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Red Gold

Red Gold
J.R.'s Superstar of the Week.
November 24, 2006

This week’s Raw Superstar of the Week is perhaps not everyone’s ideal prom date because of her actions in recent times, but our esteemed panel of experts, especially those that were sober, have selected LITA for this week’s Raw Superstar of the Week. We will have more on Lita in mere moments.


Finally, I am thankful for the long and productive career Lita has had in WWE and the many personal and professional challenges she has overcome, including career threatening neck surgery. Lita has been one of the most reliable Superstars in WWE and one of the hardest working. Sunday at the Survivor Series, win or lose, is Lita’s last match for the foreseeable future in WWE. I wish her well. She is a credit to all WWE Superstars and should be looked at as a role model for WWE Divas that follow her. Notwithstanding the fact that Lita is definitely controversial, her WWE career has been stellar and now the question remains can Lita end her “run” in WWE like Trish Stratus did back in September by winning her last match and retiring as WWE Women’s Champion? Lita’s influence in the Women’s division will be long remembered. It is hard for me to believe that yours truly hired Lita while I was managing the talent roster in the WWE more than seven years ago. Where does the time go? Love her or hate her, Lita has left her mark on WWE and it will never be erased.


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