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Welcome to the Goaltenders' Annex

Originally a sister site to Goalies of the ECHL, I've expanded it to includes shots of goalies in other leagues. However, it remains predominately an ECHL site.

Please feel free to browse around and be sure to e-mail me with any questions or comments.

Paxton Schafer in a moment of contemplation
Paxton Schafer

Hockey stick! Don't get Checked!


ECHL goalies Sean Fields and Alex Westlund added on January 10, 2007.

Five new jokes added January 5, 2007.

NCAA goalie Troy Davenport from Cornell University added on December 31, 2006.

Added NCAA goalie & St. Louis Blues prospect Ben Bishop on December 30, 2006. He's 6'7"! Make sure you take a look at this big boy!

New goalie Jason Provino added December 24, 2006. Happy Holidays!

Five new jokes added December 19, 2006...

Also new links are being added all time! Make sure you check them out.

Hockey stick! Don't get Checked!

All photos are originals that I have taken unless otherwise noted. I generally use an old Nikon FG with a Tamron 200-400 zoom for shooting. It was the first camera I'd bought (aside from instamatics) the first one I learned to shoot on, and the only one I've every been completely comfortable with, although I've owned a few.

Photos were scanned from a print on HP scanner (my current one is a 3500c), and were edited in Photoshop. Edgings are by AutoFX. I use mainly Fuji 800 or Kodak 800 film. Yes and I'm STILL using film!

Note that due to the high graphic content, pages may take a while to load, so please be patient. If all of the photos do not upload, please hit "refresh" on your browser. They will all come up the second time around (I promise!). Thank you in advance for your understanding.

Camera Note: The NHL and ECHL requires photographers to have licenses to sell their photos. As the cost of such licenses is prohibative compaired to what I could reasonably be expected to make, I cannot sell photos of NHL or ECHL players. Thank you for your understanding.

Please note: This is a free website hosted by Angelfire. We are not responsible for advertising on this page!

Hockey stick! Don't get Checked!

Hockey stick! Don't get Checked!


Copyright 2006-2007 by Animal Antix Designs except where noted.
All Rights Reserved.