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Heading up to the bar again.
Want some more fun?

It was only a matter of time.  An upstart production company from North Blue thought it would make a true to life documentary on the notorious pirates of our age and the Marines that hunt them down.  Unfortunately the pirates and Marines aren't dues paying members of the acting guild, so the director has been scouring the world for actors, actresses, and locations!

If you are an agent, and have a suggestion, feel free to send your client's picture and resume here.  If your client is your boyfriend, your cousin, your papergirl, etc, please get their permission before submitting their picture.  Casting is open to all (even to dead people) and competition is welcome, so feel free to submit your client, even if there is already a picture for the part they wish to try for.  Any descriptions as to why they deserve the part may be included as well, but can be edited or completely ignored at the discretion of the casting director.

Luffy Pirate Crew
Luffy  Zoro Nami
Usopp Sanji Chopper
Vivi Nico

Romance Dawn:
Shanks Benn Beckman Ben 2 Lucky Roux
Makino Chief
Higuma Gold Roger

Morgan/Alvida Arc:
Alvida  Morgan
Coby Helmupp
Kuina  Sensee/Kuina's Father

Buggy Arc:
Buggy Mouji Cabaji Richie
Boodle Shu Shu

Kuro Arc:
Kaya  Cladahour Merry
Captain Kuro Jango
Tamanegi Piman Ninjin
Usopp's Mother Yassop

Baraties Arc:
Johnny  Yosaku
Zef  Patti Carne
Krieg Krieg 2 Gin Mihawk

Arlong Arc:
For the Arlong Arc, the actors playing the fishmen will be wearing makeup and rubber prosthetics, so choose clients who you think should either a) voice the character, b) wear the fun '8 hours to put on' make up or c) both.

Arlong Kuroobi Ha-chan Chu
Gen Nojiko Bellemere

Smoker Tashigi
Swordshop Owner
Alvida ver. 2.0

Laboon/Whiskey Peak:
Laboon Crocus
Mr. 9 Miss Wednesday Carue
Mr. 8 Miss Monday
Mr. 5 Miss Valentine's Day
Mr. 13 Miss Friday Carue
Miss All Sunday

Little Garden:
Brogy Dorry
Mr. 3 Miss Goldenweek

Drum Arc:
Doldon Dr. Hiruluk Dr. Kureha
Walpol Chess Marino

Alabasta Arc:
Cobra Toto Kohza
Mr. 1 Mr. 2 Mr. 4
Miss Doublefinger Miss Merry Christmas
Pell Chaka

Location is everything.  Do you know of a north beach that would be suitable to launch an attack on a small village?  Or perhaps you vacationed on an island suspiciously like Little Garden?  Drank in a bar you swear was called Party's?  Submit your location with picture here and One Piece: The Live Action Movie may decide to film there!

Whiskey Peak
Spider's Cafe
Sky Island