"Leaping in and out of new situations has taught me to be prepared for the unusual, but suddenly I had the feeling I'd left the unusual and had landed smack dab in the middle of the bizarre."
~Sam Beckett, Time Traveller
It's fun being a geek, exploring the realms of science fiction, fantasy, comics, movies, television, and British humor... Here, you can delve into my personal geek universe.
For people who would like a full and (relatively) detailed explanation of what this site is all about, who I am and how this site works, please click the following link:
Introduction and Explanation
For links and more info:
The Linkway
In a Nutshell
Have fun looking through my site! When you're done, please pop back here to let me know what you think! (You can also take part in whatever poll is going on at the moment!)