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Chapter 1
"Woohoo! We're here!" Camille grinned as she pulled into the parking space outside the Calgary club.
"Yes! Dude, this rocks!" Her best friend, Jordan, exclaimed.
"Hell yeah! Let's go!" Camille turned off the ignition and got out of the car. Jordan did the same and they walked to the entrance.
"ID please." Said the bored-looking bouncer. Camille and Jordan pulled out their wallets and showed him their driver's licenses. The bouncer handed back their wallets and waved them through. They walked through the doors and were greeted by the pounding bass of 'The Call' by the Backstreet Boys.
Camille turned to Jordan and smirked, her blue eyes twinkling mischievously. "How appropriate that they're playing Backstreet Boys. Wonder if that has anything to do with the fact that they're playing at the Saddledome tonight and tomorrow?"
Jordan laughed out loud. "C'mon, let's get out there." She exclaimed, gesturing to the dance floor.
"I'm right behind you." Camille affirmed.
Grinning like a pair of Cheshire cats, the two girls made their way through the crowd to the dance floor.

"AJ, why did I let you talk me into this?" Howie groaned. "I am way too tired for this tonight. I don't know where you get all your energy."
"Aren't you pumped after the show?" AJ asked.
"Yeah, but I'm tired, too." Howie protested.
"Man, you need to lighten up." AJ frowned. "You need a woman, too."
Howie rolled his eyes. "And I'm really going to find the girl of my dreams in this club." He said sarcastically.
"You never know." AJ pointed out. "Take a look around, at least. There are a lot of beautiful women in this place."
"Oh, alright." Howie conceded. "I'll take a look around."
"Well, I suggest taking a look over there." AJ pointed to the dance floor, indicating two girls. One was tall with just-below-shoulder length dark hair and dark rimmed glasses over large dark eyes. The other was considerably shorter with waist-length reddish-brown curls and piercing blue eyes. Howie's eyes widened and he nodded appreciatively.
"The red-head?" AJ broke in on Howie's thoughts, startling him.
"Uh, yeah." Howie blushed. "She's cute. Besides, her friend looks like she's taller than me, and she looks more like your type." He shot back.
"Yeah, she does." AJ admitted, his cheeks colouring a little. "What do you say we go cut in?"
Howie grinned. "I say, I'm right behind you."
The two guys strolled over to the dance floor where the two girls were dancing. Howie tapped the redhead on the shoulder gently while AJ did the same to the brunette. The two girls turned around, surprised.
"Hi." Howie said, smiling at the redhead. "I'm Howie and this is my friend, AJ."
"Hey. I'm Camille and this is my best friend, Jordan." Camille said, brushing a long reddish-brown curl out of her eyes. She shot Jordan a look, silently letting her know she was interested in Howie. Jordan gave her a slight nod, letting her know she into AJ.
"Jordan, would you like to dance?" AJ asked, sliding his sunglasses down and looking her in the eye.
"Sure." Jordan agreed, smiling at Camille as she walked back over to the dance floor. AJ grinned back at Howie as he followed.
"Well, I guess it's just you and me." Howie turned back to Camille and smiled.
"Looks like it." She agreed.
"Can I buy you a drink?" Howie asked.
"Well, I don't drink." Camille said. Howie's face fell. "But you can buy me a Pepsi." She finished, grinning.
Howie's face split into a wide smile once again. "I think I could handle that." He held out his arm to her. She linked her arm through his and they walked to the bar.
"What can I get for you?" The bar tender asked.
"We'll have a Pepsi and an iced tea." Howie told him.
"You got it." The bar tender turned away to get the drinks. A minute later he turned back, drinks in hand. Howie took out his wallet and paid for the drinks.
"Do you want to go sit down somewhere?" Howie asked, replacing his wallet and handing Camille her drink.
"Sure." She linked arms with him again and they walked over to an empty table.
"So, are you from Calgary?" Howie asked, turning his chair towards hers.
"Nope, Jordy and I are from a small town in B.C.. We're working in Canmore, which is about an hour or so from here."
"What do you do in Canmore?"
"We're housekeepers at a hotel." Camille said, rolling her eyes.
Howie laughed out loud, then his chocolate brown eyes met her twinkling blue ones. "Camille, would you like to dance?" He asked, somewhat shyly.
"I'd love to." Camille smiled softly at him. They got to their feet and Camille slid her hand in his and followed him to the dance floor. As they stepped into the crowd of dancers 'Bailamos' by Enrique Iglesias came over the speakers.
Howie pulled Camille close to him and wrapped his arms around her. Both swallowed hard at the intense contact between their bodies. Slowly they started moving together to the heated Latin rhythm.
Camille's breath caught in her throat as she felt a flush creeping into her cheeks. Blushing a deep pink, she looked up at Howie, nearly losing herself in his deep brown eyes.
'God, her eyes are so blue.' Howie thought, feeling a jolt run through his body.
Slowly they continued swaying to the music and Camille rested her head on Howie's shoulder. Howie closed his eyes and breathed in the faint, sweet scent of her perfume, which he recognized as Dream by the Gap.
Without thinking he began to sing the song's lyrics softly in Camille's ear. "Te quiero, mi amor."
Camille shivered slightly as his warm breath hit her neck.
"Cold?" Howie asked, concerned.
"No." Camille lifted her eyes to meet his. "Actually, I'm feeling a little warm." She said, a blush creeping into her cheeks again.
Howie swallowed hard and leaned down, gently brushing his lips against hers. Camille smiled softly at him and slid her arms around his neck, her fingers catching a little in his silky curls. Howie bent his head again and captured her lips in a deep, lingering kiss.

Part 2

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