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Well I said I would tell you and its the same day but I got the downloads section back up. Have fun!


I found that one of the pages still had the little theme that was supposed to be playing while you went on and took that off. I am working as hard as I can on the download section, sorry its not working at this time and I will try and figure it out A.S.A.P. I will inform you all when its up.


I did stuff, such as stuff. That stuff was stuff. And that stuff happened to do with the link section, so figure it out you pony.


Well I posted some stuff on the Evil Scary Monster Bubble news section so in case you miss that I will write some stuff down here. I am now currently working on a TI-83 Plus program. It is going to be about Bubblemen of course. I hope to get a pc link cable to put it up onto the site but I don't know how long that will be until I get it. Keep in mind this is the first program I have made for the TI-83 plus or any other thing for that matter, so it might not be the best in the whole wide world. So far it is only text-based and will probably remain only text-base as I am not the smartest math student. If anybody at all has any idea about anything involving this and you might just wanna give me a tip just E-mail me and I will be very glad. I still need to figure out how to make sure that nobody decides to edit it so that will take a while and it will not be released until I can figure out how to do so.

1/16/02 8:40 A.M.

I added a few new inventions to the D.M.S.C. section and am laying out maybe a new design for this whole page. I am trying to learn about frames...keep in mind that this is all freehand, I am using no HTML editor at all except myself and the small rotten fizzled brain I have left. So be patient with me. Unfortunate to say nobody decided to help me out with my little school problem. Nobody was energetic enough to click the little button. I am very disappointed and know that my grade would be much better if they had. I wouldnt have stayed up so late on a school night researching my topic. But I guess I must learn to not be dependant on anybody but myself. But enough about that...see you in bubbleworld!

1/10/02 9:00 A.M. update of what I have been doing on the site is...I have added about 5 new D.M.S.C. inventions to the D.M.S.C. section. And remember, I need to have the internet to be able to update the site, so look at the 1/8/02 post! I BEG YOU!

1/8/02 8:36 A.M.

Now that school has been in for a while I have figured out I am not a morning person. But now I...the original non-copy version of George H. Bubbleman, finally needs your help. If you are a die-hard or if you are a die-easy happy bubbleman liker/love/hater/despiser...please click here and tell me what you think about this country's Immigration issues. What you think about how many people are coming in...what it takes to become a citizen...and how there are so many cheating the issue and becoming an illegal alien. If clicking there doesnt allow you to e-mail me or you would rather e-mail manualy, simply e-mail Remember...If I dont get good grades...I cant work on the site so please hurry up...I have only one week -a day from today. HURRY. By the way..I havn't done much updating to the site yet...sorry.

1/5/02 3:00 P.M.

Bad news all you Happy Bubbleman fans. My computer got a virus. And we ended up deleting the whole hard drive and starting over. All my files involving my webiste were destroyed and I have to start from scratch. Luckily the page is still here along with my braing. But I will have to replace all the pictures and all the other stuff again. No more songs are on my computer or anything. Sorry about this. And also sorry about not updating, but I have been sort of busy. Please forgive this inconvinience and I will try to get things orderly as soon as possible.

11/12/01 9:10 P.M.

Simply short and sweet, I added another picture. That is all for now.

11/10/01 12:52 A.M.

Well, I do hope you all are happy. I spent about an hour on the site today fixing it up and updating every page on here as best I can. I am really proceeding in my songs and I finished the lyrics to the song "Bubble Wrap". I am considering very much making a whole new site for the Evil Monster Bubbles. And I probably will withing the week. Though no guarentees. Although I didn't technically update this site on the 9th, its close enough to be called the 9th, and I will update it again today. I will more than likely be putting up a jokes section, where you may send in jokes. But thats about all for now, I am very tired and am going to bed now. G'dnight all you peoples out there reading. And if you are a specific teacher of one of my classes who just happens to be reading this, I hope you choose to advertise my site for me! Bye Bye everybody.

11/8/01 9:56 P.M.

Well, I am still happy about being able to get into the site. I have once again continued work onto my site. I just put up a new fanart picture. Its the look of the Evil Scary Monster Bubble. Now you can know what they look like. I also added a couple of things to the D.M.S.C. section. So make sure you check it out. And remember, if you are somebody who wants to be mentioned on this website in any way, e-mail me some fanart, or a D.M.S.C. invention. You can also joing by e-mailing me with the name you want to go by. And you can pick wether you would like to be an EVIL bubble or a HAPPY bubble. E-mail me by clicking here! So don't get lazy, get e-mailing brotha! By the way, I am now working on a whole new seperate site for the evil bubblemen and I might just give that over to somebody. And then again maybe not. I have the Lyrics pretty well done for my new song "Insurance" and I will record it soon. I am not laying down the lyrics for my newer song called "Bubble Wrap". I hope you catch the pun. Well, thats all for now, goodbye!

