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Image is property of 'ePassions.' Eva Tamargo Lemus
Image is property of 'ePassions.'

Pilar Lopez-Fitzgerald's Biography

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  Cast Biographies

Eva Tamargo Lemus

Pilar Lopez-Fitzgerald

Eva Tamargo Lemus plays "Pilar Lopez-Fitzgerald," a woman whose life has been filled with hardship and tragedy, but who is determined that her children will have opportunities that she was denied. Pilar is mother to Paloma, Luis (Galen Gering), Antonio (Christopher Douglas), Theresa (Lindsay Korman), and Miguel (Jesse Metcalfe). At one point, Pilar was Ivy's (Kim Johnston Ulrich) confidant and best friend.

A native of Brooklyn, New York, Tamargo Lemus studied acting in New York under the guidance of Sam Waterston (NBC's "Law & Order"), William Hickey and Dorothy Dorff. Her theater credits include "Don Juan," "Rake of Seville," "Yerma," "Kennedy's Children" and "Shadow Box." A multi-cultural performer, her feature film credits include "El magnate," "Marla Elena," "El silencio de neto" in addition to "Any Given Sunday," and "Random Hearts." Her additional television credits include "Sins of the City" and the television movie "Fortune Hunter."

Tamargo Lemus is fluent in Spanish (en español) and English, and her interests include volleyball, skiing, ice skating, tennis and horseback riding. A long-time resident of Miami, Tamargo Lemus now lives in Los Angeles with her husband and two children. She was born on December 24.


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