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Stack Shield

A "stack smashing" technique protection tool for Linux

Download Stack Shield

The system configuration required to compile and run Stack Shield is an Intel 386 or highter CPU and the Linux operating system with the Gnu C Compiler (GCC). The Stack Shield protected programs also require the same configuration.

Stack Shield 0.7 betastackshield0.7.tar.gz17317 bytesFixed major bugs. Added support for optimization. Added a new protection method. Added protection from function pointer overwrite attacks.
Stack Shield 0.6 betastackshield0.6.tar.gz16916 bytesFixed minor bugs. Added protection for function pointer overflow attacks.
Stack Shield 0.5 betastackshield0.5.tar.gz15729 bytesFixed minor bugs. Added options to set the buffer size and the entry point. Added options to exit on attacks and to disable protection system when too much calls are executed.
Stack Shield 0.4 betastackshield0.4.tar.gz15096 bytesFixed many bugs. Added GCC and G++ front ends to automatize the compilation. Added a Makefile
Stack Shield 0.3 betastackshield0.3.tar.gz13468 bytesFirst Stack Shield relase version

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By Vendicator