American Pie

3rdbase.wav 111kb - "What exactly does third base feel like..."

aged.wav 135kb - "I've got some scotch. Single malt? Aged 18 years, the way I like it."

ansty.wav 71kb - "So are we gonna screw soon cause I'm getting kind of antsy."

banddork.wav 20.3kb - "Ah my date a flute toting band dork, does that answer your question."

ccsays.wav 236kb - "It's like the college chick says....I don't know man that sounds like a lot of work"

comfort.wav 50kb - Nadia getting comfortable with Jim's "collection."

gbinter.wav 7kb - "God bless the internet."

name.wav 55kb - "What's my name? Say my name bitch!!!!"

photo.wav 199kb - Stifler tring to convince Jim to post Nadia on the internet.

suckme.wav 48kb - "Suck me beautiful!"

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Late date/time page was updated: March 1, 2000
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