11/7/01 10:02 P.M.

YAY! I have finally gotten back to my site, for a second there. Or maybe a month. I thought I would have to start all over. But I finally got back on here. I am not sure what the problem is. But now that I am logged on I am as flamboyent as ever! I made a new song which the lyrics are written in my notebook at school. And I am trying to figure out the right kind of music and yadda yadda what not for it. But now that I am back I can get back to what I love doing! Making people happy! I know you probably arent as excited as I am, and I really don't care, but oh well. And for all I know, you could be crying that I finally got to log on again. But that just makes me stronger. I want to make you happy now. Anyway, I am happier than some sort of happy bubbleman.

6/28/01 2:28 P.M.

Hey getting back to the site and everything, i added a couple of things to the D.M.S.C. section, i have been thinking of songs, and I am currently writing a very long one....about 8 minutes long i think....about the roms also...all you have to do is request some games, you can do that by e-mailing me here and giving me a list of the roms, and they will be put on my all you have to do...dont be lazy, its hard to find any good rom sites nowadays, mostly just emulator sites, i will put all the roms i have on my computer up pretty just be patient.

6/4/01 8:57 P.M.

Hi everybody, I really have been busy with the 4th quarter, and I have gotten outside a little more being it is summer and is usually nice here. So please forgive me for the updates, I completely forgot. As of now, I am thinking of making parodys of songs that I thing are just incredibly stupid. It will take me a while to get the first one done, and I am not quite sure of what I will make a parody of, It might be of Moulin Rouge, or maybe Butterfly. And once I get done with that it will be up and available for download A.S.A.P. DSL or no DSL. Otherwise I dont know...I haven't had any e-mails about the site yet at all... and its been around since Feburary 8th, 2001. Which is way longer then I want to know. So please help by supporting us. Thank you.

4/5/01 7:11 A.M.

Hi! I have been gone on vacation for a while, I am sorry I forgot to write that there, so, I plan to get back to the webwork then.

3/12/01 6:48 P.M.

If you are wondering why there havn't been any updates lately, its because there is nothind to update!

3/9/01 7:37 A.M.

I better type fast because I need to get to school like soon, anyway, I uploaded a new song, and I am supposed to be getting a new type of modem soon, but the retards are not coming to put it in, I dont know why, they just arent. We currently only have 1 person on our mailing list, come on you wimps, just send an e-mail to us! It doesnt take all that long you know, a simple e-mail never hurt a soul on this planet! GOODBYE!

3/8/01 7:20 A.M.

I put some new stuff on the links section, and I will gladly link to you if you have a site, free of charge, you don't have to link to me or anything, click here and have a message somewhere in there that says you want me to put you in the links section, if you have a banner, be sure to include it in there, and I will find the source of it by converting it to winword format and then will copy and paste it to my site. Also, I am working on a banner for my site, so if you want to advertise it on yours, it will be up here soon, dont worry. Also, I uploaded some more songs onto the site and put them in the downloading directory, easy access, click here! In further news, yesterday we had a two hour late start for school and I was entirely happy, and then I got some stuff done on the site. Well, that is about all for me, so I will see you all later!! PEACE!!!

3/7/01 7:55 A.M.

I have finally got all the songs and all the stuff uploaded onto the site, well, except for a couple of the old ones, I might not upload those until I get a bigger cable because of the size of the files, As theya re about 5 megabytes (1,000 KB, which is about 1,000,000 bytes)And it would take a while to upload, and I can't just leave it on all night, I have tried it, it comes up onto an error page anmd that is just annoying. I made a new invention, dont forget to look at them. And I continuously thank the people at Unexpected Enterprises. Please support them to your fullest, they are the ones that kinda are the 'critics' and tell me how I am doing with my site, so I thank them from the bottom of my butt. Well, that is about all for now, so I will see you all later!

3/7/01 7:00 A.M.

I have made a few updates on the D.M.S.C. and am currently plotting maybe a new look for the page, and hopefully some flash things on this site....I will do what I can though.

3/6/01 7:07 A.M.

I uploaded another song onto my site, and have plans for another song thats gonna have to be the funniest ever! I might not make such funny things as I did before with my current status, but I am trying my best. I also added a few new inventions to the D.M.S.C part of the site, and that part of the site it going really good. Remember, if you have any fanart, or any ideas for the D.M.S.C. Page, or anything else, please do not hesitate to E-mail me! I appreciate any e-mails I get regarding the site, even if its pure critisizm. Well, thats all for now, I gotta get to school, bye bye!

