Welcome, We are Janie & Bill. We live in the Palm Springs,CA area, which is located in southern California.
The weather here in the desert is great except in July,
August and September when it gets very hot, the area is not to large, but is growing very fast.
This page is about our Family, Friends, Places We Travel To, Some of our Favorite Family Recipes, Humor and More......
And don't forget to check out the Cool Link's at the bottom of the page......
Please take a moment and sign our New Guestbook
which is located further down on this page.....

Downtown Palm Springs on Palm Canyon Dr.
Palm Canyon Dr. attracts visitors from all over the world

Palm Springs Aerial Tramway
The world's largest state-of-the-art rotating tram cars,
Everyone gets a truly breathtaking view of the entire Coachella Valley

~~ Family & Friends ~~
Family Photograph's
Travel & Friends Photo's
Favorite Recipe's
Facts & Humor
Games For You To Play
Helpful Hints
Janie's F-Key Saver

© 2001

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