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Name: Sim Manics Avitar

Price: $10000

This beautiful work of art which represents Sim Manic is now yours to buy, this painting is the most valuable painting in the world raising in value by approximately $2000 each day!


Name: Zodiac Painting

Price: $15000

Requires: LL

Many believe that the zodiac can be used to foretell the future by the position of the planets and stars. But as a wise man once said, we must create the future that we desire for ourselves! This painting features a number of interesting options to change the future of the viewing sim; but use it carefully.



Name: Happy Painting

Price: $150

Don't worry, be happy! This painting will let you max out one of your Sims motives by choice! 



Name: Doom Painting

Price: $500

Ever wanted to kill those sims that you hate? Well now you can! What a creative way to get rid of those annoying sims! 



Download-LL Bomb interaction version

Download Visitor enabled version

Name: Food Painting

Price: $15

This painting of a freshly grilled hamburger looks mouthwatering and will make your sims feel hungry! This is good for
encouraging sims to eat out at restaurants.



Download DT, VA, UL enabled version

Name: Fantasy Forest

Price: $400

Behold the mystical and beautiful Unicorn. Shining by the sunlight passing through the dense trees of the mysterious magical forest. Another creative masterpiece from Sim Manic.


Name: Solar System

Price: $250

Space.....the final frontier, in all it's wonderful glory. Another creative masterpiece from Sim Manic.


Name: Shining Colours of Glory

Price: $354

Extra credit: Ophelia for making the circular template!:)

Glorious display of shapes a colours to make a welcome addition to any home. Another creative masterpiece by Sim Manic.


Name: Hypnotic Painting

Price: $25

Extra credit: Ophelia for making the circular template!:)

Need that little bit of help getting to sleep at night? Forget all those pills, just stare at this painting and you will instantly feel drowsy.....funny how the mind works.



Name: Great Goddess

Price: $30000

Requires: LL + HD, Also requires Maxis Turkey Download

Behold the great goddess.......she cares deeply about all living creatures and people on the earth......she will try and make you happy any way she can!



Name: Fountain of Knowledge

Price: $3456

The legendary fountain of knowledge in all it's glory...whoever uses it will be blessed with all of the knowledge in the Universe!!!



Name: Everyone's Happy

Price: $1250

Everyone on the lot is blessed by the effects of this powerful piece of artwork...perfect for parties!! 



Name: Egyptian God

Requires: LL.....may require VA

Price: $10000

An all mighty god able to do great or equally terrible things with his awesome power! Be careful......There is no telling what will happen! A possible 13 surprises ....heh heh heh!



Name: Out and About NPC summoner

Price: $500

Requires: HD...some options also require HP and LL

Ever wanted to see cops and robbers downtown?....Ever wanted to meet drew on Vacation?...Well now you can with the 'Out and About NPC summoner'. Summon NPCs on Downtown ..Community or Vacation lots...Enjoy! 

Note: Some of the NPCs will not leave the lot...until you leave it yourself!



Name: No Fun Painting

Price: $125

No fun allowed.....Sims that view this picture will instantly get a hit on their fun levels....perfect for getting your sims to play games!

