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SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO - Just a few weeks back, Lita had the night of her life. The daredevil Diva defeated Trish Stratus in a thrilling Raw main event for the Women's Championship in her home state of North Carolina. With the crowd in a frenzy, she walked up the aisle with the title held high above her head. It was quite possibly the greatest moment of her career. Unfortunately, New Year's Revolution didn't turn out to be so lucky for Lita. In the middle of the match, she suffered a torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), which aside from putting her career temporarily on hold, also cost her the Women's Title.

"It's probably been an hour since my match, and it's really starting to tighten up right now," Lita told from the trainer's room at New Year's Revolution, where she sat watching a small color monitor. "When I jumped off the rope, I totally heard it pop, felt it pop, and I knew right away that something was wrong. I didn't know if I could stand on it, but I just felt like I wanted to give it a few seconds before I even tried."

Even though Lita knew she'd hurt her knee badly, her never-say-die attitude led her to continue the match, including an improbable comeback attempt. Still, an able-bodied, and 100% healthy Stratus eventually picked up the win.

"The ref kept asking me if I was OK, but I just wouldn't say no, because I didn't want that to be the answer," Lita continued. "Trish had already pushed the ref aside, so I tried to fight her back. I actually got a little bit of offense on her, and then my knee buckled again. At that point, I just knew that I couldn't do anything, and that I couldn't stand." Immediately after the contest ended, Lita was helped to the back, and given ice to put on her knee. An MRI performed the following day revealed the torn ACL, an injury that requires extensive surgery and will put Lita out of action for several months. Lita was scheduled to have the procedure done on Jan. 13. "Resting is always the hardest thing for us because all we want to do is go, go, go," Lita admitted, "but it's the only way I can come back 100% and get my rematch. No matter how long I have to wait, I will get it."


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