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Denise Richards, or full name, Denise Lee Richards was born on February 17, 1972 in Downers Grove, Illinois. She moved to California and attended the high school in Oceanside. She graduated from El Camino High. Denise had developed her modeling career since she was in high school, started from posting for swimming suite magazines to modeling in New York, Paris, and Tokyo. After graduation, Denise started her acting career in Los Angeles. Her first major film was Starship Troopers, as a role of Carmen Ibenez. Even though the movie itself did not make a tremendous amount of money, it put Denise to the fame. In 1998, she was in the movie "Wild Things", co starring with Matt Dillon and Neve Campbell. The movie was criticized about the conspiracy story and the homosexual scene. Her up coming movie which will be released in 1999 is Diary Queens, the story about beauty queens fight for the title in Missouri.

Because of her acting talent and beauty, Denise has been exposed to the media over the last year. She appeared in all major entertainment shows and magazines including the most recently MTV music awards.

Height- 5ft 6inch

* *The biographical info was taken from Film Corner

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