3/5/01 5:09 P.M.

I have uploaded a few more songs onto the site, and thats all!

3/5/01 7:20 A.M.

I have been making new songs like there is no tomorrow, now the tough part, to upload them onto the site with a 56.6K modem! I will try to do it, and if I have to, I will sneak it onto a disk and sneak on to our school's computers and upload them from there, because they have T1 :). Well, all that I can say is I have updated the D.M.S.C. page, remember, if you have any ideas for an invention,e-mail it! We will not turn it down no matter what, well, unless it makes sense, of course!! Everybody have a nice day!

3/3/01 7:37 P.M.

I made a new song, where I got the ideas I have no clue, but I got it on the site and everything, I put some more inventions up on the D.M.S.C. part. Changed the link colors, thats all though.

3/2/01 7:10 A.M.

exactly 24 hours ago I fixed the system, and now I put up a few new songs, and thanks to a couple of die hard fans, they canceled my plans for quitting the website, and I thank them. I fixed the Mushroom trap problem and thats done, I put up anohter song, bubblemen's objectives, and did some other stuff with some of the other parts of the place. thats all.

3/1/01 7:10 A.M.

We found the problem in our database, and we have repaired the downloads section, just do what the directions say and you will be just fine, so, now I can go to bed, wait, no I cant, I have school, dang...Well, thats all for now, except I put up a new songs section here. But other then the stuff I just mentioned, thats all...although I am thinking of giving it up....nobody ever comes here anyway, so why even bother messing with it, I dont even know why I thought anybody would come here anyway, if you wanna get serious in this world...serious...I dont wanna be serious, serious sucks...well...most of the time. I just don't think anybody in this world cares for anything like this, thats all that I know, and thats all that I am going to say for right now, so goodbye to all...until next time I update it that is.

2/28/01 10:05 P.M.

Unfortunately, our downloads section and our roms section is curretnly down because of technical difficulties, we will have these difficulties fixed A.S.A.P. and will not go to bed until it is fixed, I AM VERY VERY SORRY ABOUT THIS. Why this had to happen at such a crusial time is unknown to me, but it happened, and there is basically nothign I can really do about it, if I could, I would right away, but I cant, and I dont like it at all. I have friends trying to "diagnose" the problem but that diagnosis may not come for a while. While I ponder what is wrong, please feel free to check out anything else on our site, once again I am very very sorry about this and hope there is no miscomfort with anybody because of this!

2/28/01 9:01 P.M.

Well, I finally got the bubbleman's songs section complete, and have currently as of now three songs, that will be changed though, hehe, very very soon, it will be changed.. 2/28/01 7:14 P.M.

Well, the D.M.S.C. page has now been created, we will have updates on it a.s.a.p. so the Dont Make Sense Company®will be larger very soon. Thats all. 2/27/01 8:05 P.M.

I found some neat stuff online that will help out with the layout of this website, I have been working my hind end off to get this site promoted and still its been doin nothing much, for the visitors that have came, I thank you from the bottoms of my hearts. Anyway, about the new layout, I might make frames on the site, have some javascript introductions, and stuff like that, I am starting a newsletter, to sign up, E-mail me. And you will be put on the newsletter. If you are put on the newsletter you will recieve the latest roms that have been put up on the site in a weekly e-mail message, I will not advertise anything that isn't worth typing down on the message. So please show you care and sign up with the newsletter. I am trying my best!!

2/26/01 1:58 P.M.

I am verry sorry about the lack of updating on this website, but there is just nothing to update, if I would get any visitors that weren't search engines checking the content of my site, I would actually start being serious, but nobody seems to care, nobody is interested, everybody is lazy. Besides that, I have had alot of work to do with school and stuff like that, like practicing up for track. I wonder why the world is so lazy, if anybody ever cared, we could actually be getting somewhere on this site, but nobody does, and nobody wants to help us. NOBODY!

2/23/01 6:15 A.M.

Happy Half Birthday To Me! There have been reported technical difficulties about the site here. Now, about the roms section, It takes alot of time to get a single rom onto this site you know. First you have to make a zip archive then you have to put the rom inside the archive, then you upload it onto the site. So thats why I want requests, if it were summer vacation I would easily be able to do it, but not when there is school. Im sorry for any incovenience from this. Good bye.

2/22/01 3:22 P.M.

Sorry about the updating recently, I found a new site that was cool and I am going to put it on the links section, you might like it, depends upon your hobbies/interests, if you like pets, you will like it. The songsw will be uploaded and available for download very soon. It is taking us so long because I am currently only using a 56.6K modem and our company won't let us go faster than 4 Kps. We have signed up for a different company soon and we will either get a DSL, T1, Or DS3. Please stay tuned.

