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Small Midis

We are frequently asked if there are midi files available that are smaller in size than those of the whole songs.
Over the last few months we have produced quite a few for various
people so that the files could be used as the background and for
electronic greetings cards.
Here is the entire collection to date - with links back to the
main song pages too.

Advent Candles

Midi - 7KB
All The Stars

Midi - 7KB
Ask The Lord

Midi1 - 11KB
Midi2 - 11KB
At The Crossroads

Midi - 16KB
Bethlehem, David's Town

Midi - 15KB
Bread of Life

Midi - 14KB
Christ's Birth

Midi - 13KB
Come and Sing

Midi - 8KB
Crown of Thorns

Midi - 10KB

Midi - 7KB
Every Day

Midi - 16KB
Follow Jesus.

Midi - 12KB
God Is Everywhere

Midi - 14KB
I Am The Vine
(The Vine & The Gardener)

Midi - 9KB
How Much Does God Love Me?

Midi - 11KB
I Will Live My Life For You
(Twinkle,Twinkle, Little Star)

Midi - 4KB
Jesus, the Messiah

Midi - 9KB

Midi - 19KB
Joy In The Morning

Midi - 10KB
Just Remember!

Midi - 16KB
Living With Jesus

Midi - 15KB
Lord of the Years
("My Grace Is Sufficient For You")

Midi - 10KB
Mothers' Day Thanks
Thanksgiving Prayer

Midi - 11KB
Oh, How Much I Love Your Law!

Midi - 9KB
Peter's Song
The Pharisees' Song

Midi - 16KB
Praise the Lord in His Temple

Midi - 18KB

Midi - 16KB
Risen Lord

Midi - 19KB
Rushing Mighty Wind

Midi - 18KB
Safe In My Father's Hands

Midi - 12KB
Search Me. O God

Midi - 23KB
Seventy Times Seven

Midi - 15KB
Show Me Your Ways, O Lord

Midi - 9KB
Simeon & Anna

Midi - 14KB
Take Time to Thank the Lord

Midi - 8KB
Tell the Children

Midi - 16KB
The Gift

Midi - 9KB
The Lord of the Harvest

Midi - 21KB
The Sower, the Seed and the Soils

Midi - 17KB
The Storm
(Michael, Row the Boat Ashore)

Midi - 7KB
Those Who Love The Lord

Midi - 10KB
Treasures In Heaven

Midi - 11KB
Whenever You Call

Midi - 16KB
Who Is This Man?

Midi - 12KB
Come To Jesus
Midi - 8KB
Midi - 12 KB
Infant Of Wonder

Midi - 10KB
A New Song
(Skye Boat Song)

Midi - 8KB
Away In A Manger - Revisited
Away In A Manger - Traditional

Awa' In A Manger

Midi - 7KB
Midi - 5KB
St. Andrew
(Jesus Calls Us)

Midi - 7KB
Who Would True Valour See?

Midi - 8KB
What A Friend We Have In Jesus

Midi 1 (Converse) - 9KB

Midi 2 (Scarlet Ribbons) - 8KB
Who Killed Cock Robin?

Midi - 16KB
Auld Lang Syne

Midi - 15MB
Happy Birthday
(Once through - 2.47KB)
Happy Birthday
(3 times - 6.34KB)
Ring The Bells!
(To the tune "Jingle Bells")
Midi - 18KB
Rock Of Ages

Midi - 9 KB



BTN4.gif BTN5.gif

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4 April '98