
the stalls i have so far

Nose Stall really this is jus like dropping in again but harder it is a good way to get some speed and add a little spice to your style any way ride up with enough speed to get to the top when your about to go up put one foot on the nose shift your weight onto the side your stalling on hold for a second then all you need to do is drop in again.Hey hey not too hard huh.
Tail stall Eaxctly the same as above but your going backwards so a liitle harder but a bit more style heh.
Axel Stall This trick is more harder but looks sweet when pulled off so it good to nail this move right go up to the ramp at a comfortable speed and make sureyou can reach the top though right before you get to the top start turning your shoulders this should turn the board a and hopefully you will land in a fifty fifty position stall then turn your shoulders and you should come doun the ramp and roll away. they are the only stalls i have got at the moment if you can think of any others e-mail me from the link below.