2/18/01 1:15 P.M.

Yesterday I was really busy, I had a tournement and had to leave at 6:45. I didnt have any time to updat this section, thats about it, bye.

2/16/01 9:23 A.M.

Well, so far no requests have come in for any roms or anything, maybe people are just to lazy, thats what I don't like in the world. The laziness, its always everywhere, if your not a lazy person, you are pretty different from everybody else. To lazy to send an e-mail stating the name of the game you want, I can't believe it. Well, let me tell you, its not easy making a site, thats for sure, it takes alot of hard work to type in the html coding, the urls, checking your meta tags and updating htem daily, submitting your sites to search engines all across the web, actually working your butt of to help the world with things like this. This site is here for enertainment purposes only, to entertain me, and more importantly you. Its not easy, and still nobody has the courage to send me an e-mail. Gosh...

2/15/01 6:00 P.M.

We have put up a emulator/rom section and currently only have emulators, but if you want a certain rom or certain roms, e-mail us with a list of the roms and what system they are for and we will get them up, and send them to you within one day. Unfortunately, that isnt as easy with N64 roms because of their size, they are harder for us to upload onto the site, and we won't e-mail them to you, but only put up links, and then e-mail you when they have been put up. Sorry for any inconvenience from this. There will soon be an mp3 section, its basicaly just the same thing, e-mail us requests, and these things will be that way until we can get our own domain. Thank you to Unexpected Enterprises for the kindness of linking to us as a favorite website, later everybody!

2/14/01 9:30 A.M.

We are very sorry about the last part of the news which was implying you being dumb, even though the hacker spelled it wrong, it still may be offending, somehow. A person in my school saw me typing the password, we already know who it is, and we are, "puttin him in his place" We have changed the password to the site so it will never happen again, we deleted the news entry that he had put in, and he messed with the hibosho hobosho remix and we had to delete that file right away, for he may have put a virus in it. Sorry for any discomfort this may have caused you. As for the donations, none have come in yet, it would be very nice if they would, but no one has the patience. For the site, if we know at least anybody goes to it, we will have roms, emulators, games, mp3s, and I will even sweeten the deal by having a drawing every sunday and wednesday that will give money to the person who has his name drawn, that money may be used for anything he or she wants. But, we need support and that comes in time, I know, but still try your best.

2/13/01 1:56 P.M.

Good news people, if we can get money off this site, we will supply people with fees to be able to download mp3s, remember, we are only people here trying to have fun. Some people just think we are doing it to bug people, but we arent! We are going to help the poor, give to charity, help us build up this site and you will benifit from it. Roms, Emulators, MP3's, many different things like that. We will put any sort of link you ask us to put up, and if you have a banner, we will put that up on our links section. We can be very serious when it comes to stuff like this. But we just want to have fun just like any other teenage people. For all of you who have been donating to us, we highly appreciate it and I wish you had a site so we could put it on the top of our main page. We are having a few technical difficulties here and there, but nothing we can't fix. The ever-so-smart creator of this site lost his password to his mail account, aint he stupid? Anyway, we would just like to thank you, I am writing from my school, and I guess I just like to type on computers, we have something called exploratory today, its a thing where people go and do different stuff, I got stuck with weight lifting and self fitness things. I am not that much of an athletic sort of guy, I have to admit I hate basketball, and thats what I am skipping to write this paragraph. Once again we appreciate all you people have done for us! GOOD BYE!

2/12/01 9:51 P.M.

Well, not much to say here, but that if you can get us enough money, we will be putting up ROMS, Emulators, that includes dreamcast, playstation 1 AND 2, and gamecube. We promise you these things. I appreciate all you people who have decided to help us, and we will be using those fees to pay off napster so we can put up requested mp3s as quick as we can! If you don't believe it, its not going to become true, unless we can get unlimited space, which would be our own homepage. PLEASE DONATE!!!! Your niceness will be highly appreciated! Thats all for now...

2/10/01 12:26 P.M.

Good news all you fans out there, we have already obtained $15.75 in donations for the site, we do appreciate it, and we will be happy to put YOUR homepage banner on the top of the main page if you have the biggest donation!!

2/9/2001 10:00A.M

We are still acceptin donations, we have found a place that will accept us. Please donate, this webpage is not just a joke page you know, we will have roms, emulators, but we need more money and need to know we are being ok'd by other people.

2/8/2001 4:33P.M>

We are accepting donations and fanart from anybody who supports us, we are trying to make a banner for this site but it is getting sort of hard to find a place that will support us, if you know any hosts of that, please tell me. One more thing........HAVE A HAPPY DAY!

E-mail us!!