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The Pigeon page For the Love of The Roll

      Now for those of you that have never seen a roller pigeon roll. I want you to think of a pinwheel on a stick.

 When you blow it, it spins. That's what a roller should look like as it falls over backwards out the sky in a smooth downward motion.


Cage To Cage

Just Cages

To Judge







   NBRC Website

Trip to Robert Parkers House

H. V. R. C. 2012 Show






Non Stop Roller Club

2012 Lawn Show


LA County's Best Bird 2012



Marshall Talk

The Birmingham Roller Unit Team

Competition Fly 2011


My Link Page

Some pictures of my stock Hens

I started taking pictures at shows in the year 2000 and haven't stopped yet. So lets go down memory lane.

Shows and more Shows


Quality - Depth

How Do you think Q & D should be scored  



A R Jackson's Cages


A R Jackson

talks about the deferent's between Judging individual rollers from competition rolls


 The 2008 Benefit Show



Being a member of the ICRC for so many years I wrote this story to let you know how it really feels

Fly Day




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