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The Way of the Ninja is a trump card. It is the ultimate war strategy for achieving a goal no matter what the cost. Those who choose this way of life do so because they have nothing to lose and it becomes a sacrificial strategy for survival. By sacrificing your life in every aspect in order to attain the skills, knowledge and level of physical capacity required for a ninja you will then find the strength and will to keep breathing from day to day. This is cognitive survival for a world that perhaps may otherwise drive you insane. You will also develop the necessary skills to live as self-sustaining as possible, easing your finances and helping you to achieve a position of stability from which you can operate from. But it is a lifestyle of total anonymity where the sword supersedes the heart and purpose is found in ancient traditions formed into a modern spirituality guided by the philosophical principles of old. It is a choice to be made when you find yourself in circumstances that do not allow you to live a normal life.


Recommended Reading

Online Densho
