kenchu Nakaima, who taught Kenko Nakaima. In 1971 no one knew Ryuei-ryu existed in Okinawa except the Nakaima family.
- Pachu
- Heiku
- Ohan
- Anan
- Paiku
Kata of
- Ananku:
Light from the South. A Tomari Te Kata with similarities to Gojushiho.
- Ansan
Defense three ways or Keeping safe three ways. A kata from the Tomari Te linage.
- Aoyagi:
Green Willow. One of two kata of self-defense one version of the kata is for women.
developed by Mabuni Sensei.
- Bassai-dai:
Bassai-dai is probably the most
popular kata among various branches of karate. It is often used as
the main test kata for Shodan (1st degree black belt). Master
Sakagami of the Itosukai cites 5 different varieties in his book:
"Itosu, Matsumura, Tomari, Oyadomari, and Ishimine".
- Bassai-sho:
To penetrate a small fortress (minor) This is a
unique kata in that it depicts defense against a staff (bo).
- Chinte:
Extraordinary Hands. Some believe this Kata came from Mabuni Sensei. Classified in the same series as Chinto, which
stemmed from the Shuri region.This kata contains a two finger strike
to the eyes.
- Chinto:
Fighting to the East. shipwrecked Chinese sailor named Chinto hid in caves by day and at night would sneak into the villages to steal food for survival. The villagers complained to the king who sent his best samurai,
Matsumura, to capture the sailor. Matsumura tracked Chinto to the cave where he was living. When he confronted him, Chinto refused to surrender.
In the pursuant fight, Chinto blocked and out- fought the samurai. Matsumura returned to the king and reported that there would be no more trouble from the
man. Then he went back to the cave and befriended Chinto, who in turn taught him his system, including the kata now known as Chinto. The Itosukai version was developed by Itosu Sensei from the Tomari style's
version. Open-hand strikes and blocks and a
double-flying kick. Gankaku is the Shotokan version (crane on a rock)
- Gojushiho:
54 Steps. A Kata from Itosu Sensei. This kata was popular among the warriors in the Shuri Reigion. This was one of Kenwa Mabuni Sensei's favorite kata.
- Haku Cho:
White Moon. A White Crane Kata of the Hakutsuru line from Itosu Sensei. These Kata were taught by Go Ken Ki Sensei.
- Hangetsu:
Half Moon. Short kata that resembles the seisan kata from the Naha Te linage.
- Ishimine Bassai:
To Penetrate a Fortress This kata is very similar to the Itosu Bassai-dai.
- Jin no Kata:
Kata of the People. 16 kata developed by Shogo Kuniba Sensei for the practice of the kehons.
- Jitte, Jiin, Jion:
The Temple Kata, Hand, Ground, and Sound or Bell. Three kata from the Tomari region of Okinawa. All three begin with the left hand poised
over the right fist at Adam's apple level, reminiscent of Chinese kempo. heavy use is made of the shiko-dachi stance.
- Juroku:
16 hands. Kata from Mabuni Sensei inspired with the help of Myiagi Sensei.
- Kururunfa:
Seventeen (17) from the Higannona Naha-te linage.
- Kusanku-dai (Kosokun-dai, Kanku-dai):
These were named after the founder, and taken from the original kata Chatan. It is also said these kata were named viewing the sky due to the initial move. This kata was brought to Okinawa by a military officer in
1762. It was popular in the Shuri region of Okinawa.
- Kusanku-sho (Kosokun-sho):
Minor version. This version was developed by Itosu Sensei
- Matsukaze:
Wind through the Pines, or Pine in the wind. A Tomari Te kata.
- Matsumura Bassai:
To penetrate a fortress. This kata was passed on from Tawada Sensei to Chibana Sensei.
- Matsumura Seisan:
Thirteen hands. A kata of the Higashionna
style from the Naha region.
- Matsumora Rohai:
Vision of the White Heron or crane. Another kata of the
Matsumora style from the Tomari region.
