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Don't hesitate to contact any of your fellow CSPA graduate students- they can serve as great resources!
You can also send questions about the program to [].

Class of 2003
Check out the Class of 2003 Bio Page to look over current and previous assistantship assignments. Summer email addresses are as follows:

Janet Athanasiou []

Lulu Kaliher []

Darci Contri []

Chandra Lane []

Kim Lundin []

Jess Manno []

Jason McKnight []

Carla Moore []

Jessy Rosenberg []

Valerie Russell []

Lisa Stidham []

Katie Walrod []

Keri Wheeler []

Shavalyea Wyatt []

Class of 2004
Check out the Class of 2004 Bio Page to look over current assistantship assignments. Summer email addresses are as follows:

Tyson Brown []

Stephen Davis []

Ulrick Edmonds []

Jennifer Forman []

Kristin Hartley []

Gwen Louden []

Misty Newman []

Jennifer Potson []

Erin Strine []

Peter Swerzewski []

Kimberly Turner []

Heather Wauls []

Part-Time Students
Summer email addresses are as follows:

Alex Adjei []

Velma Carman []

Karen deBrun []

Mecca Marsh []

Susan Moyers []

Melissa McDonald []

CSPA Buddies
First years, if there's anything you need to know or need help with, contact your CSPA Buddy. They'll be there to help ease the transition!

Tyson Brown: Janet

Ulrick Edmonds: Lulu

Kristin Hartley: Darci and Lisa

Stephen Davis: Chandra

Peter Swerdzewski: Kim

Heather Wauls: Jess

Gwen Louden: Jason

Erin Strine: Darci and Lisa

Kim Turner: Carla

Jennifer Potson: Val and Keri

Jen Forman: Katie and Jessy

Misty Newman: Shavalyea