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Red Gold

Red Gold
Nora Greenwald talks about Amy's retirement
November 23, 2006

Nora says she just recently heard the official word on Amy retiring. She said she'd heard rumors but nothing official. She says she's really happy for her.

On if Amy changed the face of women's wrestling, Nora says "absolutely!". She says when she was in WCW, Amy was just coming on the scene and she had heard of her and she wanted to do all these highflying moves. Nora says she was awesome and little did she know she'd soon be working with her. Nora says she shocked the fans, not only because of how beautiful and athletic and daring but she had something about her that made fans not be able to take their eyes off her. Nora says she was new and fresh. She brings up Lita's first divas cover, she says normally it'd be someone like Sable but instead it was Lita who had this unique look that appealed to many people. She then talks about how Lita helped her in many ways by allowing diversity and proving to Vince McMahon that it's not just one type of girl that can draw money to the company. Nora says at that time she was up there as one of the 3 biggest women in wrestling, she says there was a time when she couldn't go out in public without causing chaos.

Nora is then asked if since the last time she was around Amy, did she notice if her interest for the industry had changed since when she first started. Nora says when Amy first came into the WWE and when she first met her, she was the most serious girl she'd ever met in her life. She said she was so serious about everything and wasn't really fun. She said she was great to watch in the ring, but she thought she needed to lighten up a little. Nora then says after she came back from breaking her neck, she was a total different person. Nora said that she herself would always encourage people to go out and see what each city has to offer while on the road, and she says both Lita and Trish took an interest to going and seeing what is out there in the world, and they both wanted to accomplish everything they could in women's wrestling. She says Amy seemed to just enjoy traveling and seeing everything more and tried to have fun doing her job and just enjoyed life.

Nora then sarcastically says she'd love going to work when the storyline revolves around your personal life (referring to the Matt/Edge saga). She says if her personal life was made public in a storyline like that, she would deffinitely be upset. She says she never talked to Amy about how she felt though. So she doesn't know how it actually affected her outlook on the business. They then discuss an interview Lita did on after the saga made headlines and how she bluntly said she feels her job is to entertain the fans and when she leaves the arena, what she does, is her business and she isn't obligated to explain it. Nora also talks about how she hopes women who are getting into the wrestling business don't expect to have a 50 year long career or for it to be their life long job. She encourages women to have many dreams and work to accomplish them. She comments on how Amy might have decided to do the wrestling thing for a few years and then go into music, acting etc..she really doesn't know.


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