The Boston Terrier was developed in Boston around the year 1887. The Boston Terrier is a mix between the Old English toy bulldog, a white English terrier and a pinch of French Bulldog.
Boston Terriers should weigh around 12-25 pounds.
The coat colors should either be black,brindle or white.the most common pattern on the boston terrier looks like this
with black on one side of the feetfor half way.The back of the bostons should be black.If you have any more questions please e-mail me.
The Boston Terrier is a wonderful companion dog for anyone of any age! They are full of energy and on the go all of the time. Although they have been known to lick their humans until the point of no mercy, there is really no other problems associated with this dog's personality. It is one of America's earliest breeds and first appeared in [take a wild guess] Boston, Massachusetts. They are a mix between the English Bulldog and the White English Terrier, who is no longer in existence today. It has also been referred to as the "American Gentleman" because of it's black and white color. Of course this leaves out the females, so I'll just ignore that nickname alltogether! They can also appear in brindle and white, or have brindle splases on a black coat. Their ears should stand straight up, there should be a perfect white band around the neck, a nice pug nose, and a coiled tail to be considered among the top of the breed. However, the best pets are like Jodie, who aren't quite there, but full of love and affection and do not have to be trotted all over and shown off. These dogs are also sensitive and very eager to please their humans. They will steal your heart and become a part of your family quickly. If you lose one, you've lost a child of your own in the deepest sense.
Height at shoulder: 14"-17" Weight: three classes, under 14lbs; 15-20 lbs; 20-25 lbs. AKC group: Non-Sporting Dogs
{paraphrased from Pet Care Forum, a division of the Veterinary Information Network & Howell Books, a division of Macmillan Digital USA.}