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How does fertilizer make grass grow faster?

(Q&A by Megan Jell)

Have you ever wondered what goes into the fertilizer you put on your lawn to make your grass grow faster? The answer is a good balance of nutrients. Anything that grows needs solid nutrients to be healthy. When a nutrient is missing in our bodies, we get sick. The same goes for plants. When a nutrient such as nitrogen is lacking in your soil, your grass and plants will turn yellow. It will also make the other nutrients in your soil less available.
Nitrogen is the most important ingredient to have in your soil. Fertilizer that has a high level of nitrogen will make your grass greener and grow faster. When you purchase fertilizer, the packaging will tell you the amount of nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium it contains. If the numbers are high, the fertilizer is strong. One thing to remember is if the fertilizer is very strong, the chance of burning your grass and plants is higher.
There are many different kinds of fertilizer. Natural organic fertilizers usually are manure, dried blood, or bone meal. They are relatively expensive and have a low level of nutrients. Water-soluble fertilizers are made to dissolve in water. They are expensive and can burn plants if salts build up in the soil. They are also messy and only last 1 to 2 weeks before needing to be reapplied. The best fertilizer to get is granular fertilizer. It is very good and lasts longer than any other fertilizer.