- Naifanchin (Naihanshin) Shodan, Naifanchin Nidan,
Naifanchin Sandan (Naifanshin 1-3):
Holding your ground or Iron Horse, due to the deep powerful stances. Three very fast,
powerful kata in which the movement all in a side to side
- Nipaipo:
28 steps, or 28 hands. A White Crane Kata from the Hiagahonna linage.
- Niseishi:
24 hands. This
kata stems from the Aragaki style. It is a short kata with a feint to
the eyes followed by a takedown.
- Pinan shodan,
Pinan nidan, Pinan sandan, Pinan yondan, Pinan godan (Pinan
Peaceful Mind Kata. It is said once one has mastered the 5 Pinan Kata they could walk the street with a peaceful mind, as they contained all self defense. These kata were developed by Itosu Sensei to
make learning the long and difficult kata known as Kusanku-dai (also
known as Kanku-dai, and Kosokun-dai) easier to learn and parts of
this intricate kata are broken down into 5 parts of varying
difficulty. There were originaly 8 Kata, but some were lost to time.
- Rohai Shodan, Rohai Nidan, Rohai Sandan:
Vision of the White Heron. Three graceful kata in which the Sagiashidachi stance (heron stance)
where balance is taken on one leg is used (Rohai-shodan), both hands
are used to simulateously strike (Rohai- nidan. All three feature the
shiko-dachi and tsuriachi-dachi stance coupled with the open-handed kaki-te uke.
- Saifa:
Final Break, to tear or smash. A kata which has its roots in the
kata, Gekisai. It contains many techniques for fighting at close
- Sanchin:
Three Battles. A basic kata of the Higashionna
style, this kata's regulated breathing and concentration make it an
indispensible kata for learning the basics of breathing, movement,
and focus with dynamic tension.
- Seienchin:
Calm within the storm. from the Higashionna
style. It begins with the shiko stance and slow, regulated breathing.
- Seipai:
Eighteen Hands, The roots
of this kata are the 18 basics of the Southern style of Shorinken.
- Seisan:
Thirteen hands. One of the shorter katas of the Naha
branch of karate. There is also a Version used by Shogo Kuniba of the Motobu Ha Shito Ryu
- Shiho Kusanku (Shiho Kosokun):
Direction big. This version was also
developed by Itosu Sensei. Shiho means "4 directions" in Japanese and,
is indicative of the directions of movement in this kata. It has
fewer steps than Kusanku-dai.
- Shiho no ho (shihono kata):
Kata of 4 directions. A Kata from the Motobu Ha Shito Ryu of Shogo Kuniba Sensei for the practice of the zenkutsu dachi and kehon blocks and punches.
- Shinpa:
New break or tear. Kata from Mabuni Sensei.
- Shinsei:
Pure Heart. Kata from Mabuni Sensei believed to be taken from Gekisai ichi.
- Shisochin:
4 direction Battle also referred to as Snake Hands. It is of Fukien White Crane origin, and was taught to Kanryo Higashionna by Ryu Ryu Ko. Similar to Sanchin, except that
this kata makes almost exclusive use of open handed
- Sochin:
four calm monks. Another favorite kata of Master
Mabuni. The changes in speed of execution make this a very
interesting kata.
- Su-pa-rinnpei:
108. A very long kata with 108 moves, from the
Higashionna style. The most advanced kata in most systems.
- Ten no kata:
Kata of the Heavens. A kata of Funakoshi Sensei similar to the basic Fukyu katas of Okinawa.
- Tensho:
Rolling Palms. A kata from Miyagi Senesi using sanchin dachi open hands and breathing techniques.
- Wankan:
Kings Crown. A kata of the Matsumora style from
the Tomari region.
- Wanshu:
There are two
types of the kata "Wanshu": the "Matsumora version" and the "Itosu
- Unshu:
Cloud Hands. Another kata from the Aragaki style,
the one finger pokes (ippon nukite).