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San Diego Spinners Annual Paul Platz Memorial

   At 5:15am:  Arnold Jackson was out in front of his house waiting for me to pick him and  two kit boxes up so we could go to my cousin Marshall's house. On the freeway we only had to stop once to retie the boxes to the truck. The wind caught the big one and almost pulled it right off the back of the truck.  We got to Marshall's unloaded the kit boxes, had a cup of coffee and we were on our way to San Diego. Today is the day for the San Diego Spinners Annual Paul Platz Memorial Show. 

    As we turned off the freeway and went a few blocks we could see a kit of birds in the air. The show had not started but people were starting to enter the yard in threes and fours.   

             John Jones Cooked most of the morning talking to every one that walked by. The birds were rolling!! To left people you know to the right more people you know and haven seen for some time, all roller men and yes some wife's too. 

A good time was had by all in attendance and the
raffle prizes were great. The host John Jones and the
rest of the San Diego Spinners club members did a
wonderful job putting it together. The club kit did
their thing and were auctioned off after they

This is a pretty good shot of the San Diego Spinners members Click picture to Enlarge

You know a club must give good shows if the roller men from Arizona make the  trip all the way to San Diego  to pigeons. 

Kit #2 on the way up

    After having had a bird in a breeding and stock pin for exactly ONE YEAR, Juan Navarro returned a bird to John and thanked him for allowing him to use it.  John got it and quickly proceeded to throw it up with the kit... and as if it hadn't been gone one day; the bird joined the kit and started rolling 25ft, then went right in the trap with the kit! The #1 kit flew for over an hour and work the hole time with some big brakes. Now that says a lot about John and his family of birds.

     By the way Juan was the judge and a good job he did. Juan is one of the best judges I know. He is always fare  to the birds and the man.
  A young ten bird kit 
comprised of birds from the San Diego Spinners members
were won by San Diego Spinners member and show host
John Jones. He made a young man elated by giving the kit to him! Yes, Jaquan Williams was a very lucky young man that day and I am sure that he will get all the help he needs getting the team settled in from his Grandfather, Johnny Stephens of L.A.
This is Jaquan as he picks out the birds John gave him.

st Place-Marshall B. Duncan; Black W/F;CPRC-135-01

st Place-Rayvon Hall; Red Check W/F;CRC-260-2000

1st Place-Tony Woerner; Rec Red;SDS-662-99

       OLD COCKS
1st Place-Van Copple; Dark Check/Bronze Mk;CPRC-682-99

Congratulations to Marshall  Duncan For winning the
best of show with his Black W/F Young Hen.

I would like to congratulate all the winners. This show was a little unusual in that the bird that won the Young Hen and Grand Champion was so young... the bird was about 6 months old. Usually a bird that age can't stand up against older and more mature birds. However this particular bird was EXCELLENT Type and was in excellent condition.  It was built "just right" (nice keel length and pitch, great muscle on the back and along the keel, strong lower back, short and narrow
feather throughout, balanced perfectly, good eye sign, great temperament, super statement; it just felt like a "jewel" in your hand). Juan Navarro


Look at all the smiles on the faces of the winners with ribbons and trophy in hand
  I have to compliment the San Diego Spinners club for flying a great club kit it is a pleaser to have you on my page! The food was great, fun was had by all. The next show will be The California Classic hope to see you all there. Terry Duncan
