Some Of Starlit Valley's Rabbits...
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Some Of Starlit Valley's Rabbits...

Savage's Ziggie

Ziggie is a Squirrel American Fuzzy Lop buck.

He has an adorable personality, and is very typy!

Krista's Eva

Eva is a Siamese Sable Holland Lop doe.

She Has incredible color and is a great producer!

Permen's Ruby

Ruby is a REW Holland Lop doe, and just had

a litter on April 2nd.

The father of the litter is Haveman's Balu.

This is an AWFUL picture of her! Will up-date soon!

Fur Ball's Kuriko

Kuriko is a Chestnut Agouti Holland Lop buck. He

This guy is solid as a brick!

He is pure muscle!

Haveman's Zuri

Zuri is a Broken Sable Point Holland Lop doe.

She has an incredibily smooth body, and is VERY SWEET!

She would make a GREAT showmanship bunny! FOR SALE $20

Rathjen's Lovinamist

Lovinamist is a Siamese Sable Jersey Wooly doe.

She is super tiny, and friendly.

***FOR SALE--$25

Conzatti's Rock Hopper

Rock Hopper is a Siamese Sable Jersey Wooly buck.

He exibits excellent Jersey Wooly charcteristics, and is planned to attend many shows this year.

Conzatti's Shakira

Shakira is a Smoke Pearl Marten Jersey Wooly doe.

She has a BEAUTIFUL smooth body.

She is very docile, and just had a litter on March 7th.

The father of the litter was Conzatti's Ringo.

Conzatti's Ringo

Ringo is a Siamese Sable Marten Jersey Wooly buck.

He is truly a beautiful Wooly!