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Trick Tips

Tricks you should learn easiest to hardest

OLLIE the ollie is essential for learning most tricks, so you must learn this trick before you try to learn others. First put you front foot on the middle of your board and you back foot on the tail of your board. Push down on the tail and just before the tail hits the ground slide your front foot up the board and your board will become airborn. if you don't land this trick at first it's ok, it takes time.
KICK-FLIP the kickflip is an ollie with the board spinning over once. to do a kickflip, position your feet the same as you would an ollie. Move your front foot to a 45 degree angle away from you. the procedure starts the same, first push down on your tail, and instead of sliding your foot up the board, slide it up the board at an angle so your foot goes off the corner of the nose. jump as high as you can. stay in the air with the board spinning between your legs and catch the board in mid air and land and ride away, this trick takes a long time to learn so be VERY patient!!
HEEL-FLIP the heel flip is just like the kick-flip but the board roatates the opposite direction. set your back foot up on the tail and you front foor about half way up your board all the way across the board. pop the tail down and instead of kicking to the heel side of your board kick it the direction your facing and slide it off the corner causing the board to spin.
POP-SHOVE-IT doing a pop shove-it is pretty simple. set your feet up like you would an ollie, then when you slap your tail down kick your front foot away from you and your back foot around the back of you and your board should easily roatate 180 degrees. catch the board in mid air and land.
FRONTSIDE POP-SHOVE-IT before you learn to do this trick you must first learn a frontside 180. Once you can land that every time you can do this very easily, set up is the same. Pop and kick your legs around and keep your shoulders straight. This will cause the board to spin and you not to spin. Then catch it and ride away.
POP-SHOVE-IT to TAIL GRAB if you can do a pop shove-it, then this shouldn't be much more, just do the same as you would a pop shove-it but when you catch the board with your feet, reach down with your back hand and grab the tail.
POP-SHOVE-IT FLIP this is a combination of a pop shoveit and a kickflip, set up like your going to do a kick-flip, but rotate the board with your back foot, and nudge your front foot off the nose with your front foot. this trick is actually pretty easy.
HALF-CAB the half cab is a very simple trick,first you start out rolling fakie( which is just rolling backwards) and you do an ollie 180 turning your body first then your board, half cabs can be done either clockwise or counter clockwise.
180- this trick is just like the half cab but it is done moving forward instead of backward(fakie)
FRONTSIDE-FLIP this trick is really cool looking! foot set-up: your front foot should be pointed more paralell with the board then on a kickflip, first do the frontside 180 and once your about half of the way around kick your front foot off the nose( kick it fairly hard otherwise it won't flip all the way over)then just roatate your body and the board will follow
FAKIE BIGSPIN this trick is really easy, start off rolling fakie and wind your body the opposite way then just spring off and roatate your body 180 degreese, the extra spring causes the board to do a 360 shove it, and with your body turning its a bigspin.
HALF-CAB HEELFLIP this trick is easier then the backside heelflip, just roll fakie and do a halfcab, but again about half the way around kick down with your heel and the board should flip. rotate your body around all the way and land.
NOLLIE SHOVE-IT this trick is fairly easy to learn and looks cool, you don't even have to be able to nollie. k first put your front foot on the nose of your board and your back foot somewhere in the middle just push down a little bit with your front foot and then kick the board around with your back foot, it will take time for you to get air with them.
BACKSIDE HEEL-FLIP If you can land heel-flips, this trick is fairly easy...the footing is the same as a heel-flip. first do the backside 180 and once you get about half of the way around tap the board with your heel like your doing a heel-flip. then just roatate your body the rest of the way and the board will follow you.
Mini Ramp Tricks
ROCK N' ROLL This trick is hard to do at first but like the ollie, once you do it once you will not forget how to do it. The easiest way to learn this is to pump from the bottom of the ramp and gradually reach the coping. Then you will be used to rolling backwards, rolll over the coping, do not lift your front truck up , that will cause you to loose your balance and most likely fall. Once your truck is over the coping just lean backward a little bit and you will roll bakcward into the ramp.
TAIL STALL to do this trick start out pumping up the ramp like on a rock and roll, this one is done while rolling backwards. Roll backward up to the coping and then put all of your weight on your back foot and lean back your board will end up in a tail stall, then from there just drop back in.
50-50 this trick is hard but fun, drop in and wait until your are about three quarters of the way up the extension and start carving hard, thrust your weight so you roll up onto the top of the coping, once you are grinding the coping coming back in is easy as long as you keep moving. To come back in just lift your front truck up a little bit and turn back in, it's just like doing a kick turn.
5-0 This trick is very tough, starting out is exactly like doing a 50-50 but as you reach the coping lean back so you grind on only the back truck. Most people have enough momentum so they just grind and keep turning and end up in a tail stall, then you just drop in.
