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X-Force Casting Call

We all read Wizard don't we? Well if not let me explain the following. The X-Men got their own movie coming out, but why should they be the only mutants privy to embrace the big screen? The follows is a list of which Hollywood citizens could play the characters in X-Force. I pride myself on these choices, for being both a top student in my film class, and for casting several dramas perfectly. But if you think you got a better suggestion than whats me ( with your picks and I'll consider replacing them.


the persons name is also a link to their officail webpage, or at least something resembling one

Cable: Carefully studying the outcome and attitude of his characters, I think that Harrison Ford would be a grade A choice to portray the Marvel Mutant from a wartorn future.

Domino: I'm such a sucker for the science fiction genre of films, which led me to the Terminator mythos. After watching Linda Hamilton play the bad-ass mother of the future resistance, I think that Domino would actually be a step down from her full capabilities.

Cannonball: I'm pretty stumped here, I haven't seen anyone who could really do Sam justice by playing him. I hear that James Van Derbeak was pretty good, but I've never seen anything that he's done (nor will I ever if I can help it).

Meltdown: That irritating blonde who gets on everyone's nerves except for the ones that she's sleeping with can only be played by someone of the same qualities. Which is why I casted Drew Barrymore to play Tabitha in the movie.

Warpath: Heres another one that I had a hard time putting a face to. I refuse to portray him on film unless its the "long-haired angst" version of Jimmy, but the only ones I could find that looked the part were either Peter Steele or Glen Danzig. But given the fact that both these guys have accents that would deny them Native American citizens, I still see no reason why they shouldn't have space on the X-Force soundtrack?

Syrin: Young, red-headed, beautiful, and a great voice. All of these characteristics belong to both Syrin and her couterpart Shirley Manson. The only real differnce here is that one is Irish and the other is Scottish.

Rictor: The rowdy mexican would never be satisfied with anyone else than with fellow Latin star Vincent Perez. Vincent isn't a stranger to playing comic book heroes either, check out the kick-ass job he did in "The Crow: City of Angels".

Shatterstar: I really wanted to stay as far away as I possibly could from the "prettyboy" image in the actors playing in the movie. But seeing his moves as a Jedi knight in "Star Wars: Episode one" Ewan McGeggor has the talent to play the otherworldly warrior known as Shatterstar.

Moonstar: 2 words, Mia Kirshner. enough said for perfection has been achieved.

Sunspot: The Brazilian hothead is the perfect character for Latino badass Kirk Acevedo. The constant emotion and rollercoaster lifestyle that his character plays on TV's "Oz" is practicly identical to Roberto in the first place.

G.W. Bridge: The former mercanary turned SHIELD officer would be very cool to the movies plot. I say let Ernie Hudson embrace the SHEILD uniform as GW does. Hudson has a long resume of playing characters on both sides of the law, which is exactly where GW lives his life at times.

Deadpool: Everyone's got differnt opinions, but I think the majority of fanboys nationwide would agree when I say that Bruce Campbell has the voice, the attitude, and the background to play the everlovable merc-with-a-mouth.

Gideon: Nothing could be more perfect than having Christopher Lambert play a foregn immortal with great strength. Simply because he's done it so many times in the past with spectacular talent.

Toliver: Never seeing just enough of his face, never learning enough about him, never getting the whole picture of the man before its too late, such was the saga of Toliver, and no one could play the villianous man of mystery better than Micheal Wincott.

Production Crew:

The following is a list of those wonderful people who make movies possible
(actors are only 15% of the picture, but 100% of the profit).

Production Company: For a film of such powerful suspence, as well as many climactic plots, A movie organization is needed to give to makers the finacial support needed, as well as have the balls to take risks that high name companys are afraid to. All these are reasons why I chose the X-Force movie to be produced under Miramax Films.

Director: It seems like all my favorites would be so inapropriate. Quinton Tarrentino, Oliver Stone, Kevin Smith, Tim Burton, Ralph Bakshi...All good, but none have the background for this kind of movie. Carefully studying his work, I think that Wolfgang Petersen has proven himself as a devoted filmaker more than any other person qualified for this job.

Screenwriter: Who better than to write a script for the X-Force movie, than the best X-Force writer of them all Fabian Niceza. Of course the only reason I'm saying this is because I havn't gotten the rave opinions on the script that I myself wrote.

Cinematography: The camera angles and story boarding is so precious when filming a movie, the most vital portion of the production should be in the hands of Vittorio Storaro, best known for his work on war movies, I fail to see the dificulty in crossing over to an urban area.

Special Effects: The constant explosions and supernatrual power that becomes X-Force's daily life would be best portrayed through the magic fingers of 32nd Parallel. An award winning company with great high-tech abilities.

Editor: Sure, I realize how important this job is, but let me ask you really care whos editing the damn movie?


What I basicly did here was just go through my CD collection and figure out which songs I think had the actual feel that X-Force needed on its soundtrack. Enjoy!