Storm's Penpals
Hey! You've reached Storm's Penpal Page. This is a page for anyone who likes snail mail. Snail mail has been going on since I can remember and even I use it sometimes. I'm not a proficient writer, but I definitely do try. I have quite a number of penpals already and haven't had time to write them yet. Ya ya, I know, write them back.......I'm doing a work placement right now, which doesn't really give me much time to write back to them and send the letters off. Anyways, if penpalling is your thing, then please feel free to sign up for my page and I will organize the categories as soon as I can get my page up and running.
The categories are as follows:
Females/Males 1-10(For those younger ones who want to write)
Females/Males 11-16(For the teens who want to write to other teens their age)
Females/Males 17-20(For the adults who want to get new friends)
Females/Males 21-30(For the older ones)
Females/Males 31-40(For the even older ones)
Females/Males 40+(You get the point right?)
Females/Males 50+(You get this point too right?)