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Pensom Memorial Fly


   Jerry Higgins was the first flier of the day. The crowds anticipation grew as we all awaited the release of his birds. Pigeon lovers from all over come to see roll. Jerry scored 765 points and we loved it. Good fly Jerry. 

       As we arrived at Randy Gibson's house the winds were to high for rollers so we went to Richard Espinosa's house but it was not his day. The flies were postponed till next weekend Nov. 25, I know that some of you came from out of State and were disappointed not seeing more roll but we still have the show on Saturday and the Sundays fly. Now let take a look at some of the pictures I took
      Now it is good to see old friends and meet new ones. I can't wait to next weeks fly. Ok Sunday is another day so off to the show we go. When I get to a show the first thing I always do is look around for old friends and check out what is being raffled off. Most show raffle off a kit box and this one was nice so nice the judge paid  $100.00 for tickets. This years turn out was a good one. I can't make it to the fly tomorrow so we just have to make do with what I have yes more pictures.        



     Any one would be proud to own this kit box we all sat around waiting to see if we had won and John D. "the judge" was the lucky winner. See you at the next event. Terry Duncan

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